Last monthlW * M 1 9d ybuto couflt how rnany ilinbsthe S Whitby Dbwntown logo appeared, toW otneOl of the cool Y our Oownto'wn T-shtfts. Mrs. J. Campbetl and Mms. E. Vanter had! the correct, answer and T-shirts are on the ___ waY tO them. ,if you foot cheated that you dldin' get a T- shirt., this month we ar offerlng you a chance to get a Downtown Whttby Cookbook. Courit how many times you Se,4..1 In ýthis Isoue'cf Vour Downtown. Send us your namoe, address and phono number atong wlth your answer before Sept. 24 and you coutd be cooklng ln *Outdoor patlô for the sumrnmer *Enjoy a 'gpoflng eveS on our IIOq, vision, Whltby's 131g Screen TV *E0joy a hfndty game of darts *PdIWO facildes for business mqtlnge or parties t il L±i proud' Is htty Dwnown Business lmprovement Area charman Sean Hogue (far rlght) dotng his best Rodlney Dangerfteld Imitation, or Is he Just Ioosenlng hfis tle? Hogue along With Grand Upholstery and DesIgn's Dave Orandy Mfar Ieft> and Whltby cowIclor John Doistra pickedi one cf ttie fottest dlavs Of thie summer te take a strol In thie downtown In their Jackets and ties. Mother Nature dldn't co- eperate. but Rediney Dangerfleicd wvouldiapprove. LARGE SELECTION 0F NEW &USED FURNIRE ( 39U 30d. 109" 2cisof 499 ' Etefim IMIt Box à tius & chair Mattoss onty 069" Bunkm Bods Fo »MU)From si19900 0 3 po. Cofi.. Tabl es 8 " D . s e 2 < I 'j EDi N;e1aTb!~ -Hfrorefolk toy dL4ay -Laovelydr&W.d ewhrdem by Mbkx'¶kq K" W*y*a& Kmduefr womeq. G FR EMIYONATLAFYYWÀkm