16 YOIJD DOWNIWN Mcu) 1994 SYSTrEMAiC WITHDRWAL -PLAN $100,000 P»URCHASE For The Period Ending December 31, 1993 Thts is an example of a Trsmark Systemahtc Wishdrawal Plan. The Purchaser of the Plan invested $100.000 ait the inception of Trimark Fund, September 1. 1981, and wsthdrew $825 each montis beginning (lictober I. 1981 Thse Trimark Fund Account Value reflects an initial deduction orf a 4% commission rate as well as changes in unt value and assumes ini <me and capital gatns distributions are reinvested. It does not take mint accounit administration tees payable by unitholders whicb would have reduced returns. Sept. 1/81 ', # % Dec. 31/81 ýL'4T5 Dec. 31/82 9,0 r Dec 31/83 9"»q ~ Dec. 31/84 9.0 Dec .31/85 9.0 Dec 31/86 9.900 4ý4' Dec. 31/87 990 44 Dec, 31/88 9.900 16310 Des. 31/89 9,900 6,159 1)ec 31/90 990 71, ýUe Dort 31/91 9,0 74Z 1)eo 119 2 9.900 6.1$I Det 31/93 $9.900 $.00 $U9 FUND PERFORMANCE Il vssu insesîed $100,000 in Irimark Fund in ~seoiemier, 1981 and wssh drew $825 every nsonth. vssu wssuld have wirthdrawn a total of $ 1 21,275 andi wuald ..ssII have $410,854 lefo Your tortal tas liahslsîs ruoulv hase beci $14.452. if yssu ru.thdes the r,men amsruns Irssm an invesî ment carnting 10%h tssu vosuld have $132 35 lefi tm ota <.5,5 ssisshsli in trrlsr. at ru,ssls ss tn$4 5,80 2 For comparative purposes, we have shown thse same schedsale of withdrawais at a 10% annual compounded total rate of return with no tees deducted. Latest 1-, 3-, 5- and 1O-year historical annual compourided total rates of return for Trlnnark Fund to December 31, 1993 were 31.6%, 29.6%, 17.9% and 15.4% respectively. Since inception. investors in Trimant Fund earned 18.7%. While ail results are based on thse past performance of the Fund, these are not nece.ssarily indicative of future results. Your unit value and invesurmeut retuins wlll fluctuate. $ O $ - $ - $96000 $100.000 $ - 2,475 0 0 98,620 100,817 1,317 12,375 1,352 464 122,827 100,463 3,818 22,275 15,778 4,056 155,387 100,073 3,804 32,175 5.962 1,983 146,894 99,644 3.788 42,075 1,381 403 189,855 ý99,172 3,771 51,975 19,477 744 199,443 98,653 3,752 61,875 32.011 801 186,289 98,082 3,731 71,775 23,657 1,242 218,228 97,454 3,709 81,675 18,412 1,853 242,821 96,763 3,683 91,575 25,082 8,395 209,377 96,003 3,656 101,475 3,649 1,829 257,673 95,167 3,626 111,37M 6,629 3,113 321,107 94,247 3,592 $121,275 $26,998 $9,569 $410,854 $ 93,235 $3,555 $410,854 TRIMARK FUNI) ~~ ACCOIJNT VALUE $93,235 COMPARATIVE PLAN AT DECEIER31 993 10% RETURN Ai rus- .. 4 seursnand investserot salu#-s have boer. auditeai by Lrttsi & Young, Charieeed Accounsants Important injormain about anv mustual Jwsnd is to.îatned in as ssmpîjted prospectus tisad vour pnssspet i t aneluIl. belon, is'esttng ( opies of the prospectus mny be obtaineul jrom vour mutual fond dealer. stnehbroaer or frimarh. *Iax liabtlnty assumes full access to the %$100,000 Isfirtie tapotai gains exe'mption stn<e 1985 unîîl the $100,000 limit uns reached in 1989 and aiso assumes thai the $100.000 ruas nos borroues as CNIL would then apply FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: r INVESTMIENT PLANNING CENTRE 122 ATHOL ST., WI m ASSISTANT"t 666-0896 ASSIAT SFIANC1AI PLANNING CONSUTANT WVIJTDY Scbaflh~r EPESENTA1WE $450,000 $150.000 $250.000 r $150,000 $0 SEPTEM4BER I 1981