1JVMS UR lC E. JUST R Provincial lueruauçe Compa.ny 9)>GL. e -I 'W~G*M), -yearse 1?QK 1îRL m I~ N " UtC Whtby, Marcb 12, 4ëý* N Lj$DYJIcrD : SN Y' 8ub "bea O&à "- $198,080, 14 {Ar) YIiJEOJ~O TO I habitatnts of Broc IDÉNT Iltry tbast they haive or LION. J 0111]3YA11I) CAMEfl0ON lotè,ivdi e~y VJQE-P , DE~NT: buisiness 'viii ho foui 9. 110 -RD,, EgQ. Quality. Ilavinif securcdti h I)IREC TORS. le.Jîsl.CAMEIlON, GEORGE PtinGANI EsQ, fies GettatCaWFOlI> J. (JAMbEIXN M. t. P., I lo.M A.cO.M;CMEItIîANCeUS )Mo]ll:iSoN,lE.52. Il. tO' P.C 1iet EaQ.' J. S. llowAtiO, EsQ. Lrmis MorpAr, Esq.' ED. C. JONES,, Esq. * W. L. PustutîVs, MANAGE R ct SECE 7TA R Y JÂMES8 SYIiNEY 0 *ROCKCER, Esmq ASSIS T. SICIE TAIY J. . WOtII)IIOUSE, Est1. tlNspE'CT1O F AGEPNClES. - G. 13. SP E NC ER, E (j. hiE SSILS. DUG AN & BULN. BANKER. TIB IBANK OF TORONTO. Fire arid Nadie Insurance business transact- ed by this Conipany at its various Agencies, as weUl as at thc Ilecid Oflice, Turonto, at fair andi average rates. JAMÉS :WALLACÉ, Agent, WVhitby, PHRENIX FilE INSURANCE CDft PANY LOMBIARD STREET AND VIIAEIl!GC CO556 LONDtON. ESTÂBLISHED IN 1782 GILLESPIE) MOFFAT. & C(O, Agents for 'Canada. INSITRAINCES against LOSSES by FIRE arc eftected on the most favorable terses, and LUSSES paid ivithout referenco to the Board in London. II. W. WOODWARD, Coin i ssiouicr Merchunit, 117i!by, Agcent, ('otnly (f Ontario. whitby, Aug. J7, 185,9. - .AISCELL.dIE O US. NOTICE. T 1 lIE 811ISCRBIBE R hereby notffies ail indebi - .L d to bise by Book Account, Note, or Mlort- gage, that soîsso par', at ieast, of their respkective debtanust bepraid forthiwîth, t enable hlm to ineet liress,.g desuau.ds.JAE VLA . Red and White Bricks.. Tu HE Subscribers have for sale ait their Yard ' e~d Concession of Whuttl-4y, a large qilan- fity t RED aand WII ,iiTtIC.Xîs, which thoy wilt, sel[ che..e- The White Brick is superior to Toronto niake. BLENKHORN & HALL. W!ilby#, <ktober, i860. DraiTiles. UTESubscrib r isas fior Sale at tlitoTii 4th Con. WViitby, (immediately East, x. Ogetons'i Faim) a quîantity ef Dauts ail lizes, and ti a iodonatchricos. Titi itae beîî pnonounced by conuîetent jisti bu eft Sha very ýe&t qeality. ltr 1,000 Til lav 70 Rot's. 1rice liat i ,riahed anti oralers taken Iby1 11AIAtLT-ON &h Ra.r, IVisitby>. JAMES SMIL Outobor 17, 18601 Wl QI Qi s- o, Q N Q ~il Q ~a.. o d Q <4-I o e o o co ÇeOJ< ce Yard t Mur. TILES, eTilés lges teO iksmili RECEIvTËý E jen la 'Whiskiey, four okli andiuirlida.oi pened a nm, foot*anti Ahoe ëievarIy oppilsite theOlb dvery artiéie le theirliisofe iti of tihe ]est Stylo anti se services of-,e etltcs anies, tiîey at"Q-ropearWd t eecntit i od7 promutly, andI in te test possible manner. SI'RAGUE & PALMER. flrooldin, Dec. 1, 1 59. 1'5 4m Wrappiýng Papes Jî UI ECFIYFD au assortmont et UOM- MON,{.FYBROWN,1 anti MANII LA WsR Xl II N Cti PEM?3,al týises miii be soiti a; i Atthse YANKE~E N0TiON STORE. AT WIIOLESALE PMtCES. BLANK BOOKS 0F EVERY DESCRIPTION. STANDEDARf ND M13OELLANEOU MES1K 0F ALL EtKtJ5. Blank BookfiRùled aind Boumd TO ANY PATTERNI. B 00K B 1IXD 1 MG In ail ils branches, at te VINKEE NOTION STORE. liIllib, June 12, 1860. 13 Pianos. JOSEPH RAINOR. MANUFACTURER et Pianos anti Musical lnétrîtmeîtts, is uew lirelinret toeoxecite aIl orders lîtruste Iobu cn e s lortestmatîce, and in tue bt-st style ot merkntanship. Asiregardis thse sni.eriority et tie Pianos lic has tuuned eut since ho commencet in ls'hitby, ho has onlyý'to state that ho hbas taken tise (mat puises, ut tisa Provincial Exhibitions ut Toiente anti Kiçig- alois, anti but <or being a day tee late le geiting lus Piano cistereti at te Hamilton Exhibition, h. flatte ra slef that theme 1'hai e la Idlthave bon succesatul. The Jedtiga ikhly recemmentiet iL, andthie teilowing gentlemn pront>lttled iLte ho te best aItishe Exhibition, 1Wtu. liranof, Professor ef Music, Newr Yerk, F. 0. Paker Pref. of Music Nom York ; F. Ritter, Prof. of Muaic, Buffalo ; L. lirsois, Prof. cf Music, Chicago. Wh'itl'y Sept. 25, 1860.6-tf COMM1IN S'SION, &-,c. TîIE Sîîbscriiers beg te intrs te Public tat tiîey have cotemeeceti business as COMMISSION & GENERAL AGENTS, anti tisat tlîey have leasedth ie premiaca occupieti byJU.EL hIGELOWV, on Broýkstreet, (opposite te Rcgistry Ofrice), whcro tisey wi lieb prepareti. on anti after te 25th it, te reccive conige- ments; and attend witis preniptus Le eveiy des- cription et Brokerago Commission and Atîctien' FAIRBANKS & MACDONELL. Mosans Whithy, Sept. 1.1, 1860. RE-ERtENCES :.-Z. Burnisan, Esq., Judge ýLIE Cotînty Ontarie; Wm. Laing, Esq.. Whitby; 9t. H. J. Mactionohi , Esq., Mayor et Whiby; J- B. Warren, Esq.,, Manager Octaneo Bank; D. F. ,. Burke, Esq. Osits, -; J. Ilisiap. Esq., Oshawa». »5-tf ci8 Ë. 'E. CAXPBELL UILL ho happy te attend te all SaleetaI V'le-tony ho tavereti it, anti fiompastex- ~ peieno iope tegiveentre atitatan.Sales - attontietiatshortnoticeantireesenahie erins. o hty uut2,10 *1~- t 'o a,- Sdeds,_Seeds. F RESII Imported Fielti anti Garden Sec&i Wrranted Goba at JS lRI' brDug Store. -Wttly Iltis Apnîl, 1860. . 34-t Whitby Bible Deposiitorly. A CIIOICE SELECTIONý of BIBLES anti TESTAMEMTS beautifuilly bounti in Mon- noco andotherwise, apti gromcAp, b avé re- ceeti>' boots atitedtth ie stock efthtie Whitby BruneS, anti may bc seeu b5t auy oet is fietis at tis toneetfMr. J.aux s iite Depogitary. WC respecttuliy soicit special anti premnpt att»n- tUo t tig otc . JAMES T. BYRNE, SeeroItry WVhlLby. lt-ut 18I6ô.. 21-tf TO T1 GJUTR'T FOR SAILE&TOL. Me OTNos;.78l7. f i'tbe.Townlfipof-Whitby _e-t'he former cetaWangOO rs .u.the latter Ioii acre, ituated la the Townships ef Eastand Wçà s Wtby. OnAhe,90 acre- farm there 'are 1 acres of woceds, îan41o'n tlîé othser à acres; the rernainder oôf thé laIBI qn botTa taris l under the Ihighest stâ te e f cutIùvatiQj and there are gond-buildings, ellarage, a heds,i andi out-hoqses en bgt) fue yeung, or- charda and"svteT PrfvikguS!Mt te be aurpaset. Tonus liberal. ÂApply te OntePremises, or tgSB.,1?IRBANKS Haq., Oshawa, , jrW.IL LMÂE, Ëntby, ARTIFICIAL à MANU1iE, FMIMUND iM ecclelaaittî fori, ll Wbezt.- ThM bust ' P alst Çhea'est eriathuUicMarket. Con- tahsîsag lit a concotrted anti yet soluble faim, Pu'qE Norths part misaterer is vmiablelunFaim Yaà rd -Manw*;. I c>ceasion, Guano, BouesNitrate ctSda Ntre-ics piste5~Q. ~c laOheu tian Burin Yard 00115t0U2, X:7- Price $55 ýperton. Prom titres te lime ciL t >.Y sldptforan isacre. ,pnâtop inb&W iof tsrqcae l c siw. ach, To bobat cf' tpttBa -, Dutdas Street. . - * .- mureL~t finE stîliscriber iWAnI.AKiit mOuSEa1 - IL cte t for-s f superior te al ethtisor, idre"4>QSt4al -, ., JAMES B. GERRIE, bpos.Bo j-Sign of lte Red Mosrtcz 18-tf t of Lot Lt 3,2s ,g, and the' Et alfhut'of 4ytc tiiaOn satti in cor4r 'n49 IF-t GA BANNIS IJROCK 'S1'REEI -ïo7das5 -âisUtcabovo departmeni _quepmine .~d f~ebs- induýcenionts te ucac' cl IiLh any of theestablishmtsin which arC, iuv&iiably atte4tt DL? MedicleStilspensed atn quirei, anti on sunday, between- vices. T FE AdvetWsr-,,iavt'ngt1E 1Iîealth ini a fe wweeks by remedy, ftor hisgssve uffre&itsi a bvero lîîiîg îio7on, andet41 (',nstîsiptlee-ig ,tisXiOtS te Iniil full ow-suflýrrre:. 1te nacus et cmi To aIl ibo tiesire i, ho miii seý prescription used (tree ovfcharge,ý ions for prearing aud usieg- t they miii finti a aSURECU E f AsTuAIÂ, Bnoxcm1lsî &c. Thec ativertiser le senting.tise Prescr efit Lise afilietesi, anti spreat ii hoe conecives te be invaluabie, an sufelerr ili try bis retnedy, as1 notiig, ant imay prove a blesai Pairties wishieg thse prescrip addsrosa 11V.iUW.&A 5> A Marth s26) Kings Coi 1861. gM EDICA] NO le, KJNG 59 TO0RO0 i HIJGH lKiLLER CHEMI8TrS ANODF ili'OltTEttS"i) IS DALI English Cheiils, Pater OILS, AINTSBRFSHS, A. N. B. Pisysielans' Presonipti' Recîpos cacf'uliy prepared. . ADVERTISEME ceteplaînt use- LIEF an I-BI. MO0T T'S CIIALEYBEATE [IF'RSTORATIVEPLIo-O1 'FS, O LS Ail aperictt d Sîcînsehittpreprtien cfIRON Puri- W. lied of eOx i ydtlre halictioite i t6it&,I Europe a e e t d*,Lý iftibedin thetr éTER, The ex nc tIAi,ý*t'. il v at no pT*éi T, ~ ~ b arfib.ipriltesco of the sickly complexions indi 0 a eceuseîy tn afinent every r4 gidlstock co' ccîra le - , InnoAiOUs in ail maladie lit ,whic ila bhch las bec,. tried i ii,... peved nbsoluteiy ecmnative lincar-b ta, ail of wh cf otue following compiaiets, vîi; j. ty~.J~pying litDebility, Nervousa Affectio t ié~ teiliî n, -L*yp-ý I1 b ite aia, Constipation, Utarrhoea,, lily ntubu 1 cà iffer sunîption, Nrofulous 'TubcitUtS4 tIi heim- Mii- -- menstruation, Whitea, Olornaislilver Conîptaillis. ally fa '.ntm or 0able Chroaso i5cadac<hçs a t.umià UlriintrentîFevers, a Toronto. Es- Pimpleau the JPaéeê {tr- lnipounding In case ofgcneraî , wclht4de reslit of seute LBSoflIPTIdisesse or ofîike çntie inettuo ~isansdisa - cntarenergyiVbM~chr--- liis isenioutrs pepopJlý letrative hua proved secesiful Io ail calent which nu de- crpinsl nor written attestaktionl would tender credibil. riiht irben r. tivilidssGong hed-risdcn as t6 have become forgotten the cittrch 8cr-, int hel <ave .igitboijeqb&1tv Ã511deaiy re-appeared Inthe husy 1tl s f ir ettricd freon prètrocted k41,É,oc Si trn.et in a distant lant. Sme -rysg,îl ,nsancenuf g1OC llte kind are attested uflcnà ale Sýufferiq' mmnieiî vir- 40. ites "fappr imarasmes. utoîcseipieri ill.i hanga, ad iblas coaplicatlunotibttv(ius- sd dye- peptie aversions tuait and cacreise fur whicb îhr piyi- !~ ~ rdaitbas no nomne. Y .IJ-. tn NervU$Aflect*i f.allkinda9dis-raoîsfii liar tomeic .1tjnbeopelitiun of1(.hili ýre 'ralidst of «en restored to iron mu« id niesarily-,beusînîaûry,1 lr, Wel the ai ra very simple o dsi sfâ6bsytiiwiioveil gextig.ad çt s It th nuNt obstiinte casres of cotivenent-, withont ever heing a ce known te is lisi Eirr tt, a eaei'*i sreainrkasbly tTec ssR ,nd ac p y oetht.e fie actsi il, îy imiperiîghc locliensicney which i «n >thsinethic- h In Di e nmerable as&are ils cause , te he COsn PIe, wbib bof thune Chalyheate Pilla ha. oflenit titiVtnt for the r1esMrts menrt habituai ca'te, inciudiîîg tht attendenît Costivencsi, mly ob~ject of the lis uncbecked Diarrinea, even when advanced to Dy. ription la te ben- 5cm. rv coîilirnee cns.-ialitîg. saidapparently îaalipit,, rcrmatiM wiricitthe eff'rci' have btcuî cquaiiy tiecif5ive and atîihîg d ho hOes every 'It tic lcal pains, Ilas, cf dciiiand ,trctgtb. act.iliiaîing it Wmli cest theul -ah. it ni--msiiteîitietic. wielîgencraiiy indîcats Ineupient CotiisumiXtîî, titis rcînedy bn4as aîd ihe- iug, sarnt fricîtîls ad piysiesaits, ini ae erai very gratitying ,Lion will IP1zase ant i ltercatng Intstanîces. lu itcrtiltins Tttboettoisii iei ncietd non hua L.WILSON, lhait fal'nore suais t4Qe gooli elfect oftte tsii aîiîiy. Wfilliamaburg, balance<d re iiOUil ditie, wfitut auyof ttleir Wcti' aisty, New York. ktown iiitttte. The attet feéiaes cant ie ticIo conifdeetly itîvi e2. ted it iiremcdy anseiuritive, îii«tliîCacaespecuiîsrly aff.cning th ,n.. - le Rhe mèa . >hrnîitaniniiamîaîry-intise latter, iîower, trio ldedldy-7î baS bttit itivatità L HA LL wei rrport 4)~oh 4aleriatrl gPaui"à atdtuciugté TREBT EAST, InI nîemmiicttt Firvera il muai ncecsutrly lie a grent rcinedy and eîtcrgce~c rstorative, ands tsprogres itth Ie ýN T O0 new seitiemeris ofthé Watts. mlli prubaiy lite elte cf hlgh reisowe and usefuinesîe. No remttly haîseu-cheendiscovcred, ie tice s'hcehlis- & C04 tory #il medicine, w'tîch exenis such prompt, happy. sud fiyresturative etfeots. Sç> xtige, cempicee digeq. :tUGciGISS- , %ea, rapid arqtiiii =ofir4Nngsltwiiaisunsuai diapo- IN sitica turractieanti eiienrfl èxeMiels, k isalsciy foi. lit Ngedicines, Putu.i n tent Liainciai boztScoeiaining St) Pilla. price 50 cents Peti o; for sae 1r Druzggisto ainddeai- Ety.crs. Xiili e setut fre luany adi rems un receipi of te 1iNISUE3. DYE prîce. Ail iciters, erders. ct., lhouitib. audrettsed Io [oùs axild Fa uliiy R. B. LOCKE & Co., General Agents, 14. 3 39 BROADWAY, x. iT. INSTANT RE- id PERMANENT- . . -- -' - %li vuWrtr#À Made by C. B. SEYMOUR, &Ceo 107 NASSAU STREET, e.-Y. ïPries;$ o bx sent froc -by post. ~ F011 SALE 4t .ALL IDRUGGIST6.ý TO CONSLTMPTIVES-- The subsçciibçr, fou seierai yeaus a ussideut'ot Asia, diseoorered wiTale terea sinapis egttbWuI remcty-u sure Cure for Coanptima, .asthmisa1 porits lînefl o!- Oýcu ilv~pte, atnkA.Pov Ssfrrcil~wl g teiiiake te *ure pùblÃŽc. To tisose irba deÈtî itL,hiçwMiiisendthtie Pies- esiption,, witb full"is sytl Q(fi -sf!crge); aise, a smmykieoetthobeîiaec, isich,-tiey wil int a besutifl-cmbiUatn, ot NatcW9,. simple1 hierba, - These teslrug4iesu ycs ban iL by rotera mail, by Asldressing - J. E. OUTTTBBRTiý No 429 i3uoattiwa*v;Mcm Ue THE GREAT ENGLHREEY Celebrated Female' I?11k. P"swaefreoa 4Preer4ion eOf SirJ. <'iarke, Titis invaluab l4 ii =çne ' pfJIn, isthe cure et ail ho'sejuiuM ifualdwtiaiéeios iseaees towsioh-the fimau!i ,6Ãoittità tion ÃŽla subjeot. IL modorates ah excesa andtiretieves il obstruc- tions1 -and a apesdy-tiuue-umy-ho isiieti on.- -T& &RUDL IE4liéfey suitet Bachi frttle&,Vpulse OneD U et, efflar te Gar- crament Stanip of-Great - tai tb'lpmçvent couin- In . 84 scs ff Jiersieusai94 Spinal-A frévf ions pain 1iisLle ack au«ljiiiibsg is tigue en Balilt ýShtîti 'bits tisis ll wll fle ct a cure misen au otersi ws, do siot'oissui irhcalomel tl<un. ...ulldiections ine the- pamphlet areunt ecd The ouiy reall r abe reneyf~ COUGHS CLS, THICK and BROKEN *o YëÈ1w *atèi,1 8ios É Jeie As aCondition Medicine it bas NýO EQUÂL, as aIVitho bave used it testil'y; it bas restored to PERFECT SOUNDNESS, tiionsands of Herses snpposed to bc brokeuxlown and ahnost Worth- less) ail traces of disease having been consplete- ly reinoved, and hiave aftewards- ksn sod for. fram $50 te $ 100, more4n thntey, old , bave previousiy brougbkt5ý_Mây.*ho 4 d i crsnea use it, by which thd&Vondition and appearance of their IIorse ,r enuh improyed that they- Il mow a yM d a iger prWc4. It iseasyý to gve, ~t CM #E ;nd e, 3~t ai1 timQas and 1n"i ail e &ndd$s otpre;enttthe Iorse frens being workedwlble -uissg..W hmay4ike- Wise be given te 1Ozo»Imï Do eût fail te igurclîase a Package, that,;ren matlW ba-ve It 6st bandd easef eerescy. 18-ni.93ý Maîden Lane, 1N. Y. NEW RAMi. L;UFFALO MEDICÇALj DISPENSARY Establishtsd fer the cure of I>_YSPEPSIA OeRNERAL .DERILITY, FEVElI AND AGUE, SOROFULÀà ,OÙLDUZLOB EftSI2.~L1~, *RET MPURITY dOD-SA1RVtIUeMPIM- PLES, FISTULA, PILES, LIVEIL COMPLAINTS,DEBILITY &c., ULCER-ATED THROAT, ASTIIMA, INQIPIENT GiSJMJ4 ON' INFIRMAI ïiYO 'TNotLÃ40 &Ç., NO MERCUUY USIED. DR. ALMOS 4'SON, AState who*6 i s ér fib ý aCl Of t50~ n ts se AgentsWanted. Fffly Dollars a Mentit andi all expeuses AN actic Agent is wanet n eerey County"ý An ltlie Uniited States anti Canadas, te solicit irderus trdu*ýurýNia4aionui Double. ri**È. soming chi4 ýffjrrantedequal loi"y hiprcet iÛîe; ÊMctioal tor ever>' r, ,w p isae . t nim p ri4ine lu . linitetnuni- resp~bssiisie Ànte totetramet tint soiscit entiers b>' samplo, aI a salai>' et $50 per menth anti expenses. Business permnent* #drgso, mIlsi atip, fôr conditions anti insîruc- -' - - . J. W. -HARRIS & Ce Suoe and Leafter Excltan.ge, 49 - ,- ,.BçQà lon, Mus. Til NMW YQRKI TRIBUNE, F FOR î &6110 73rO lktbXby l18-6ms 'x R Y$ rai iind scientiflo ýcjýle' ractaaed b y 4,-ï( i A 1Y OF THESE BOOILS will týbfor- OU oýn receipt ot'priç b1r JOftN B. POeTC Pub- EverïPîanIst5 fO ~'Agents warnteidç~1u~u o~~ tfy îù numbran imrnounçe The Horse and hie lsùa B' diestreP oùzWétô b B~ 6B~T ~N1'- s Ma 1 ES' -T)OýS Ytt tRi KDI- Eg L-O"' Professorof Patholpgy arid. Qperative Surgery in thessI~Ytrn Moleef ldielhi, pat ime7W 10oEulT late AGbf rîral oedie Oi they, C1 i-yaJý$2 m ne5j42 Seqrçtary cf ,,the Asserican Erubsci4be to 'Ouisr UO>4 pxiesla4, rc 'ýeterinary Association itfi sntÉe uê*eet 2ie*d"eaier, aut youw] of Philadelphoa, &c. . e Miié ho«gh fw your "tr fmHai 1 WIL[J TWIý'YOI f tieOrg 0 iseyy a ,distinctive trit-the ;Vs'.oîs lmrveda cfEu- witb the p4scLfrttosanti peculiarities erthtie ani n, l Jîpto esosirtain bis ale by thôenuhè api 4à iutessetfils teeIJs, &us- tratcd *ith pj"usarbs." - ntbt I avl3 W1LTi¶L ETIDiU ohBrSedlntt, BrcAk.îg, Sta- bling Feedieg, Groeiiti, Shoeia'g, anti tthe gjenerai insgemeent cf the. herse,'witis the best -modes of admisvmtering seedicine, aiae, hom te treat BititilKfékisig, Reuss-ig,'Shyhtg, Stpmbing, Crib Biting, Restiesonese, ai d - ci vices te misict is asubjecti mitis iuanruEjit cxplanatory engraviege. THE HORSE7-AIYD HISDISEASE er t6s tute, 'otfln dornet,1 aroM ,À4C5>f4pD c. .,sisitcribe the" -SJann 1-aeeotrgol Ail theiack ibers at 10 ctsy a. si an constaituy on hmid. 0f:>-Agi ai l 6%ed fov ike soif ki 1?iUtQS POT US5. T HF.l XX-îi VOLUME of the, WuEEKLY -mTPssusx commence itih the iissue of Seopt, lot.-- »uaingthef-past eartbe Tribune lias coen -obligëd tWderote 4ssite a litg1roportion to forego Political diseussionîs aimost entirel, for montha if flot for years, anti devote neariy ail îîlù't oouïÎns to subjeets et bass intense, but n.ore ibi4tl~taîat.Among these, me meanu topsy 1. En>Uo.wrîea.-The irbele sebjeet of Educn- tion, bathPopuià r Ape Goa.nqrwill bediscusseti n our columits througiîout the yeair 1861, anti ire hope tel cit in tisat discussion tome et the profountiest tisinkers andtihie ahicat instructors int our countay. IL is nut onceo otr hope, anti oui resolve t te cause et Educatioe shalh receiTe an impettis ftith ie excitions et the Tribune iu its lichait turing tise yeaî 1861. Il. AouICuj.TVRs-We hare been comrpciicd te re8trict our. isîncitiatious et thuis greuit interest threugbout 1860, and sball enticavour te atone therefoein 1861. ý,VIsuatèver tiseovery, dedue- Liondemes!rsion l iculated te rentier thse reward et hibour devotedtu t cuitivatien more ample or ms eçctain, shalh reroi;vc prompt anti t~i,5~- l~.~auievery in- vention&cWienlrr ee~îy~urcCapital andt Là Luîir rare attractetiT-o tntil adventageoiisiy employetiin anydtepartmentoet Manîufactnring or Mcaail~iJsiprs a eai cotîtribtutien te the Pubic'>messi, inauieg ampler, stesîdier, more cqwiveniettt, more rensunerating markets te te Fainier, withîclior cmusioy-muentand belLer wages te teé Laboecr. The progress cf 51ining, Iron mùaking tenang Ciots weaving, hc., Ar-, is otîr country anti the menti, shall be watclied anti reportieti by ns with_.jeearnest anti active sympathyl IV. FeaRtEic Arvatas,-We employ the besl cerrespondents in Lontion, Paris, Turin, Berlin anti other Eu!opean Capitula, tu transmit uà eaniy anti accurate atices efthie great ohanget there siieutly but certainty preparing. Is spits of tise pressure et domestic potitics, oui news tron: ced anti ample, but wi a rteot turing thi V., »loy regular pais à rreënden"îîîý&lif at4the Isthmes e O~##itbs ~ c-» GoitiRegion,ai wlsetve eulsite. Freni th mum affl' i l' tir airecou ntry, w tIil roni the multifa ocratsi Poi sianaI letton eof iii euntu print the cheul ès 1 - $ee M-, vitî thte tulicat anf '«.,ýsefùI intelligenet itê.jianhm lordeif ,ioping te "lmas à ll dAýsacpsic floe lait,» 9ndiprint abettx à nd betteérpa vfr n' êa t4r ar, as oui mear are stsadiy - gi ue generaus o ô bers, me solici t mrveseacentiniuiiscei public ravoer. ~W~1~auesper anauns) $6 -03O LU13$3 Seml-Weekly.-TWO cieb 'r$5 à v $11 25, ten copies tu one addÎâs II* $i, at any larger number at the latter rate. 'Fora cli ot tweisty an extis "opy -"I ii li seL. zFor club et fortywie sendtihelu Daiy Tribune gin- ane year. »eekl3.-Thrce copies fer i$i ciglit copies f $Io, aud any largernumber at the rate-of $1 eacbw',à unui, *tsej apcî te be atitresseti eachz . vsoniibçr,.Tu--, ýubs; f eton me senti i extra <Iepy. Tw-enty. cjics toe one atidreassfor $20, mi ~one exutrde 1mm'wio sella ts ttçub. F 8 ýeà cl 9"ub -ofet un dred"XheDatly T$bune w -be sent gm~tis foone~y~ 'Wjhcu drafts can ýbe -secured t is lmuuch s ai bhart>resll bbkbll& .Thse nane oethLie P( eflie ani $t~e houiti in ý4'aUcst hgs-Pl~1~ TZD-aymestSalwayalugadace. TI RTRIBtS,., - i&4.XLamau-strcef NYork'. >ýNew ,Y«~k, Marech12,-1861.48 -ANDBki-nigEV1WS L. SC OTT & GO NEW YORK, continue tuoPl lisT tise tolowrng lIeÀadmg Brttish Porto cals, vlz:- ;TH E- LJPE - THE PA OUR LORD ANO - >- C'" E lHRIST: , fuclt Lhtia meras n$t* T HE LIFE 0F JESUS CHIiST tg 1thesPiIsiies ' -te re*l -i1j:fon.s ttexisibits Uice Prinoiples .'or'obisinity is thieli milS>' andi betty. It - is perfect.exell' if 5bel Min&ts plai cf man iAsyggisp a4~ndranged istte tx ~aipssj çae ci edýmes ýeiveP ' Tilsa Iii it oLà tei iai etýCohedeslécsptaos. 'Di. FIe4- meut l-ià - ireot- bas arangeti- thesain one harîucniots-, fiýoïire]4 ~ q t5t~t~~38na4 Paie., .' ¶sfr ~P-,VJ s' i... '-'j-, -ai. tise hi ibich sta feet - ~ J. - - 4 - - j % ýi Sa - - mmýý anti tretment of Stiaügca dore Thioa t, Dis- teleper, Cataib, luSqa- Brouchitis, Pneu- Chls rs é » ieiCeùgh, TB ~e ér i Roaing.aat) Whi*lhg; Lasupas,.9Soie 3Mentis isig9tie* andi Ucr,&dDcyd1etit other,,6&,SCI.LOI, diseases oet Uic Moulu and, Respiratory cîgaus. amsea sbw dbh eey ,HE_,4IORS9 AND BIS DJSEASES qatre iç(caty WI..L TELL.YU efthLe causes, symptotes,- Under the,ýsupiosor tbieP"Çvarjqotitutipa, andi treatuTnt o! Worms, os oleltsts-e er i'te isred Ilsbusad AsMesbave learucd ,Cýtie, t leCncretions,, Rupturett, Falsy. te appvecià tcý-1J7- IautiAÃS; Wowks cý f ïita cn Dfarrboea, J4tind* H. epatirh ken,--BIlodty ,tbeir iale ighirISeapss* *,srtbles, L4ie, StDhisaiiite 1idveys anti Bifdlèr n- tisegr=sIbst a s déri1v u eosa .1b flamation, antidsher' diseuses of tise Stomacis, eýi1ber- BQJeleh, Jver,.aad Urnus' rgaus.*te I - unpaaeled mii IIat5 of; aý*ypree'lv eus ,. '~I~RO~S ~D uSDIEAES Ttas or YJ~-~ypei-sau a WILL TELL YOU ef thse causes, symptomat, Isecoe esi ssi bI éklbitg3 50, x wbi.h tid tré4itment cf Boise, Blooti, Aud Bog, Spa- suMit t1se liretere vie, Ring.Jione, Sweeii, Etiains, Broken- Jst.7-.The-lasgemsdimuperb te.~eagfvï Knees, Winti Gallso Foueder, Soie Bruise, and 20x,28 inci eetîted, aTistal2 Mustliag-, bii Gravel, Ciackcd Hotr, Scratches, Canker, ReerÙits-7 Thuus-, Anti Cerns; aie, orSleenms, Verntige, 2sL-One-m>pyo» ytar, cf ibat eëlgmt Il- Epilepay, Stâggers, and ti air disemmes cf tiese trtteduasg»zine,- ".The C"s.#pcIia art Feef, Legs andi Heati.Juma, THE HORSE ANDY MIS DISEASES ;;"ei <.'~tig,58Nà da'N WILL TELL -YP thie- causes, symptenis, Y," andt tiatutent of Fistela, 11'lBiUJues, lit atislÊicle i ae. inél, ,Ml Fsîcy, Scarlet Pt-rer, Mange, Suiféit, Locleeti beeIvoste, tis ser lb as mtuftouu, pie- Janv, Rhenmatim, Gramp, Gals Disesof iume, eslire i H umsre Csathtss 01~o 'te £ye, anti seait, à ;e., & c., and hâm te issu- M-rt 1 emprisiisg valca Ns p.iu#aup, suies, age.Castrationi, Bleeaing, Trepbinuissgi-Rswel- p-u1pthss efiuigaluymhca ing, Firing, Hennin, Amputation, Tappitig, and benefit; otiser surgicai ejeratiens. Ts u:-7aarwhcr-eyusel ÂOÉË A-r) 1, «< 1rci mi irecel-te. entitl4"TÂL:ÂW M, ve.we Ifl fORI1AN BS bISEASE msByeavi¶g, boà i e! Ie<'ioâ be*ifùl 4a WILL TÊLL'YOre'of Raiery's Methoti of tain-, popsTa.ae« rag tuenmd im bbsu try. h sg,,Hanses; hem ,to e sutsinaý- lsnus 1.0lls dopé n gmtee, la filic sdmm p4,a stange sountia anti sigistai-anti hem te Bit, printesioos benay pIà t. papés, 30 k 38là "kues, Sutitle, Ride, anti Breèakhimnl Harness: aise makin- wuidéisuuiuMlal*.tu th<o f ra aId ý> et. Waruaety. UThe irbolet mails cf .ith«sithe h wy,,pbwr ..E .its 1i t k usultýof mort than fiftseeýers oûre- isubject the s ebrateçst s ,.FofrJcIss Bal- - atu ~dy et the liabits, peculiarities, manIa andi taf i îmg, a!à ulsUo hahowtsffioe.ls weakuesses oet tis snoble anti useful animal. recrut icb 8aa ea cet~dfI~ -TIhebock- couties 2,84 pages, appropriat*sly geti r. ment.» Ih oec'ý-m bolim *Witb iliuïstrà t4dby neariy Ono , Hendueti Enguuiaga. tratis or les tIsan- live doufa"w It Wla pShtIn a dei and Qep( ype, and-tif'1 T - M..4riTondlis, tS, 'efl kuae t ae â be- ýfermiîted ti t nyares, ipostage paît, ou isole eomntry' té neeti èominsâa. h tas: reoeipt ol price, Ifbal i ,$1.001 ot- lu eLôta, magigany.miUstralsdm&gameof Aitývso- extra, $I.25~taieing Essaya, Steries, P oaomeç111 - the very beat wrlters in Ameusca. The Engrarsug la sent. to any part of tfii The Faminu1 Dootor r cyindit-ostge uepId .r . fl n A COUNSELLYR I'N SICKNE$S tbc tosribe» ftoelved ÙtÃŽuththeEVetI- -- , ~ 8.. g of ettbê slt of iauuari 1861e, ut mè ici ie tibâ boosw oe* lse &uuathçpremiuma cglyen TAYLOIrS IFÂ1lty DoCTOXI bas rouebet t un oIe e, norinees pie, and wbsuever kl.n, is uni- Be fr lLé;'Part1léna 5etifrao'f4e ~resuly apuoedbetyth é ~efitèulty a4ean&iluy IIIated Ifst JcwssaI5 picasUbQ1à ethets.'-3n plain iaiiguagefree'rrmmedical thehonndsomeswwg~az«iAeriia<a,-Iteoutaina tteebicaitieo, it gi-fes iyou simsple retued. sCaté ogueo retiumin u uero'ni mupeib t flo~t~ied, for thse, ure cf Dicaselu:a ffalsga. 'Regilarl ulct, 50 ec.tsa y4w hai- fOrzs, ifithi mpôrtsst rules for pueser gLie- 3ien P o~I1~~p ShoirT, iI»I;esnt -'te iseits ad~d~ecUnsfii tseuik satb, & t i kh insg te subsenibleion, reeelpt cf 18 tC andi rer~l,trêneetet ftise sick Tise oeus, iii stamsu or cohil ut~as t- of thec , LsDigessotu- Adss, Y hocd, a à sf the Disffles pecutiar to Womën, . C, L DERBY,, p&tuiii7 (C. e.ý - re itiitreatetbiffà clear anti pratticTl*wy. 546 'BYoSWlY New-York. Alay AI bad un-eudy te srsyutiie N.'B.ff40beiptqiei eei*ÃduIIilorwazded muoh sÃŽtùffeutn#anti manytimes tisa cet cf tceb tn frolume. Itlas-prùintei ua- ýcleWraniee h 5u typerandfllustuatetWith apprepias ng0au laoe W»a1vbeud a loU. ric. Lo. o. in.. -_ - i i r- O - - CU" Of 1 1 A