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Whitby Free Press, 7 Oct 1971, p. 6

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Page 6, Thursday, October 7th, 1971, WHIITB3Y FREE PRESS THE 'ROMANTIC 1880 LOOK' DRAWS CLOSE T Sipping hotchocolate at a sidewalk cafe overlooking the Christmas-card scene of an outdoor, midtown skating rinkmaybe straight from the pages of a Charles Dickens novel, but could be a common Vhitby street scene, which may come about through the restora- tion in part, of the downtown core sec- tion of the County Town. rehabilitating store backs Historical archivistBrianWinter's restoration proposai, which has crea- ted high enthusiasm in the town, now includesanequally imaginative refac- ingrather than the superficial cleanup, originally planned for the backs of the southeast block's buildings. W h i t b y , sandwiched between the Q o 1 o s s a i c o n crete of Metropol itan Toronto, a n d t h e industrial "lunch- pail " city of Oshawa, could, despite i t s strategic position on a soon-to- The Corporation of the Town of Whitby Notice Respecting Assessment Appeals TAKE NOTICE THAT The 1970 assessment roll for the Town of W h i t b y , as amended, upon which 1972 business and property taxes will be I e v i e d , may be inspected during bu s i n ess hours in the Town Clerk's Office, Municipal Building, 405 Dun- das Street West, Whitby. Assessment notices have been mailed to only those persons who have had a major change in their 1970 assessment e. g. change in assessed value; change in school support; or change in name and-,address. Any complaint wi th respect to an assessment on the assessment roll m ay b e made to the Assessment Re- view Court pursuant to Section 52 of the Assessment Act, R. S. O. 1970, C32 as amended by Section 10 The Assessment Amendment Act, 1971. Notices of Complaint must be made in w r i t i ng either by letter or on forms av a i 1 a b 1le from the Town Clerk and shallbe1mail edby or dinary mail ta the Regional Registrar named below, and, in addition, by registered mail ta any p er s on w hose assessment is camp- lained of, not later than the 3ist day of October, 1971. The Notice of Complaint should include your name and pos tal addr ess, and the reason (s) for complaint. Also please note the assessment rail number, the s tr eet address, concession and lot number of the plan number and lot num- ber (s), and the municipality in which the property under compiaint is situ- ated. be-completed 4-lane highway, become a focus of attention for shoppers and tourists. Complete restoration of store fronts which will return buildings in the south- east block back to the elegance of their red and buff colour original stonework; gingerbread carpentry and the victor- ian design prevalent in the romantic 1880 era, will include as a more com- prehensive study, a plan for the re- habilitation of the store backs. balustrades & tier-backs Identical balustrades to blend with the character of the buildings once re- stored, wi ll serve.a twofol d purpose. They w ill lend a uniform look to the s t o re backs, and will serve as man- datory fire escapes. Further discussion at the last meet- ing o f the downtown action committee included plans for the future possibil- ity of tier-stores, withperhaps a shop * 4~ NOW OPEN *GOLDEN GATE !RESTAURANT: CHINESE FOOD M * M After an extensive renovation, we are ready once aguin to serve the besti, îas Chinese Foods. For home delivery in Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa and Brookin Call :668-8687 or 668-8321: * 107 Brock St. S., Whitby Imaa as m Mm seli ing one kind of merchandise on one level, andanother shop handling adiff- erent type on the other level. open promenade effect Bestdescribedas an open promen- ade lined with shops, the committee's scheme would include open area to be used as a public park in summer, and a flooded skating rink in winter. The summer park-skating rink would be flanked with sidewalk cafes. In order to acheive this open prom- enade effect, stores such as the Atter- sley Tire Store would have to be re- moved, and Councillor Robert Atter- sley indicated to committee chairman Des Newman, that he was not opposed to relocating his Whitby store tO an- other part of the town. Whitby credit card Ad v e rti sing and promotions were a i s o discussed, and as a result, the feas i bilit\,of anexclusive W h i tby cred i t card willbe explored. The Whitby credit card, once distributed to local resid'ences, will offer the ul tra convenience of credit shopping a n d be an a d d e d bonus to downtown m e r c h a n t s w ho are now competing with the easy credit of the larger dep- artment stores. Before the next meeting of the down- town action committee, MerchantAsso- ci ation President Joe Ottenbrite will liaswith fellow merchants to aiso ex- plore co-operative advertising. architects to be consulted Clerk William Wallace will contact architects wvho have been involved in s i m i i a r projects, such as Anthony Adamson, famed author of 'Old Houses FR e v i s i tedt, and Mayor Des Newman w i ii bring the committee's plans be- fore his council for moral and perhaps physical support. WHITBY, ONTARIO Tenders for Whitby Municipal Complex S e a I ed tenders for combined Archi- tectural, Mechanical, and Electrical Work, will be received at the Office o f M r. W . H. Wallace, A. M. C.T. , Cilerk, The Corporation of the Tovwn of Whitby, Municipal Building, 405 Dun- das Street, Whitby, Ontario, not later than 2:00 p. m. , Thursday, October 21, 1911. for the construction of a four storey, plus basemnent, plus Council Chamber Municipal Building; an d a one storey plus basemnent Police Building. P I a n s and Specifications are av- ADDRESS ALL COMPLAINTS TO MR. M. HARBINSON, REGIONAL REGISTRAR, ASSESSMENT REVIEW COURT, 713 DAVIS DRIVE, 3RD. FLOOR, NEWMARKET, ONTARIO. WM. WALLACE, CLERK, TOWN OF WHITBY ailable at the Office of the Architect, William Saccoccio, 215Morrish Road, Wes t H ili1, Ontario, on deposit of a certified cheque in the amount of $100. 00. Tenders wili be opened at a Publ ic Meeting immediately after the closing time. Lowest or any tender not necess- aç i [y. cç çptççp.

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