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Whitby Free Press, 7 Oct 1971, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, October 7th, 1971, Page Storm Strands Six On A sudden squa 11 caused a near di s- aster for f Ive sa!i Ing students herefIas t Thursday evenlng. At 8:00 p.m. three fiberglass 151 boatscontaining five students and one instructor were returning to the Whitby' Sa! i ing School when a freak squai I bi ew the boats out of the harbour area and into the open lake. loats capsîzed Two of the boats capsized because of the heavy winds whi le the students in the th!rd boat had the presence ta, drap their salis immediately. T om Farquharson, o f the Wh! tby SailingSchool, noticed the winds had begun gusting to 45 m. p. h. and set out in hi srescue boat tomake sure ail1 the s t u d e n ts were out of danger. ln the mouth of the harbour he was informed by another sailboat that three of his boatshadbeenblownout into the lake. T om t h en went out in the rescue b oa t, a 24 f oot catamaran wi th a 125 h. p. engine, to look for the overturned boats. At this point the waves had builît up to aheight of eight feet and visibil1- ity was difficuit because ail the white c a ps looked like the overturned huli1 of a smal 1 boat. A fte r s ome search ing Tom found theboatwith students, Ronald Hunt of S ca r b orough and Daniel Beemer of Toronto. Both men deci ined assistance because they were strong swimmers, and toild Tom to go af ter the other two boats. Whistle led to rescue Af ter difficuit searching in heavy s e as, Tom found the boat contai ning instructorDeiter Keuthen and student Betty Hoedl. Frustrated a t not being a bi1e t o see properl1y, Tom had shut ONTARIO FORM 418 NOTICE 0F HOLDING AN ADVANCE POLI ELECTORAL DISTRICT 0F ONTARIO SOUTH Lake Ontarlo -by lii Quaîl off h i s engine and radio from time ta trne tai1 isten. Deiter had been blowing awhistle and the sound guided Tom ta, the disabled boat. Tom then returned ta the harbour ta drap off the student and instructor and refi hisgas tank'. After setting up a communications network between hi1s boat, h is sail1ing school and the Whitby Yacht Club,ý hewent out to con- t in ue the s e arch. Atthis point the search was aided by C. 0. M. R. A.a.a. the City ofGOshawa Marine Rescue As- soci ation. On the way back out Tom discoveredaprivate sailboat contain- 1ing four people in trouble and being s m as h ed against the sea wal1. Tom assisted.them and continued an. Shoreline search The search continued as far east as G. M. unt il 2:00 a. m. when C.0. M. R. A. deci1ded to cai11 it of f til11 dawn. At t h i s time i t was decided ta send out parties to walk along the shoreline ta, look for anybody who might have drif- ted ta, shore. Tomncontinued the search but could not f ind the first boat wîth Hunt and Beemer despite the fact they had mndi- cated they woul d paddie to shore. The boat that dropped sails was stili miss- ing as well. Just before 4:00a. m. the boat con- t a i n i ng Peter Neihsl of Oshawa and Pe t er Watson o f Whi tby sa!iled into Bowmanville beach. The students had wai1ted un ti1 the storm had subs ided and put up their sai s and sai led in ta shore. Ab o u t 4: 15 a. m. Hunt and Beemer h ad m a naged ta paddl e thei r boat ta, sh o re d espi te the fact the boat was still partly full of water. They landed about 4miles east of Dan ington Park. From here they hitchiked on the 401 ta Whi tby where they were picked up on Brock Street South by the Whi tby Pol- lice. w~ w- w- w- w- w- w- w- Sa with the flrst light of dawn the o nl1y p ro bl1ems were three missing b oa ts. T om recovered the boats on F ri1d ay afternoon. One boat was in- tact , one suffered afew dents and scratches and the thirdhad about $200. 00 damages. Lo>oking back on the f irst major In- cident at the Sa!i1lng School Tom said, "If the llght hadn't gone sa fast Thurs- da y nlght weld have had them in and safe. "lAs for the danger Tom repliled, "As long as they kept their heads and s ta yed wl th the boats they had every c h a nce of survi val."I Tom adds that "'Our safety drill Is tops."I Ar-d as for the six wet adventurers at last report none had lost their en- thusiasm for sailing. VWERE THE SECOND BEST# ASK US WHO'S, THE FIRST~ WHITBI TE11PHNE UM7 m m m m m m m m WESTER 011.w FUEL QIL LTO. SERVICE FURNACE INSTALLATION 725.1212 I umu mm * .Now In WH ITBY Miss René Figure Salons Grand Opening Spec'ial / Efiloî f1w ai SCè L ini.L ited lime OoIy LStudents - hait pricej1 * No -Miss René's-Pledge Nocontracts to sign *No strenuôus excercises *Air candi tioned comfort *Latest in conditioning equipment *Individual programmes *Personal supervision by aur experts You can corne dow ni in dress size from:1 14 ta dress size 10 16 ta dress size 12' 18 ta dress size 14 i 20 ta dress size 141 22 ta dress s ize 1 6 DEME SALONS MISS RELI LOUR see the difference" WHITBY Blair Park Plaza corner of Dundas'St. E. & Lupin Dr. eall Miss René Now 668-9011 OSHAWA Swiss Chalet Plaza 1050 Sîm Coe N. 579-2231 free parking bus service at door *M.5_ - 1-1.,. 1 A "eI AJAX 48 Kings Cres. Brooklo 15 North St. Claremont Corner Wellngton and Vctoria Sts. Reynolds Res., PICKERING VILLAGE St. Georges Anglican Church Hall PICKERING [West Rouge) St. Edwards Cliurch Hall corner Fast Ave. and Kirkdene rWHITBY 511 Centre St. S. THE BALLOT BOX OR BOXES WILL BE OPENED AT THE SAID PLACES AND THIE VOTES COUNTED AT 8 P.M. ON THURSOAY OCTOBER 21, 1911. DATED AT PICKERING, ONT. Nrs. Betty Duantilîl RETURNING OFFICIER, GOO SAVE M1E QUEEN ONTARIO IEary pums*1WowtaNy dettali.es ratRs aeauetes. reses le.,tabc. destayed. tjstd or o blotretod ela t0 i@cERteas u aia Wn t a m (of tets. Pou fta". Lst of Votera. Pa*sg Loit, te. pu of aim.atonq the roqauemaMts ofths e atw2,aAct, auor a i tw quta. e coaeotaie ane und af à caruulp puean ad on auusmaay cS hUilluhbe (0 à foa. af aat sua. thoIAM

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