Downtowu n~ t EarIPasceKëeea Tiipý Downtown Whitby will soon be along the.downtown and fei secre. ' li1Yb'C OSOlT thefl flilghL..the new streetlights, Thec replacement iight standards wil Héritage Day looks at-the past atid.;>the fùture 6 Imeeproje wils eisalto itria uopeei h a Heeritage Day -Events and activities dart 12 of. aPprqiýhpat1y, 34 Saçw Viçctorian ýMityr, 4w*nIs ays the tIowmiown ~' " ~ ~DEPARTMENTS Financlal corner ý3 ricwbxt tô*stinu of wa-b ng de ownwn streets BIOCk:Tfik f Q~O1c ~1c ~(OC~ II ~ ilQîOib -tl 1 DOS t8 Entettallers corner' ~IWW sidards M*Sdoeng Bock st, a forin ofcrtcrtainmcnt for,,us and W r erb1 ~uoeDtni1opMai~yseoee,,m~xlh19n poie e very enjoyable fallyEdctoCoer1 lDundus SL, bstwcma Byroun and Atfra lime to»Uthe.» dctoo e DDWIIOWIiW1IIU3~ lN 5IiWfl istoricai Corner 1 libe DIA (Busjness IME11rm aigus of growth during the past ietr Aiea piup), wanted t euIiance the OIp fY*5,wchs in. P "-L-eCUag'ý»g sign in astàgnont Parkling Map 1 Motion, ý?# downtown ,C*zigmnn Waynet~çt, Lms rnontti we asked cou own tmes' the llgbUingsystom wIl{ eî .~the maypr g . Whitby bowntown logo applereto mnotthé cool reaIIy add to the «but thelure do notarc less vacant Vour Downtown T-shirts. Mrs. J. Campblaélanci Mrs. E. Discusionon ~owntwn WitbyVarmier had the coorrect ariswer and T-shirts'are o>n the whaliftstndrd ùw li a r0 cýWiy to thern: f o feel cheated that you didn t get a T- to Istal fcuse onamo 1 ears ago. hirt, titis month we are offeirg 1you achnetgta thic overail downtown aevyhappy anetgéa ambtancç. 'Nulle the tnany oýf the merchmt - ontw htyCokok on hwnn re liedng system hâd to bc ans1d tiie way. they have, wtonWàyCokok.ou h 'Mntie efficient, thc look was ralcd to,, pnhance theyuse4 IntsIseofYrDwtw. nds also very Impoutant 4obwb" a." "Wc wanied to ceat an Lo6çal cieçtrî<aj 7 your nam.e, address and phone number along Y46, yoâur atmosphere that people cosultant PAcer i3ngInc1g - w o n tdid diceglcrn d(8,%< answer before Sept. 24 and you could bcoklgin find in a isalt mnai1l wlll b climate," 2 , another