Pa~liahed eveil Thuxadmy mornlng. OUR QUE - VOL MeI IiTHE WHITBY,. ,WATCiiMAN,"l THURSDAY UMORNING. BY THE WErUTBYP1UNTING COMPANY, At their- Office on' COLBORNE-T., WRITBY The ternis of Subscription are $1.03 a v ar. pay*le strlctly lu advance; at the end of thrèe- mûonth 1I.5, at ix months 1.A), ated at the end of the year $1.75. RATES OS ADVERTXsING: Ten ines or under, fitst insertion. $0.75 " Il each subsequent insertion.....0.20 Above tUn ifhes, first insertion (per line). .. .-0.08 ci eicli subscquent insertion...0.02 A liberal discount will bc macle to parties who advertise by. the year. No a.dvetlsement will be discontinued with- out a written order ta that effect. No paper wil bc discoethiued nutil ail arrear- saoes are p&4d up, unloss at the option of the pubjishers. JOB3 PJINTJNG 0P every description clone et the 'WATenuKÂN Opris'xo. Iavîug obtaîned a large and varied supply of Job Type and other material, t-e proprietors aeo satisfled that they can give botter satisfactiou, bath as to prices ted quality of the work clonc, than cau bc obtained-<n any otbe- local office. *POSTERSa, I3ILL RE15.0, CARDS, CIRCtTLAR5 BtlaSES, BOOKS, PÂsn'nLsrs, Ac., &c., printed to order. Printing neatly executed on new Type in Gold and Silver Colours at the WÂTCU.MAll Orrice, Coborne-street, Whitby, C. W. August 25, 1859.1 Impiortant to Subeoribers. LAW RESPECTINO NEWSPAPRRS. D3t*If Subsuribera negliert or refuse ta takie froin the office tu whidi they are di- rected, thiiytire held responsible tilI they have settledtlheirbillta, and ordercd their papers ta, be discontinuied. Subecribers who do not give express notice ta lhe contrary,,are eonsidcrcd as wiishing ta con- tinue tlîeir subscriptions If iisbscribcr.î order the discontinuance of thse piperm, thse publisher may coritinuc ta send thons 20tl ail arrea rages are liaid. If Sibscribers move to o'her places withaut Informnîng thse publîsher, and hiq paper is sent to thse former direction,iliey are hold respansibIe. U- Thse above, rules .wHl ho strictly observed 0 FEF I.C I A L B. ZACUIEUS BRHM JUDGE of the County and Surrogate Courts. Office st thse Court Houte.1 JOHN IIALL TIoMi'SON;, \, RDPX. ESIDENCE CANN -NELSON e. REYNOLDS, %HEIFF. Irj OFFICE-At thse Court JOHIN HAM PERRY, -1') GISTR.AIt OFFICÉ-on Brock Str.eet J) Whtby. ___ H. J. MIACDONELL, (M.1EK o0, TIIE PEACE. Office etthle Co) Jurt flouse JtOHN V. HAMl C(ILERIK oflthe Connty Court, and Registra r ut Vthc Surroga te Court. Oirice - at the Itegistry ffire, iruck Street.______ W. PAXTO.Ný, Jît., T RE A S ri OFFICE-At Uic Cçyurtt H. J. MAODO'iNELL, OLTCTORandCterk ofthse Caunty Council. 8Ofilc-at thseCourt Hlouse.i W. IL. TRIIMAYNE, COUNTY CROWN ATTORNEY. Office,- Arnall's Brick Stlock, second fluor. JOHN S5I1ER, U 1OUNTY ENQINHER, OFFICE-At the Court buse.1 L. FAIRBAN1ýKS, (ILER First Division Court. Office-at the Court flouse.1 LEVI FAIRBANKS, JR., BAILIFF First Division Court. rAddress- Wisitby P. O. ~WILLIAM E. YARNC'#D. 1PUIOVINCIAL Land. Surs-ey r, Draftsmau andi Ioad Su-reor for thet îunty af Outa- glo, 0a ppcintme;t.-I Prince Albert, 17t4, Februari 1860. 27. ALEX. AMR , 4 CHIIEF OONSTABLIN, Towa of Wiitby, .1jCouuty Constable, (C.-0. I<iRt C. MANKO(WI (frOWN AND COUXTY CIIN.T".êB .. dena- - Brock-3l.treet, Wttly Roui-I L .CLOZSON, M.. D, ItAUAT ofJegruon e Ce'Ollege. P'bysiei&ns sud Surgeon%, C &4,. Rsidsnce,ý 01à aies Creek, PiclOinug. April, 1861.EZ -1 'IR.LJ. GU>T-N BYRON SZRffl WHIT- -BY.eW .t S, H. COCHRANE, LU. BU-Du. 4as Bt-cet, Whtby7. Nov. l§6O. i-5 J. IRAMER QRINW oO». ~-TTOItiiY-.AT-LÂWSlelraOase- -. 3AIRTE &ATTORNBY AT, LÂW,So-I liieCu(Ihanceq'y, ,e. W4k,(~ Otiee-.over the- stores f,,e<,'e, a aailLon 41 -GEQ. COIMACK. TUMBER IE ROIAÂNT, arentrtsad Ji [IGeei-Ùtf rshiWtý. "£,large quatityo, -'2-tf GE. 40tRMAO WHITBY, O. W., TK MATRESON & FiZGERALD, BARRISTERS, ATTORNTES-AT-LAW Solicoitors in Chancery, Notarles Publie, Oficefflorner of King & Torosto'Streets, o-et- ¾i-bttemore & Ge.'s Bankiuk Office, Toronto. ~1Agencys partiuularly attended to. ALEX. PRINGLE, M EROHANT TAYLOR, and Dealer in Ma- .sonic Clothing, n-et door to Wallace Block Brooék Street, Whitby, C. W.1 HUGU FMITÉ, M USICAL INSTRUCTOR, on thse Orgsn, Me- lodion, Piano, and all kiucls of stringod in- strments.. GEORGEYULE;Jus., 1QNTREAL TIUERIAPJR Cotnpauy's Of- IVfice, and Witbykà Georian Bay Telegrapis ffidce, Dundas Street. MESSRS. MOWAT& MACLELAN C1 RANCERY AND LAW OFFICE, No. 3, Fit-s UFloor, à fasonic Buildings, Toronto. Whitby, Aug. 23, 1859. 1- JOHN AGNEW, I N5VRLAlCE AGENST, 0pposite thse Bank of lion treal, Byron Streot, Whitby. 4-ly WILLIAM THOMPSON, S ADDLE, Haines;, CoUlar, and~ Trunk Maker, OSige of the large Collar, Brock Street. JIMSBoULTO, Bariitt, Attorney-at-Law, and Solicitor In tJnaucery, Churcis Street, next door 90 the old Court House, Toronto. 14-3ms MR. DARNLEY F. STEVENS, ATTOtNEY-AT-LAW, Soli citor in ChIance AandNury Public, York Chambers, Toron Toronto, April 16, 1860. 35 .mJOS W. CROS,, A RCHIITECT, CIVIL ENGINRER, AND EstateAgcoit, Whitby. 14 G 1H. DARTNELL, Barrister; SolieItor, and Conreyancer, ttepvty B Registrar, and Master in Chancery fi-: c- County of Ontario, Brock Street, Whitb-. IL iy JOHN D.ÀLE Q addler and Ilarnebb iaker, Front Street k j rooklin. Noveniber,29 19 J. R. P1>ILP, S' addle, Ilarness, aud Trunk Maker, Dundas &.street, Whitb>-. Novornber29 1859. I-y WILLIAM PRESS, I P-Y4K!ER, Pickering, 4th Con. 'Lot No. 18. - 8-1)- W. lu. SKENE, MILLWRIGIT and Mechania Draftsnsan. P hysician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, Medical Adviser oI thse Scott.isi Provincial Assur- ance Compauý. ,Residence, Prince Albert. 4-ly joHli EYS, Darrister, Solicito7i.nCtancery, &c. Cisurcis BDSreet, Toronto. . 4-ly W. H. TREMAYNE, BAttRISTER and County Crown Attorney. BOffice-lu At-nell's Brick Bock-Second Floor. 4. W. 1-1. BILLINOS, IAW, Chancery, and Coirveyanciug Office. L Office-Brock Street, one door North aI the Regristry Office. August 13 1851). 2-tf H. W: WOODWARD, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, IN Psxirance and General Droker, Dundas-street Whitby, C. W. iE!- Oasis Advances macle on Produce aI overy description. 2-tf. THIOMAS MYES, L ICENSED AUCTIONEER, -& Veterinary _ Surgeon. Auction Sales in overy Township in the County will receive prompt attention.- Address, when by post, Witby. 4-lyr. JOHN McGILL, AUCTIONEER. AIlUtors lu i his lineofa Abusiness entrnstod ta Mr. George MecGilI, or left at tise T-atrhman Office, Whitby, will ho at- tended ta; also information regarding thse tenu af thse A uctioneer, &c. v 0 ttr5?. THE HAND UPON THE L4TCH.- .A YOUNG WLFE'5 SONG. My> cottage home is fillou with ligist Tise long, long sumamer day,- But, ahif I durter love thse night And bail tsesinkùsg t-ay, For es-e restores une one whose smile Dots more'than mot-ning's mach- And life afresh seems dawning while Ris isaed is on the latch 1 When asitumn fields are tisici v1ith aheaves Andi shadows earlier.fall, And grapes grow purpie 'neatis the eaves Along our treîiis'd wal- I dreaming sit-tse sleepy bird Faint twittet-ing in tise tisalcis To wake ta joy wiseu soft isieard Ris liaud upon.the lateis I In tise short winter siternoon I throw uny wark aside, And through tise lattice, whiile tise moon Shines mistily andwide, Ou tise dis uplanci ptiss I peer Iu vain bis fat-t t catch- h startle witis deligist, sud isear His baud upon tise latchi, Yes; 1lambis in storm and sie; For me ho toilsalal day; And bis true heurt I know lu mine, Bath near me sud away. And wben ise lest-es aur gardon gate At morri, bis stops I watci- Thon patiently iii ove await lisbaud upon tise Iatcis. THE mIors REvENGE. A TURILLING TAtr- It was townrds xigl-.î on ie twenîyrfifth, day aI Soptetabor, ei;isteuneý hudreti anti thirty-four, Isat ;tsmili Englisis min of ivax brg, which haci been flti oui for tise sup- pression of cm tigging ,ws lziy reeig along'-over tise hcavy monetonous cwelils, luisi Off tie Ceast of Gkiwvay on the Irishs col- aisd,,ou herdweçk waà , bing enace.a Soenfi beforo, seh ad captured a mmail boat iacleî viîis conîraband articles, tagethet- witis an aid mait ansd bis son, who iad tise cli9le of il ; sud the captain f the brig, tvhase usante wa Dr..cuti, lad ordered usai thse aid smugr- gier shoulci ho put iin irons. To this indignity, theoaid mariide atout reshstance, anit in the hoat of tho mamenti he hait sa fat- fargotten Iinseif as 10 sirike the captain a biow which laid hies upen the dock. Such an insulit oaa British off4cer was peut endurance, andi in punisisment for bis offence the old mari had been coudetened ta die. A single whip was rus-e aet<he starboard fore-yard at-n, andi ail bauds %wero calied la wittuoss tise exoculion. Thse rope was noosed sud sli-ppeti over the culprit'c heaci, and tei t-unning end w'as rave throagis a emali sn atch block on tise dock. Until tbis moment, not a word had ecape thtie lips of the boy. He trembleci as ho beiseld thse awful preparatians, anti as tise nooffe was passod sud drawri îight,i <ho calot- for6ook his cheek8, aind ho sprarig1 fcrward and dropped on isis knees before thse enraged ceptain. ' Mercy, sir, rnercy!' 1 'For whomnl' sokedth ie officer, wvilie a cautornpîou.srieer resteci on hiLa lips. ' For that oid iman whom you st-o about te kili.' Oghawa, Sept. 26,'1859. 6 4'He dies, boy!' - ~ . 1'But ho la my latisor, air.' W. XAUFFMAN, 'No mat- rif ho wore my own fatîser, air! ARCffITýCT, wili bchosappy ta rendes' bis TIsai man who strikes a Britis officet- a-ile oaunty. Orders w-i be receivod aitishe office of in tie performance of bis duty, muat due.' lise Whidby WateJuan. Onsc-No. 144, Bay1 'But ho aasu manalet- ho was insulteti, Street, Toronto. *air' utgei t he boy. - CENM ROTM.- 'naUUed!' repeatecl tise captain. 'Whe BYRO. TRM',I.Opposite Bank Motreali htiit-tetihies?' ý? " Whihy. ý. B.DENISON, Proprieter.,'l'u cide ir?'l repiied -the boy, a-bhii hbis Gocd Accommodations. ,a .aasyoda- - «inIgna ion. Whithy May 16b,1860. - 39-t facet air, s1hu b. areutiaIyeo e zo~t rrmA rs . gel the saine treattmont,' sait tiicaptele iu ('1HEM> CASH GROCERY AND Eaaagtone - Stere, Tes, Coffee,ýS'ugar,ien, Molas- -Theoicimanc her4thisappea1 cf hbis son,- ses, Syzup, Vnerar, Soap & Candies, &c., and sud, as lbe ast ýwords drepped ùrnEt-c Ie lips of a good assrtsmeaf Choies Liqttors, for sale hras-ýý cheap for-Cash. . antiiblo a Caldwel' tok., i Pli, . Ir" ylook cf theuùtmtos dfiance taased i>vçr;bs ~~ ~~~ foulures, hoexolainseti- * ~QQ .êP SORMKER AsIL at- tors lRoboit-.Old Rai-Einloak Brook ERcar ias a-cii C ea- laî im;Jt Io Ccmycaluildinge,Br c bIa it- a-orst> - -- _________________________ Thon turuiug tu tIse captant, he--ochaaged ~.~. ~hie tone -le one cf,7 deep-sppieatil6li and' COMME(~IAt1HLDX IX1KIT., Do a-bat yoi pepeewitbrp-Me, ai> lW'dà Ait t-~a p<u.nstl ~ ~I~dD~>. noct Isat-unusy boy,- fur b. kas anotu, .-wreug., on the shortest notice. 1 arisn readyiisi yérsenlnce She, i>s the 4 j * a % , là - bt a A RÉDÙO~0 far, lolge;Tt_ UST22,186L one ove» ,w4o osu- Up WhimV. b, ain. Robert buried hie M'in i# lhatsds, atfie next morneut hie fatW*aWà Swinging at the yard a-. 1. houlërd fe'.ag cp. -andi the cracking blôckUi iie hew.îihat hewug fatherlesa i Mlf an heur'afle r~d.% thé,boy..knelt by lho aide of a ghsutj orpoert Lsimopl. prayer escapod frorsa$s- lips. lsi ou' iow, murînuring aôiti came un ftëni hi. bosom; but noue of~ thome who*,t<tortarounti knewitsmirpcwL.lî#4éa plecIge of deep- revenge!1 - 1ý,é-î . >- 1 1 Justasm,".o1êým.ast-i & tde,1Wfrottni gantgway m t water, vvd "Iïof jigî.. ntng streamned thmwgh lthe heaveng,-and, i another minute ths e ri atlf.ry. of nature sent forth amts a rrwl ,akiti Isid --Iat the men actuaily placed thoiclisaon bel..,, ta sbut.out its detufeinekte. Robt.rt --in- lock atned -uttii.rhe, dndwbel1«iLhd eati. eti diend ie other homme aiet ta tirili ait Bat- iisfaction te his own. self; ais he-Lesat tiè eyeî oveI-the fstau-ehete wayes which -had alsu*dy tises bene&th the, powrer of the- sudden',aorm.. The darkness had eome as ,quickly as d id ho itarm, andti tisaI scole b.distissguished frons the d-cklcf the brig, uveg the breâking sea, was the fearfnulliy raggy abhoe.,as'fah alter flash of iighîîugillum4maîid tbe boa- 'Lighi, ho P ohouteti a miforward, su nd the- n ext moment ai 1y's -'trt-dîrec todt tea bright light whic-i had suddeniy üîuh0fiip amuon tise distant rocks. Thse wind hait now reâtched its%à ighî, andi with its giant power it et - the, ill-fated --bi9 directy 'upon the serf b*cnd abore of rocks and t-cols, aà d every:-face, sare one, was blauohed with fbar. 1.- lu vain didîhey.'îry t ,lay tIse brigin to the wiud, bnt net a salI we Id hyid fe r at. instant, util ai leugltiste uses taanage t t gel up a fore, snd malti storm atyaa,and the.- bi stood for u short urne b,ýverIy up. againat 1 heavina ses.' But it* évident thatl ele u she eniai eventoully t à Ãîý 6 1ur fthe power of ihe in-seîti wai,#et aier them that of the'wiùd .- -Bby, do you knoW t kb# - jt; I r y. ii.&ei Xn~tok h.talfi,' M~hevLthe. read irrùodes of defee in]& Nô I known tu e mricans rnaynotbecmxit(wd. lext morni1Dg a small party of WriÇ Along the. roaci ut severa' plaées- I uetic#d The Haji s ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 dw frm heoksaim4ed biock-houme, madie of atout -logs, pierced for 6th ni. e »bore. -It was stoewe& _with ç,.az. musketry in t.wo rowws and coverd witli sot»e coveries aI rthe wreck and here and ahore w.,, - mbustible xmaler e1hotheiroof,> The.little' & C ssdÀ à à long. ithe br-used- and mtïtilated gw'isiona esist a*iything but fire and regý- mi andti&f r<h.ecrew cf- tho brig. .Amcong that uier artilery when they have drawa up hheir voulut-r. u ü 1Rk>bèrIPKilook, andi eagerly diti ha eèpes ad closeth le door, which is en the se- m4rnbers of menng the ghastly corps as thoughý coud slory. Thesewoodn forte are square je down le rosi are one he would ha-ve forn d. At shape, sud'à are ry îstronlbukoftmafreported hbu ie 1oppj8Jand,-ulopped and ti oéped treos. On artrinmg -i'he-ciîy. we Jeathst Ia. Regulatio e, ipodthe shouldere cf shich woee herebasebeen an interesîiug- discussion ini ment of the, la-epWuettes. eTwasthe'eaptagnocf Co"gres, axi4î hat he Opposition. has reciev- working: Il! ý-h.mut-dorerüIf_ Lm aÃhe'r1-The ed a vry 1oeveredefeat un a motion ho8tile to ftion. Onuï Thé etmp wun piiobeti in.a oleat-spare, a- sud ~ (t-est nd l Il snaid -ti~poe ten"" rniltlns us tg mg" eal<ieflops aùti aidtm* the. leepiiig or r -pingn' tst-torsa-ho found i malte pour refuge froua the gla-e. 'tIs etouoel a Young Mauaa-ltan Itliauface andi cloaely crope4 bl'acS baira-as seatet inluis shirt muthle hou r"t1 - j?ý usý'>eg- mental andisrau.i>enf,*. J GeteralFrentu1 yWho 'is Ihère10'tê reinz- tory ahi atùtons1 trilI rweoed -tô,ake np his cees- machinE S, short Mm-cIh towaffl the enemy'. position. in tbe re as ayeai TRE FRENCR ZOUAVES INI*E ts a C CRIMA.. -besutifu cotnsro Tir. olowing sketch-ý illustrates-î he cool ail kindf way iniwhich the French seidiers take serieus tIssus aso !hhngea be- -havys At,,Baakava a bogler was :seundling the poseei Charg, whiie th.e.grapeshot but-led arouna t in, hlm, when-a baU lot-e away, hi. tight 'arm; , t -calching us?-his inattpmznît-oui the- grou naiee of hi with is Jeft haand, ho sat, toning teltee. ie "dl kat fit-èe .ordorsot more's ctrag.' - - VO' Y tt~lOUOiéa»e W 'WIsnt jit there fbt--r onl cf the Pleenoe wsatnusissg tesa man who 'It marks -tIse contre lot hatboe,Air, whicis bas se'en Eciocpeia colonels ai ail lt-oit- gIry lies in the back cf it.'* As fat-asWI ceuItjudge tisýeocf theî-- Cari itbe entereti by a veseel cf Ibi s ise?' ment *teresioutaud strougmateriai forart-est-- askeithtie captain, wbfile a gleam cf hepes ing irajecîorîoo. Thei'r at-é,. were raughly chat acrosse face.' hand-le&iant ineoee stockI saw muskets un full 0O, yes, sir; s large wIip can enter tIser.' cochon hall cock sud with-and. wiîisouî Iam- 'Aud d yen now <. ~ #nera on tIse nipple. TIsey ail wanî rifles, and 'Tes, air, 'I have apent my wisoîehife en tresi the emoctis-bores Iveryrudely, in ret-ot tbis coast,,anitkno I r -ty tut-n in i.' lgelt-ici f theres. Tieuco tIse wayside was 'Cari ou taketlIsebrig ie tIsere ie ibis frequent itii mp; ber. was abattet-y cf ar- stars?' tiliot-y pat-aciug in a&field couîaiuing-tht-e sorts 4'Yes, sir,' 'answeredth Ie boy, while a cof pteces-two Nrnî-Riffed gns -whiclt- are sfrauge light'shof frees bis eyes. macle cf wroughi ý- ron -wiîh glhick baud SAnd wilyeu do il," eagerly skt'tèsrsko-r<obeè-wbaailpee ca~i. at-,on a-e ondtios.'andt woIsowitzet- Eacliguù.waa ,dratru by six herses quile asodas ah:à výerag,«e i 'Nametien quicly.'out ca-n batteris, suad betteth thsu Ie goner- 'The fit-st is tisaI yen lot me go in peace iycfhoejCntsnapt-e.TerUi and the rieil, ltaI yeu troubile noue of lise hot-sle ca cavait-y trot>e' c' "'coeipsuy," 'ais smà .uggiars, sisouîtyen Isappen teu&i auythse Ameticaus eall thet» relveliug in the sua- there.' iy ygroes; no - a pteessior ofcotxisva 41 promise,' said <ha captain, ,Anti uew coeoiah.ttsikb Il-t- set about tise work.' But mark me, il you icueci Yorshire stagslae'il e-kat deee une, by St. Ceoige, li shoot yenou fluongi todrun s- llt -l <ho moment.' Lagér-bier-ft-omu trieh-iftIe Dutch- folk are- Tise btig a-as soon put beoete thse tmnti, anti filing thieniselvesa t 51ýceuts s à xig î1bak Robert Kinbock statièneit iimself upon tise et-. MentetI orderioes, awia>' t gio siarboard fore yard at-r, frei wbence bis eor jtùi atente ,witwh'muniotied lcr tiers were pasiseti along tu- the minac aI 1e u't t-e sème rates: along the - rond. -Cne bois. The busndiâg vesseleaccu aetb- cansr1èooags tô tise,New Verk 49<5, a in sighî of the t-tsgi dorage, and tiseheurt t iregfientof -utchmeu,.but nul cf lighland- tise crew sund the officers leapeti ýwith ,-bat-fuiors like these talwarî feiiows wsom Douglas- tht-jus as ttsey a-o'r. sa-ept "pâsI a' browning sund Taylorled inuthe Crimuea anti Hindesau rockwhscs amostra~o thes athePau_ near them w..a a regfiment ofWssôsu,~- eoit. On fle"wthe brig; anti thioke anud morefu-irnuseo;a'ryItzgùdèl lest-fui bocaux.thlie roka, whbcb rasedtir si-matis eatbwork which lioy'b4we5tbro*tuup heaonoes-et-y aide. *wiunè lrrtà 6I ~g»t Port!) shoutedthle boy.2-- - e ý;*ô'd ptA efcvhr Pb Steady- se.' sud-dry:-dichy- clood by pasd'ea ant mik.. '~, ~ il la 'mke' inmfn 43ï-s1eèti ;lié 1ht i412. Stosdy il la.' '-1 thtmegeltae ?Ig Aliisnieièthé ema sse wt on i of, ~ point of beiug rmade afrw*orzsr. "I. a-I not gise liese Rusâian fellows tise pleasure-.of ,pat-ding a Zoutave from o eeend, W4 Russasltiste other,saidti ie brave Colo- -nielr,«"h wére botter le d ie" Anid witti bi le as jusîdarting "Again jute te tlîickest cf thse ligIst, te seek a glorious dentS, a-heu tiseZouaves abis ad josînoticed tIse absence cf <Soit- Colonel, and kuca- that ho ans nowhere but in brount, fell like a.toins-* do upon lise s-ety centre efth ie adverse col- nesus, soit dasbec evet-ything te pieces ibat reslsted -thse aîack. lu fise m-inutes Ise Col- onel wa» extriçated, anid thse rogimnt quiet- ]y returneti 16 camp. Hea-ver, a.Whé. a& pasaieg afoug- in front c,'f hia soldiers ie Colonel rïmat-kod a,unileocf ironeloago iuig ar whispet-ing as ho à ppt-ache.-ý "1WIsat's wrong îhere .1" éaIýd h., contracthng hine,browo.*; "ýColonel!1" sipoke epHyppelyte, "If eusrotmnorepitcerit, a-e wou-'î take yopupý, outahusagain 1» AdidtieCoonel, smlagand gatiflèd at such generai eym- pathy, abshoia nd8 itisali aho wet-o noir hies, *W'he test-sol soidierly ptid.e toot inl bis- eyès. *-SELECTIONS FOR A NEWSPAPER. Most 'people thinklhe 'seloctions of suila- hie; malter for a ne*45paper is an easy part cf lie, bui.sees. -Row gratsan et-lort- lby, Histoy bas aileaaoou tbiaanbjdect oughito le b.rerembereti. Tt i.. lact iicl is bstaiuet hy abundat tetmnybutYghiï7e mial y tey whomake the attsek enlihe Sab- bath are doîçateti. Look ut a few caxei eof ibis kind. Montgoeroty matie tIse itlack uponr Quéhee on lte Sahbath, ws lainf anti bis armaye featoti andi turisetiback- Tise Amet-icanes comrn.e nced Ihé baile cf Meùn-utI -o ùthse' anti aet-e worst- cd. * The BrîilebegntIfeengageaenicntuke Champlaitt on tie day of Gi, sud rete'com-' pletely os-et-a-elmed. They didîthe .sameat INew Ût-lernd n were entirely ffed-e leoon .the bhis at-ut-v . CI (e) ê4 O. DOENAN.> - OUR, QUR