-it' soI. -yý is- ils- lt atiti lissne utgeihliso orresnue'tinsg es-te.' YASNKEZ Bîî.îssa.-A orepondsent ohftise British W1Vi i. iii rsplv Io an ariele iii the JIe-,-dd aosd A-ds'e ri serroi tri.eenî]cart bt avery, lim Ias tris esulij't c fIuse rssunted brave-rv .pf thse nctive A.mne-nsaîîs, but furgot lo mein- ion the icireum:e-hatice cf tse Ytiikce sCoïuil wvie- le- t lBis Ru netentt itre mills iin atis'ai.ee ofh lis uteis. Il If ise Nouthents nns-ny is mneen-uv cisîîsiî v brai-e-, w- iosît -not chu' uî1'Flic 6th and sStul79i-aus h clih auss a Se-cîcli Bcuumett-ase e Ol k i oîsit linse dîne auli te hhtit IBn lis esi, chnd le hiav-e s-envnestni îcarnie-s te- d viiete- nsaive Ariiectuis (il I ities kulkiîsg anti rue- nîîîgç,. Thîe nivîes hat], moreoven, ise ail sahs- tage ove-ntise Iris-htînt] Seote'h isi pracical ivanf'are, by tise experienuue of thé Big Bethel micro pede. Iliene %vas au oit] Quaker, siholitat]ais on- foîtuistte reputaSisîts of t-tne--an t iras saikitl lît ais'ete cous1i jujstie hirn, treat] on hie tocs, onr tre-ak lus nose, ivimhsin.puîithy until oneaunarket-îIiy a blnsie-riug felloxv. beiîig t luit y i der'n sas a aiew-o, if lie urs s mitton un oneaeek, we-nld ure tise other ase, tiiu eht il îrouid be sport te îry is. Sîepipisîg ep to tiesturd>', ootl-riatur- e-d friend', lie supippet] bis lace. Thse oitJ. man looke-tI tt hlusosrros'fully fra mornt, tisen skssuly te-ne-sIhis otîen cie-e-k, aislnd eceivet] sîsotiser bufhî.'. Upesu that he e-oeIl>' peiied off lus e-et. "I b ave eleaee-thie iw," isaid ise, 44nd nets the mut take it."' Ansi he- gave tise- cowardly febios s tieindous THE SOs,'-Huss LoAN.-In thceeue-r ah- sence of cash, -tuec Southern loan-h umters are easit]te ha receiunig freslî suhecriptions iu tisa - ~shape- ai notes sonethiiig ike- tIse-foiioîieg cluAuîu.auio:, Jul>' 5, 1861. Thnee mousîhsa ernm date, pan vaine expee-- te-c, andt]without intarest, I promise te pa>' 10 tise order <A Jeff. Davis, il i cari maise- it, tise arncuni ofonesabale af coten, short Il tiîplea'1 - puovidedthtia mesnmhile tise sait] Davis dosen't I"boIt." - ism -C. XPLANTER. mark. BENsVIlTs Or ADVERTISING.-The- be-ne-fit f - - of advertising waf'veli iliustrated, s le-s daym - - - . snce)- by iMr. Sirnon Beattie's sale of Impont- ed Stock. Mn. Beattie is a practical %wor-kiîug usait; ike- moat of his countryman, ehrawd and intelligent-ýunderstanding ijie ndvantage. - of mà nakg hie business knosen. Ha adver- tised w-ell, 'sud dre-w ta is sale people rotu distant patst of tite Piovince, e-ast- sud ive-t. Yet, ive- venture t1 gay', that for.eve-ny $10 Se- - ~paid for advartisiag, ha-,, dde-d a hunelted 16 the aggvégate of bi al g till tise-newau no hamusy ,he gaine-d by aklding.totte nusuber. pl, of à onlpetitors seho appr eclâte good -stock.- M4famEos~mât "DRILLING."e 3weut Amy asked, with pleading eyes, IlDear Chariey, teach me wM you, Trhe words I've heard your Captain say, 1Iwould s0 1ke to drill you 7" A Wbat, litt. one, yons talce command 1 Well, Amy, rm quite wiliing, ln such a company as yonrs 1 can't bave too mueli drilllng." "Stand over there, and sing ont clear, Like this, 1'Squad, stand at ease.'"I "Oh, Chtrrles, you'11 wake papa up staira, Dont shout like that, dear, plIease." "I tand at ea3e, like ibis, yon set And then, i scarce need mention, Thse next command %-ou have to givo la ibis one 'Sq-Vad-.ttenion r Now, Amy, srntrtly, af'ter me, (You'rc sure, dear, it dont bore vou > Forward, Quick IMarch, liaIt, Front, Rigbt Dress, Tbcere now, l'ni close before you. Present arms-Wellt il dors look odd, You dont beliece id trifle, We boit our arnms out jmt like ihis, In drill wtbout the rife. Now vsay, 1Salute your oticer. "Oh, Chane. ,for sha nie, how eauil ou 1 thoughit that von erc et somnEtrick You horrit]. cieat ing tman. von.r Charles Ilorllcrtd armA without commaud, Sbe smooîhed lier rumpled ha jr, And pouted. frowned. and blished, and tben S'aid soflv-A,.s von net PRACTIUAL JKN.A fcw daves întc( uOiIMS:ilt & ;l;NiI.\LAGETS jEnglish Chemiais, Patent Medicines,- .St> Caît) sij -e- l s iii lue, u jtci 01-c.S. e. Ar tume tuta lt--1 t S(1 i s. trm ntsitS u i i o dîv I he-CitC5 careftîly i r îe-ltfltisI14. -n S iti t -f'lin korti ge 1'utittizstinanditiAîttiue 1' t I ilA N & ?iACONE.L.ADVERTISENIENT'. îîEP C î;-- i.N iS --Z.l iîsnF.eq.. .Tudgce AfY E For tise INSTANT RE- Ctii îîîstut -Wints. siÀig ,Eeq.. whlithv ; HLWIi-anti lEIRMANEN T HJ. M.ttt]tsecl. Es-q-, Hayon c-f Il luth>-J b'13. LASTRE 1 CUR- cf tiis tiietre saitg ll'sur'-ui, . ,-Nltesagt-r Onstarios Bisnk D- .F an mi Pitks-. E-e. ossii. e J.- ii loîî. Esq., Oshawai.EN T' ____ - -, s-t lrotichial Ci4'arctis. R. E. CAMPEELL, Made by C. 13. SEYMIOI'll. &Co., 107 NASSAU STIEET, N. Y. Price, S I- pe-r box; sentI ree A v T v ýs>u -s i -i l T T Tc-,'m ii XX-ILiL be- liapi' 10ai lwtst]te al Sale-s Ilîn ma ttc ý( utîiaîvoredt] siiiand froms ttex- s-nrie-au ij ce- te give ct-usutc tisshiltion . ale-a asîîlt thtm lîtrt tnotice-intirensitenhle- tersa. W'îitti, Augtiset ?2, î-,. - îf -32-if TO CONSUIPTIVES NitVOU S UFFFEREIts. Tise suhacriben, for se-erai years a resideut. cf Asia, discovenet] selîi the-ne, a simple -vegetalaie- remedy-a sure Cure frCon eesseptiov-i, .tine, Broischif ta, Couçghs, Col.sl, ansd Ne-ceous: Debilif y. For tise- benafit cf ConsumptivegassitNrrtss Suife-v-rs, he- is wsiliîîg te niiSke-tise-ssithepubtlic. To tisose- seio de-aire- it, bc wmlivree-I -tise Pres- cription, sentisfuIl directions (.fuce of charge), aiso a se-mpie of tise medicine, wviuici tise-y ili <lut] a henutifîsi comhinatie-, sel NuuiresaSintie- herba. Tisose desiring tiseRJaet]y can obhain itIvréunmal tidegit J. E. CUTiIBERT. Nou 42()lBroadtway, Mciv York. 3 4-t f - j \> RE GREAT ENGLISII REMElrDY. - - I 511 JAMES Ct.IitKE'S -I Celebrated Femalo r ls. P'repsred fromin erpcsci oit of sic J. Cslae, MDPhyieat txtraordiiiary tes the-Qca. ITis einrelualule me-ticiîîe- is falliiagile h c eune ni dli thuose paînlul atnt daugerous dis-case-a te viicis tise-fease ccnstituitionî is subje-ci. lu F0!? 1 L E 4t> 7'() LE T. moderates aIl exeesset] rcnsos's all obstrue- - - ------- tiens, set] s spaedy e-tre say be- evlied on. VALUBLEFARS 'FR SLE. TO MARRIED LADIES it ié pcrfe-cthy -stîite-d ____ Es ch bot tic, price-Onea Dollar, lieans the' Gos-- litTS, i - 1-s te ,iise- Town usiip oi Whiitb> -e-ren-t Shaîîsp of Gre-at Britaisi te hîre-se-st cetîn- s ttne-,antItue- lu ahi cases cf -Nanvous afit Spinal Affectieuns ietitro.,,572 st tii'] i îlstTsîeis eoh Pain in tise Bas-Sanet]Limbs, Etatigue- nsles Es. tisu Il-s s ~ti lii tsi 55 cr f~'ee-etienPalpsitatuion of tise 1eart, llysterie-s, sit-r su- t icrs sf C05ei, u iti e he-oterandsi 't4es, tise-se- Pilus s'll e-flct a e-stee- shen 5 acres; ils'itiituslee tf tise-land 1oi. cebotS Iall other nue-ans isave Istiiet], atu tic lough ts finss s si.tlc tc t isti -ti e -t cuhttsaton jpoverfuî remune-si, e-lo net ecîsîtin ion, ealoseh asnî slite -e9--siul csie slirage, sheds,j - antioutisstst Ou ssuit tis lic- yungor-- îimlonV, or au> thn itirIîetfultîîte t- 'onstitti- cta s-e ut(i se,,,on -tl1 iiegt. in e lis- su r-et.tien. -aout si Te-irut-e hi bci'tsl. .t.1s1- ýtto i upse. Full directions in thse-pamphîlet aoidec package, wshie-h siouit] ha care-fuiîy prese-nea] J(s-SEl'll PIElIS ON, JOB i MOSES, Soie- Agent for 'tisa U-itet] tIti site- ineSustes and CanadasRochester, N. Y. Oshtawa, Northrop & Lymsan, Newvcastle-, Gene-nul Agts. - R. .1. 1ILSiiN, E-tq -histisy. for Canada. oîr W. IL. TIEMA5lNE, Esq, fH aitbYj N. B.-$l,00 and Gpostage- stalups e-Dlea sL ny suthorizesi Agent, seil meure a botte FARM 1 AJJfl MILLI PROfPERTY. &C...1 co taining ove-n 50 pilla, by reteen sal. FOR SALE- For sale by G.A. Bannisier, and W. Il. Doel, j Brock Street, Whitby. 18-6m. rI E North part of Lot '23, Broken Front!I SConcession, fI ckererîug; Lot 23, isti n ' T ' T' Concession of Pieriung,*and the East half of L JNT I. T IL . Lot 23, 3rd Concession of Pickering. On thiî ltsý runing rder firsi-class Saw MilI, in com- Drs. CÂLLENDER & CÂRD, For particulars apply to tihe owner at the Roois omer thte Store of C. Lýndej Esq., Pickeing ost ofice :Wfitbv, P. F. WHITNEY, \ HERE lhey may be found prepared to per- Ps'opriet andW form ail operations upon the inost inproved lýjekringOctoer, 160. 0-ti a cientific principles practised by tler pro- Pickejngctobr, 160.fession. 4-- r M-TJIETII IN-SER'rEI '.'~-flHRE stihi Oua Store lu uhe Wallace Block" te let. Siza 60 leet eride b>' 50 leet de-e-p. If rneet soon ean ha fltte-d'uçste soit tise Tenant. Thsi h one-oftise- BESI STANDS IN THE TOWN, for a Gébicery, l)ny Gooda, or Fane-y Goods business. 18-tf Proprie-tor. MoreLgt r 'IE subscniber is the onîy Agent in Ontarlo J.Couuty, for Haydeu's Keroisueo Buruere,. Ps*ented 1860, sperior to ail1 otherâ, as hundreds can u t1 who have usedtbem, JAMES Hl. GERIE, JA.A. QLAjR.QS-, «Eïi clam pu tW laie-st yei ivelteste-t]e, 'Upon the Vulcanied Rubboar seiie-isai pme-ea Sida fair to out rival ajý othens for esse sut] cosfont to the ivearer, Inos laPar le-ct adaptation; it lasncb cleaner sud ýhaapet5 sund ithai more durable. , -xe 1re-cewii Having bat] se-eral years' xe 4c 'ihtý mosi dilUe-uit cases of Deniai substitutès as; i test -of Usevuicanie procesasit] mùate-naIç-tise-y seould particuIaly-invite îisosewho baye be-e-n uscessfu'tlise-efforts witb ýGolt],1 Silven, ootser metale.te sstances1 tefavor ti n siti oa- seaU. In allcases - SA&TISFACTJONG(IVENl OR NO C4ARGE - --MADE. - 8 1'iesa a s tisseo m> xlin operator . --s1 -.-- Du*Z&Jùwi teN CEmsy GS: ug,«tîn tsxtne 50 t'ii1per liex ; fori ealv- lie-Druizssie ut5 utue-- s t-. %i- trnthti-esusf-#-s Ili atifs- ts-s es- 15555f (tie Ips-se. A lit ermi, eiders. C"e- -Ie- ildte-n s vse(j<lem - R.- B. LOCKE & (Co, Gene-raI A gants, j 339 uuuBROADWAY, N. r DÂRLEVS CONDITION MEDICINiE. Tisa culy reaiy neliabie remety for HEAVES, COUGaRS, C(IS, THICK and BROKEN WIND. ornnay otiser compiaint affe-cting thea wnt]ofhIlorses; aise lfur. 1Worms, Yellow Water, I oss of Appetite, ant] alt]crage-rant. n-ofihe Digestive Ongans. As a Conditio i Medicine 1h bas NO EQUAL, as aIliirise have tise t te-stify; it lins resioredt]eh PERFECT SOUSD-NESS, thotisantis ci herses ssipposcd te Se hnokee doive set]almost mentIs- less, aIl traces of discase lîavieg been cosujlete- iY re-uoret], sud have ailensiards be-ce uod]fer frnu $51) te $100, more thîn tisey '%vouîlt have 1sreviousty' vbrougisi. Mue>- siho dîle-n uherses lst lu, v si hid ie Condition send appe-arance of tuem Herses are so su-h improvadt] iaitisey se-il more re-cdily and] ai higiser pne-es. Lt is casy uc gire, SI-RE T<) CURE, ane- sale at aillîieýs jassîl iiiaIll Casee aieI t]0e-s iet seeîi tise-he Irse trust ibeing workcd wseiîsing it. 1h cmv ile- irise ha giren te IIORNED CATTLE. Do net faîl te ptrirsa se a Pa cka ge, tisaiyoen usay hiare it on liasît] in case of emergecy. 18-3in. 93 Nlaidene 1fane, N. Y. NMEW TREATMENT! BUFFALO 2MEDICA-'L DISI'ENSA'RY Estabh'tslitetfer dteti-sre- eh AND AGUE, SCROFULA. 01LD t',CErIS, ERYSIPILEL:XS, GREAT 2IMPUIIITY 0F BLOOD, SALT BH1FUM, PIM- I'LES, FISTULA, PILES, LIVEII' COMPLAINTS, DEBILITY &c., CANKER, SORE MOPTII, ULCERATED THRC)AT, ASTIMA, INCIPIENT CNSUM',PTION, INFIRMATIES 0F YOUTH AND OLD AGE, &C., NO MtERCURY LeSED. DRI. AMOS &~ SON9 48ý3 EAST GENESEE STREET, TIIREE DOORS WEST 0F ELLICATT ST., BUFFALO, iNEWs-YORK, A RE THE ONLY PHYSICIANS EN THE State miso areMe-misera of tise- Royal Collage of Surgeons London. Mday ha coasultet] from 8 o'ehock is tise mor- uing, until 9 oehock ai nigisi, lu evey stage- andi syraptoms of Dise-sac. The ireatment tisey adop t is e-esuit of up- warels of, tity years exrtensive sud suce-sful pîrae-ti1me in- Londos- A n instrume t for tise- cure of genital Debllity, on Necturnai Ernmsisionsjtmore properiy. kuosei, as Se-minai Wealess, &ce. Can Sa pensantl>' cuure-d la from <it iteeutisys, to 'two souits, by tise use of isis Instrument, sen se-d conjointi> svith mediines. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULÂR NOTICE. 'Dr. AMOS& SON take pleasuire inanaaouncing tisai they hayginvçnted a muostimiportatiisstrti- sue-nfor tisë'e- ueof tha-abova dise-ases. It Sasbe-an 8 ubjesýe t 10a test by tisa amIne-at pbysic'saus lu London, Philadelpisia and Ne-w York; ilhbu be-e-n eclaredth ie oui>' use-fui instrument e-ver iuv-e- ,,rtble-cura Of Se-minai Wcakneso any dise-ase 0 1f 1,tise geuihai organs, cause-t] b>'tise- secret habits of youth- - tir- A OS & SON, luorder tQ ssatî1bemoù%t aie- - thà &meri.eftbis $bstrunet M itigà ctoryafter a& Ir pas, i Smoue-ywseu11 b. rafunded b>' retnrning thse h-ntre5- me-ut in gond order. - s' Pensons sisbin g tise réls'MèntwUI u- serve that the prwia -e ac à 6yingdý retosscreisps sdsea y express i8 Agents_-.-Wanted. Fîfty Dollars a Mont/t and all ezpenscs paid. A N active Agent is wanted i every County lu tise United States aud Canadas, to solicit orders and introduce our Nae National Double Thread $20 Sewiug Machine. Warrantedequal to anyhiigispriced machine. Practical for every family, wbicb ms.kes iltishe cheapest aud most popular machine ha existence. A limited aums- ber of responsibie Agents are wanted to travel and soticit orders by sample, at a saiary of $50 per month and expenses. Business permanent. Address, with stamp, for conditions and instrusc- tions, J. W. HARRIS & Co S/toe andl Leat/ter Excheange, 49 Boasots, Ma$. THE N EWYO0,,,'RK TRIBUNE, FOR 1861. Wrappiug Papers..MDCL DR OTS UST RECEIVED an assortmnut of 'CON- Drugs & -t3hemicals. RESTtAIOPI~fEIA MON, GREY, BROWN, and MANU LA TIE P LS O IO O WRAPPING PAPERS, ail sizes Will ha uold as PAINTS, DYE-STUFFSk OILS Ain &perlent and Stomachie prepation of IRON aa cheap as the Montreat or Toronto Prices, fied f Oxygen and Carb a h combustioninydae. Athe±ERF#JMERY, &c. :1cindbtebgetMdcluh At theEnrope aud thse United States, andi prcenlsbd isi thuîr YANKE N070N SVRE.practice.t YANK E NO iONSTOR . 'a. BAN N IS T E R, The expmmntes of thousands daly proves thai ne pre- ÈS 1 l GuiiR ) @) 1 I1)à (R) M à OC e tThe T ~b104 depiéaîoiiofýviiaI'lrgy, pale anad oherwise ATWOL8LErsea ESPUCTFIULLV solicits the attention of the à iekIy comlexionisidicstail&aeCeasstyin la ait every A N K B O O KRSCof Public to bis large and well-selected stock cistceivalacaie. lanoxions lu ail maladies lta whieh ita 13 L ofgoods in tise above departmnents, ail of which ofttre îitcyctdvatveta rc. are genuine and of the be'st quality. Ravmng .,evusAfcins nainoDse 0F EVERY DESCRIPTION.lrgl ic'ae bis stock sipae his remnoval to sua, Constipation, DsssrlîoellD sey, ni t Con. STANDRD AD IVISCELANEU3 Vgp£S Broek street, ha feels confident tIsatibe eau offer tumpiion. Secrofulous Ta DTuiseaiery, me-eM& STIINÂRD NU M~GELL~NEO3 WU~K8 eassraation, "N hies. Chlorosis, Laver Complaîuîts. inducements to puirchasers equally fa- orable Chromne Headaches, Rheumaiism, Intermittiut Fevers, 0FAL ~with any of tise establishments in T3ronto. Es- Pimples un the Facée, &eC. OFAL KND.peciai attention is given to compoixuding lit case of gensral Debîlity, whcther tbe rcsulî f cf nee BlankBooksRule ~nd ond REOIPES ANqD FHYSIOIAN'B PRESCRIPTIONS dise "e oir ofihe-tiititîa iminution oCttttvoanid unus- areannvnBobks ttendedto persnalîr. cular energy fromncbroaic coanpla.ina, one trial oahi,.rea- which arinaibvatndct esnlý. tralîve lias proved saccessful to an xieut whieb no des- TO ANT PATTERN. U- M'<-4"e5 dispnsed at nigbt irben re riptinzi nrwnitten attestation would render credible. a-,, ~eîcîn1til alids su long bed-nidden as te, have bicorne firgotten B B J.' ~,'~ qnired, and on Sunday, betweeu the eburcis ser- lit Wi -on neighteçrhastd haave aatieay re-appeared vices. Blck,ýRrocSti rain iia distantt aIsu. ésome 'ery signîal însîaîîees nr lis ailIits îbranchses, at thseO posite ite 40"1li kBloedie,"B,-ocofashmate Sufflcrersq. ernaî-mat-d vie- .-,i.~rs-' -,-sy'v~t~'c"ÎîvPlie u i anges. and ibaet compilenttioit cf iervnu. a u dyt,- Y%AKEE NOTJION.'STORE. - petsîîî-ave riu,,, siair aniexereiske for wicsh the hysj- Tt, hitby, Jolie 12, 1860. 13 TaCitS l TV S. eianoîsu ame. TO COX UMPTI ES. ýlanN,reniîaAffeci ions (if alt kiiîds and fonr rca'.tuîs fami- liarintamedît-at amen. the np'.ratj -n of thia preparation of rrHE Adveriiser, haviing beau restored 10tînt oimllqî îsesessarily lefar r. i,.aitlie.ite nid Pianos. ~~~he-aîîh in 'afew weeks by a very simsple ocuitetliî es gsrnusatv iîîs.w'îh,îi )' g eî'îta) Piathossiv-r lieatîng;andc t'eiitly. reguilaît> aperi-ti. -ve, Iin ahe R. retmedy, afiar haviig suffered sevenail yen ns wthnîos.-î at'î,îatî- s,of r,-itî -s, %ittcîîîev-ri itga JO0 S E P Il R AINOR1 a sacreIîsng affection, aud tîtat drel*a itjCtS .1~..lrieputIll iV c. or In Lici igil i.a,7Tealei'sîî.atîîn. - Cosîsmtie-iS uxi nstmalze keown te lus Il te ihiraiter prmpiity. tîmonsg otiiera. atiih mako-s it CTt'ER f P-mosandMuscal im ibe te-aniu o s ounrnm:,,ka Avt-teffetsuit ipernetisekti iirr-rnstý tir lliles )IUUATRRof Pinos ad Muicalfel lw hodfees he in, as of cue.dcoy f lipriti wlch it st-s ipiteuir4 in c srt saiisîî itii e ad - - Instruents, s nowT)reliti-edIo exetite T all ho desre il lie 1illactd aispy ofdliepfe-actin, Uidc lorcalgiteilocl leiie hie-luhiIhà - r a antiniiithe ie-et set vie f wotsmiltil. ýAs regards tiens for preparing and îssitsgIlle samte, ivîich lit )ue iiniimsemableasatire ita aui as it, e I iîs uîsricitycf ic i-s,' I lise urnd hoi -,-c wjll fied a SrRE CURE-fttr Cossu.MeTtes-, tixc h. ' ieli ilatte hindiecstir tht' sîtceli ctttut-Ceinti l ujthi ýlic lias onîy to &-c. , Te ony >itf ii.ththttheaîiildtg lîaiiîlittsu siieleciiels e-ntseIetlrie at sATHMA, &. osirobj-cII. i n ,uticicreeti ilarrhorie v-vt "initîsars-t IoaDv- state-liliat lie s IA advertiscr in scuding thse-Prescripîitn is te hien-setr.eiifmi, na-ils.anIparst iagsit Provincial 1Exhjliioîs f it'iToronto and R inz- e5ft the eficted, and airensd iiifornsation e-hicli the eS',- -'have hlie, s, î-ilv C-nt-ire ir,ittiieihnig. sten. andit lut forin t t eri diiI. tee hlie il' gettitg lhe coudeives to be- jnvattable,ittitiie-hope-severy lit the trni pnit',, toseofIlle-h asit ur's ett.e,iititaiîitg itis uiio 6tît cfi-citle i 1- - lis on ]E'x h hit 'n. ha elfe-rer ivilI t rvIbis remnetlv.as il %w ilI cesi tiserm coteh-h.11(tI r:iittiutea lîertie i- hîv-gnqs il ilc fiattr t iien lvf tii tit ie eai-t> lie %ivttd ha s-e isliig, and may prît'e a tle-sîg. I ena la frien&idt ut1ts tis itserai 'ary grtsiîî-iig becs scee--ti. Te ~uî"e- ligl-î ceonrncded parties wishing tise prescriptioni ill picis n l"d Ilitercsiglstit. the att iefiov u ie s t-ie-n t ooiruce il tO addrass11c .4 aliadth cioi ls.leef Sii t'ercîuit'n iiieri-e-tîtsts. th , edleatil irntbas lie- te be-st ntIit Fiusîlti fn.BaniREV. EDW'ARD A. WILSON, iait ar anore iinsi tii' gt'd ettet if tise mo-tti ,it'atts prfss- ts f ui miec- Yî'Ç- Ii r roF. cf P ltisil'lliimsbtirg, I.ieiai'iti of 5ariiîxes tditte. withou ut nîliofu, ir-WeI ()ftl Li 'u f - iegsCoui ,rolye . l iililtlt-n. \l,.rie ('Itictîgo. 'rhe llii loîîîsi]f feniaies caisiiut tl coiie- eîitt vi 1 ~ u Il St-t 2. - u N.ic i t;ti -i fMarcit '6, 18t.Ii. :2 tti ii-rraaivdyand re.-i-rativi-.ii tliti vasepecUluvly - - - - in t, tieirn-îttni. taiti chesîie assîtinfliutai(itî-.iti ilii, aitir tt irr isr-dscs, Itt iitiis t ri- i is airitt- NI 1 11) (2AiL. I ~\I sî-Hi 'pîsrttiI. pili.5nt ai ati d itreîlicîig ahe 31311"-* No 1G-..Ri[NLiSlIE ASl lit litterauiteîtîFevrrsit mastl iices.saîrly t4ea int ýh ri-mneti aaat eiergeue ru-îsste. s t aiprisrets iii the-' TOUEO NT O - j ti-tv ttplreii'tiiie %W*-ît. %I-îli prsîiallî iieunue ni tetst, sinelet li-' I l ir l t.it stt lt)vit._ t'rta fsrm ihe Publi ilJ'iiavi ite(t]er-ii. t u îbI ii tutus ls-visa e ctitiiets-e] - HUGH MWIIeLER & Co., ts-ti ~;a~JiJjJ s A D ~Dlt ~ li .;. eip utiitiiss.se-Astii -îiait-itites CHEMISTS A D D UIG3S i111. i ~ ~ INIPORS,, F ANs D T) Em- -t i-ifer acite antI cheertul ettertut'. itiiaitiiiil'tfoi~ l'ut s îupste nt i im ltts' oTiittie 0 pte is 'f Se-m-lieekly (103 '" & ) S3 ve-ekly (52 ii 'C& )$2 TO CLUBS. Se-ssi-Weekly.-Twso copie-a for $5, ive- for lI 21, te-n coesc to nue at]t]ess ion $20j aud à ny inegen number aitise- latte-r rate. l'on ge-mb oh t-venty an extra e-epy*mli le sent. For a club oh ientyweenîd the- Daily Tribune gratis h-icekly.-Thecncpie-s for $5, aigisi copie-a for $10 atnt] sny ierge-r eniber ni tise rate- of $1i20 eace-ne-b uen nos, the isaler ho isc atdnaased to j e-chi siiscriber. Te cl-ths ch te-e sie sent] an e-xira cepy. Tve-ety copuies 10 e-ne- nt]t]e-sal'or 0,uiths oe extra toh usmiso senu.,netise-clusb. For ee-hliClubscf onechînudret] tise- Dili' Trîbtînaîili hc se-et gratis for ue yeuîr. Wiscn drafts easua ha ectird it is muteh sale-n than ho remit bank bille. Tisa nase oe hie Post office sud State- sioultin luIl casas hec uiiniy sinitten. D:3-" Payasents alîrsys le adrance. TI-E TRIBUNE, 154 Xassae-stre-et, Ne-,v York. Blackwoýod's Magazine AND BRITISH REVIEWS.j L. SCOTT As Co., NEWN YORK, continue-to pub- lis tîhe- foiloîviug leadieg Britishs Pe-iodi- e-sus, s'iz s THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Consarvative). 2 THE EDINBURGH 1RVIEW (Whig). 3 TIIE NORTII BRITISH REVIEW (Free Churcis). 4 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Libe-rai). 5- BLÂCKWOOD'ý EDINBURGII MAGAZIN-E- TlEpraseut eriiosi state of Europe-an affaira sel rende-r tlei ulctotsaaai sl cu-cpy uuddle ground"bitwen-ea stsily'- 't-it- e- nsm, ct-de- op e -euiatié9, sand fly- lng rumors, the daihy Journal, ud the po- deroUffTonme of-the-futu'ra sistonian, seittenatr- piolitical events of the tiine oalal -bate ëpusse- awa-y- I Xisl to tisese Perlodie-als tisai re-aders nmust look for the ôoIi, raly-lsillgili nre- liisbie.history of, çrment ",en%ý,.and asisseh, ln adition tÉo. thiai' eli-esailseil té "' 'a sen tille-, aud theologicbatatriug-ts- upou ,thee-ongide-ratiofl of the reading public.i EARLVY COPIES. Tise receipt'o! Àdvanee Sheets frôm thé, British puiblisisers gîves additional value to tises epnints. inasmésa iéyeun eplaced In tise- Sal;d of subsenibers about as moon as thoe original h edi-4j1g- For &ny two of the four Reie-ss,,. 5 ô toraV of' teýr Revie-ss -7..... ilor -f se............800 ~for 8 n'e le- ......... - > For, tISa "ood andoune Review .........'5 0 WILL TELL YOU cf tise causses, symptems, and] tre-aimeet of Stnangîes, -(I~re Tlîreal, Dis- tempe-r, Catarrh, Ilumenza, hironchitis,1Pnetu- monia, Plenisy, BrokeeWiid, Clictnic Cough, r Roarng set] Wlistlieg, Lamspas, Sore Meuth, ant]Ulcers, anst]De-cayet] Tee-h, seuls cuie-r dise-asas of the- Mouîih sud Respiratory orga ns. THE HORSP- AND RIS DISEÀSES Ci WILL TELL YXOU cf tise- causes, symptoms, anet re-atme-nt of Werns, Bots, Colle, Straeg-0 ulation, Stoay Coutcre-Iirsss,' Ruptures, Palsy, t Diarniîoea, Jaundice, fieisatirnitoen.BIeedyt]i U-rina, Stones in tile Kidnys anit Blat]te, n- e fiamatioe, and otîser <ise-sacs oh the- Stomâcis,5 Bowe-as, Liser, afit] Urnary Organa. TIIE IORSE AND RIIS DISEASES WILL.TELL YLW of the muise-s, syrnpîto,n;- and] tre-atme-ni of Boue-, Blond. andt Bor, Spa-8 vin, ing-Bone, Sire-e-ie. Straius, Br'okene Kees, XNind Galls, Feufeider, Sole Bruise. ant]1 Gravel, Creeket] fonf.;, Se-rate-lias, Cauikar,1 Tlsrîîsb, nei Cocus -, al.ic, of Me-grimp. Vertige, Epilepsi', Slssggarz, vauit otite-r iise-ases ci' the, Fe-et, Legs set] lient]. TH1E H-ORSE AND IJIS DISEASES SEVEN YEA1US. T E se-en yeurs of nrivallet] suce-sa uttend ialg tisa "Cosmopolitafi art Association,"' isnte made ita bouseSoit] Word tbrougisout eveny qjuartan of tieCouatry. lieder the asespicesýof thîs popiuîarnstitntion,. ovar lirtee h undredl th osesand homes, have, iearued to appneeiat-by beautiful works cf arts ou thisel smalla, and* choie-e lherature on tbis-r tabras, thle qreat heiefits derive-l- om iseesuing a su]>' scriber. Sabsensipiions ave-now being recei'eelin a ratio unpaasielcd with tisai of nny pre-cious yent' TERSa 0F 'SuBscau"csio.-Any person.vaut becouse a member hy suhscribisg 350, for wthich- gem lise-c vili raceive lst.-Tîa. large andisuperb steel e-egraviug, 3t1x28 inecieitiet], "FYaistaif mîsste-ning his- Racruits." 2d.-O ne cojy, ene year, of tIsia e-gant il- listrated magazine, "Tse osmaopolifan art Journal,** 3d.-Four admissions, t]uring tise se-tson, to: 0TseGaIi,'v of Paintings. 548 Proadwav.. N. PICOS P CT US. T HE XXTH VOLUME of the WEEKLY -~TRIBUNE eornmeeced with the issue of Se-pi. Isi. During tise pasi ye-ar the Tribune bas be-en obligedt]ét de-voie quite a large*proportion of its spa ce te Polîtica, but ive- all soon ha able ta forego Political discussions almosi entirely, fer montha if -tot for yeurs, and dévote ne-arly aH esir e-ltimes tea ubjecis oflle-as intense, but nore abidiig itutenesi. Amnong these,we- mena to pay especial attention te I. EDUCATius.-The irlole stîbjeci of Educa- tion, bots Poputlan and Gene-raI, w ilI ha discusset] le our eolîîuîes throughoittise- year 1861, anîd w-e isoje- te elicit in tisai discussion sonue of tie- prefounide-si lsinkens ansd the- îblcst instruetors in our cotinlny-. la is ntince- our hope ant] otr resolve tha thie cause- of Edscaie s all reccive itt impattas fnimtmheî exertions of thé Tribune in its be-hall t]uring thse- ear 1861. Il. AuascCI'.Tît-'sn-e hava bee-n compellad ta resI-iciou, cîucidations of tiîlagren4 interesi thrisighoiit 180;, atdîsi ssil ent]eavoiir te atonse therefinii 1861. Wbatevser discos-ery, de-luc- tioe, de-monsration, le caiculate tat rende-r the- reivard of labour davoe-ed te csîîtiî-etion more ample on more certain, shall reccive prompt and full attenition. M 111. Ma~AMCnTttFS, &c.-Iie bail eveyn-e vention on cuterprîsa where-by Ane-rie-an Capital antI Lbourtinare attradted tt nt] iit]venta geously casîloyet] iii ansy de-partuitist of )Ianufitetnring otr Me-ela nie-aliindiîîely as a e n-I contribtîtion to the- ltîliisivetti. insitrieg snitle-r.st-ade'r, atone cossvueis ntî re- re-mînrating usarkets t tise- Fariner.,ivith tîiien e-uîlîîysne-nî atîd]bette-n ivages le tise-Labots (r. Tise- ptngrtfss of .Mining, Inon making, Sire-I main, Cithi weaviisg, &c., &c., je otîr coutntryant]tise woilt], shall ha wate-bed tut] reîorteul bv ssivtis si t-ueane-st and activa e-ymnpatiy. IV. i-OP.Eli;NýFFr..We-e mpiy thse be-st correspondeets le London, Paris, Turin, Berlin, asnd otiser Eus opean Capitale. tta transmit us caiand et cesrate eIvice-s oh the- great changes ite-ne sueur ybuit ccniaîuly preparng. le spite (if tIse pressture of dttnstjic pjîtitcs. esr ne-irefrein the 01(1i \N'rld is nuttîr Atr nd i îstebutsie slieui have te retîser it more- perle-ct during tht eventfîtl year jitet b-litre uts. V. ilomE NEwis.-W'u cnsjlesy regusiar paiel corresponde-nti rlaîilforiia, aisthe- itmugs(of Darien, la tisa Rocky Mountain Goît] Ragioe, and ebcrever else liny se-cm reqtiaite-. Frtîm tht msore accessible portions ofoéur ocoi-ucnîtry, sv darive our information mainly Ironsthe- misîifa- île-us cornespoudentsof the Asseciaiet Pne-ss, fron our exe-hangea, and tise oceasioîjal lette-ns of ie- telligent frienda. W. aim te pitu the e-p est gene-ral newspaper viitl tise fulie-et ans moat.autheuilo sutmrary oh' use-fuI intelligence, tisat is anywhere affor]e-d. loping te Il make eacb day a critie ou thse la et," andt]prnt a bette- -and bette-n paper frons year heu ve-ar, as oun me-a n are slesiaily enlatrge-d brotugi the- ge-nerous ce- opération of on nny we-l-wishars, ie- solcit aud shali labour ta ide-serve, s e-eeiiuîuance oi public faveur. -1 TER31S TH 0TF E ý OUR LORD AND SAVIQUR JESUS CHRIST BY REV. JOHN FLE-ETWOOD, D. D., BY REV. JOSEPH BELCHER, D. D. TUEI LIFE 0F JESUS CH1RIST la thie phiioso- oh Cbnlstianity lu thiserpsîity and] beauty. Lt is perfect exellence-pe-rsonilled, tisaitisa suint] olsuannay graap It, aut] Se changÇe-t into tise sainse image. Tise inspiree-wseiters have gis'eu it to-us-lu detache-t descriptions. Dr. Flee-t- wood bas arnanged tîteze lu one issrmo!ious iSole, seith sue-h commenta, axplanaitons ad lnelde-atal informatioc as te rende-r it al'tke acceptable ta tise snolar, as te "im seio kaows ne more-, br. kaows bila Bible true."- Bae-be-n'a re-iuet editieus contains the Liiees of tise- Aposteis, History of tise Je-ws, and- anEs-- say ou tise-Evi]e-aees of tise- Bible. Iti apnint- ed it a oie-ar and] open type, in one royal 0e-- tavo volume baudsomeiy iiiuatratet], aud eil Se furniabet] in tise foilowing styles:- Clotis Extra,----------------------..Pice, $2 00 Lase Shaepi ......e-i-...... 250 Clous, Fulil Ghit, ..............- " .200 Rosis, FuR il Gt,............ ...... 350, hI~¶EQIY 1Bible9 FOR FAMflMY AND PUtP1T lUSE. ý-V D1IONé ý F TBE OLY BIBLE are unequal&le-dfor tbeir'dürabiitr,-finish, ele-ga ace ap.completepiaaa-.,no, effort ha-vius beau' - sparetito-relldei'thsenerfe-ct in.eve-ry respe-ct. Besides the (hld 'and Nw> Testament e-sels style conWnhs tise Apocrypisi, Concordanice, psaims lu matra, canes Marginal Notes and Refeencesi'and Valuldile tables of sùîiptnîwî fe-asureý,VWeights, Coins, &c. Tise te-ut eors. ireoted acisording to tihe-Standard of hi Ae 4nr leh-iAn Bible -Society. - TSey are-ailspintufd in -large Éized type-, ia ouaroyal quarto,'avoliume,j witis a neat Family 4ecord and uInt'tos T ITE lvor w'as-s-hie-b The Leader -hiasbeen rpeeiý-e-d y lise Publie say be jot]gee-} hy the faci tisai since is aoxnncemant, la Jeiy 1852, it bas steadlly lucre-used iac irculation.ùu'inii5 I Its varions Editions, ih han se-erai tisoasaud more su seribers than any Chier pape-r in Cana- dit. Every axaniionleSbeing use-t t make it more suitdumore indispensible fur every fasuily i4 tise Province. TH~E DAILY 14BADE~R Ia publishet] ave-ny mornlug, lu timîe-for tise early tnains, at Six DoOLi'SaPer anssuin, Ila avaace, ht ia a large aiset, end cont.alns tise eariiest and moat reliable intelligencetisaI clin Seobtaiînei from .eve-ry part of tise seord. - THIE SEMI-WFTKLY LE.AtD-ER Is pdbiuhed on Tuesdai s and Priday, at Tamu DoLLAR a year, in advance. It contains a&U the readtiugmatte-r of-tise DailN .Leadv-er; aud for parties wiso do not meide pèg eno eh t o a Post. Omfce to ealleve - day, tbas paper seili suppiy tlýe-i with all the intelligencve tbey couiti race-tve fýom tise Daily. --THE WIEEKLY LEUVER Ispnblisbed avary Fr-it]ay, and] "THE ?ÂTRIOT ap4tie-' nWSOF THE WEEK> are.publiised - e-y Wednesday, t the nte- of ONE D0LTL4R inafivance. Thbeeaxe-rsazerevlste-Oua-laýrge Tise large circ-ulatic F~or thé eues - 2. -, ý . 1 15:2 LU~ - . s~a.'5' - - -.. e-use-us-r.- -- \.- A 55e t- S A A~te- s-s sA;~,e u t'-.etaî.Aev-s.s-t. - IiLL TELL 1*ro ft'hie stucsF. symptcints. ., anet reatinent cI'Fistîtia, Pou Eril, Gleiiideriz, lis addition do tise isove benefitse tisae'aili Fis rcv, Sre-et l'e-ver, Mangpe. Siitrfs-it, Leeket] be- given ta the suhacnieers, as gs'aîuiîous pre- Jaîr, iieturnaîisns, Crtsmp,-Gallî Dise-nue-es of mitims, ove-n Five Hundned Beautilul Works of tise Eve-a latît , & ,, .anilîosv te mn- Art! comprisieg valuahîe paintingai,muarbias,. age ('tttrt.tleIiea<iîg, Tireliiruitieg, Rourel- pansuns, outdines, &ce., focming a truiy national!- ingT, Finingy. Ilenîsi, Amputation. Tapisiiig, ant]bceefit. - other stîngiesul olserciiosas. - Tîî GCEAT E.NlsÂVduso,, selici eve-rV subSCeib- THIE - OISE AND III DISEASES e-r sl nece-e, e-titlics,_ FALSTAFF MU3sRxîsisi Inîs REce-Uîs'ss-lS On£-cf'tise most beauîtiful and WIiL TELL Yt i' tf Rarervys Metiso t h a-- poitlar eng-avinga e-ver issuet] S this coutry- inîg Iloses; lisserte acces-bic sa hors;e t10 111edone on ste-el, lafln fine e an4, aijiple, and la' sîsuga sountîsandai sighlits, and hbeerte lBit, 1prnitet] on liavy pinte pape-r, 30 by 39 incise-s,. Sat]dlt, Rie, anit] lits-tSIimiii iaruiessa:cIsc umaking a mosi cisoice nrnanicnt, suhable forthtie tise- lo mndfittiv cf Wernantv. TIse iviole 1 aslle of user tise-ihrary, panier on office- lis- heing hue restîlt ciment iais te-e-e eans' cane- sibie-et tise ceiebratet] sceau of Sir John Fal- fnl studyaf tise-habits. jtacmiiarities,wlant] snd staff' n i-irinl Justice Sbaliow's office, tise we-akesse-s of tisissuîttie asud eefui animatL e-ecliP sebiclihave e-esu gsutlsane& rhlis Ilt eg- Tise bask e-eîtnins 3ý4 p apps1jro1sniate-y ge-Il ciment." Lt couidt]eûthfuraislîdhy tise ilinstratet] by nearly Oaa ilun]reMd Engrevnge. 1 trae or le-s titan five dollars. lu s pninte t e ele-an anti open type,. aut]wil - T -A.crt Jsuaî-4 aton seeli kaitwitu o tise- ha furseerdat]to any sdt]ress, postage ;telt, oun -wboae country utésret] eornsent]atiba. Xitisa ne-e-dpi of pnice, hsslf boit et, $1.00, or. in elotIr, me-nifice-suly ilinstat]d magazine of Art, con-, extra, $1.25. itatinuîsg Essuya, Stories-, Poe-55r gos-ssp'- &c., 5v -the vcrrbe-si write-s ns uAme-nc. Tisa Engeaving le sent- to any pari of the The Farnily flom.tor: cossntey by mail, with samfety, being' packe-d jua. A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS Sutnscxlptionseililbe rece-?d until the Eve-- ieg of -tise- 3st of Janssary, 1861, ai wbfch turne Dy PRO0F. IS55e-5Y S. TAYLOI'XS. D. tise- bonks seul close and tise premiuma Se giveas TAYL.ORS FANILY DOCTOR Sac nette-lian 1to aubsenihers.- enonnucesalse, sud i-le-ne-ver keeuslîi, lu uai- tj For Imtiiere part*,uliara se-ad for a copy ef the ve-saiy ppova].bot h tie-htu-iîtytît]i-hsliy iîlustnsstet] Art Jo'ur,,d, pronounceul other..itu plain Iseguage-, Ire-c fntsiedical Iteheîfmettigsse t.m,-ca Xiotin -- teeshnicjsities, il givbs yoit simple rese-die Catologua of Pre-niimsa sd utîme-nous superby ieasilyo nbte-d fcr tIse- cure cf Div-sacin laIl angravuaga.: Re-gular prie-e, 50 ce-nta par nus- - farnis, wlth importanti mies for pneservin g tisae ber. Si e-ime-n copies, boivea, sl e se-ut t he-ah, set] directions fer tise- simul chianihenI those semisiug, to subseribe, on re-seipt of 18 and tise- pnspa treattseat -ohftIse sieuk. Tise cents, le stasps or coin. Dise-asssof Cisilîlîcoti, tise- isases oh Man-- Adîdre-s, isoot], asdt]hie Dise-seu iectihiar te W'cme-u, C. L. .DERBY, Actuany C. A. A., - are-al tre-atet]ochicnsm cIe-ana rît]practicai si-cv 546 Broadsiy, IÇe---Yorki54 -Als ast -haut], anti ne-selste senve yen tfthe N, ihe--Suhscriptions re-eilvet] anti tforwarde-d simple ne-ie-ltstif tutu heok niay soce save-'you 1bY W. H. DOEL Agrent hon WHInsv snd vicinity stuchS uffering set] nauyhities tise- ceaI no'tise- serespecimen Eîsgaviegsandt/sm'JourMsie-sn volume-, it is prîîte-d in a elearandt open h eu type-, set] iliuseratet] urus appreisniate engssv legs. Ne-a ly bound ie cletIs, pseice.. S1.00, or, j < ~~ - >- '. lu leatsur, $251 ~ - ' mu i A ID- (sniii'sa-neoattorney', ) sa5 I was s iti tîs-n]r Brttie-r D-, sîs lise office, iSn (ourt Sq:art, a cue-utcarmeinî, anti s-aï. V t.he sia hier dmitisavoîl eh't]nut1us iv es-ela iSr andiî tv-netho coîieup ivitit i -"Stale îlur case* eait D-. Clisnt- .--i1ssked itusi sois'nt lie mmoit]ciîauîge suhWa litre.M La lat)Ie' huîm. Hectifler-si n eIu lttitt1. I issu5 5ts>Itr atnd went, andîtl si-i 1 Icause' acis, 1 pa utitt fifttetu cliiilist, sattd IY .siiihie- sî.oîtrian9s et- ilhee'is hili st AsroCIfiirg ~bactk, atiila nie ipay i.ý" -, gaîmst' itîsStto ine l lit( vice, NIrliscitIle clienti msîtatîi iti'IUpu as Ioliess's: Iii u tî tlen ..tsr t uletn IletI( -lie u et îisil in i aît Iurur' sîs' fuorst hsr- to go ho Salis?" Sial Wrus; i-I'Tiitt 10 Sîlern, eaine it.c l- b s rut t uad,. v!rîtti i t aaer, say sts'.'- leue là stîsis!su- IM iii-7 hu t hiiiv s--hulitssuz. 1- l icro t-s î lons-e ?" al s W- ' u l> t S Sule. stschanr'1tt y'I ,ts.v l ! i uto lu j5'S, lrem.' INýSASI us.-flv-re ise cgru-at I-al of t tît lebiis îttzity rtark of te Moima II'itnessa- ' 1f is fol i Amersie'O osshî thai i:ti.iit the eider ef the tht>. Ili (Canada, ire- hasve geod. sucre of il. If tlie ~'SUpposeti vieil fum a tititwer phSine-t ui, learn titît oi tas:is andti trdîltt liat]d ubiot in a le-w epat mtisier thie mniuationieof fisnatnciers of e- ttaerîifitary tbilty, îvit.ne petis jawmi-.îcie-n natolivbelives. and wuvîo became suddie evealtit>' thenîseis'es. lie evoti is iîiîîk - une1 tits puer, pltntleredeianîd euvithled peofs! viiiah least, titumiss suchl pubélie sers-ant if il duees ot iînpeach tisetis; andi il lis.Jlotî ed titat aa'iýjoirttv tîfilte ieolto stre'foisut] sporntti'i, lis.'s-ci ll say>: streir. fil, - hJ lus. T H E (OURMUSICAL FR1FEN». A NYOF THESE BOOKS.Will be for- "iOUR MUSICAL RIENIX" a Rà re Comapal arded by mail, post paid, te any address, ion~ for the Winter MOnths. on receipt of price by JOHN E. PORTER, Pub- Every Piaufià t, I houldproc.ure thisaweek- lisher, No. 617 Sansom St., Philadeiphia, Pa. Every Singer, I ly Publication of 'Vocal GZ~ Aent wnte eserjwere . Every Týeaeber, J and Piano Forte Music, 0:>Agets aned verwhee- Every Pupil, - costing but 1OEJENTS a Every Amateur, a'j.umaber, and pronounced The Hforso and hie Diseaises: By thse entire Icreis of the, Country, te be BY ROBERT JENNINOS, V. 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