Page 10, Thursday, October 28th, 1971, WHITBY FREE PRESS with Eileen Young SOCIAL NOTES The2nd Brooklin Cub and Scout Group C o m m i t t e e met in the basement of Saint Thomas Anglican Church on Monday eve- ning electing the following officers: Chair- man Jack G regg, Vice-Chairman, Don F I emong; Secretary, Mrs. Greta Hal sey; Treasurer, Mr. M. Madill; Transportation Mr. Garland Camp; Chairman, Mr. R. A. Mac Inal ly; Chairman of paper drive, Mr. George Halsey. * A Halloween party wil1 be held at Meadowcrest school on October 28th at 6: 30 p. m. The L a d i es Auxiliary is to pro- vide lunch. * Mr. & M r s . Stanley Lockhart of Gar- si de Drive celebrateci their 48th wedding ann i ver sary along w ith their daughter "Joan" and relatives from Peterborough. Congratulations from your many friends in this area. * There w ill1 b e a euchre party at the ch ristian education building of the United Church a t Raglan on October 27th at 8:00 p. m. lunch is to be provided. * "Games Night" will be held at Meadow- crest School on Vipond Road, Wednesday, No v ember 1Oth at 7:45 p. m. Please bring y o ur own cards. Admission is $1. 00 wi th lunch provided. Funds will go to theBrown- ies and Girl Guides. * T h e m o rning and afternoon classes of k i n d e r g a rden and their teachers, Mrs. A I fred W il son and Mrs. Thomas, enjoyed their annual hike in the park, and along the streets here on Wednesday last. * Dr. & Mrs. A.E. MacMillan of Athol S t reet Whitby spent three weeks with the doctor's sister at her home in Maxwell near Glengarry. While there, they attended the C an ad i an Dental Association Convention h e Id at O t t a wa. They al so joined in the f e Il o w ship of the del icious fowl suppers served by the congregations of the churches in thatarea. This place, "Glengarry" was the setting for the book, "GIlengarry School Da y s'I by Ralph Conners. It is within 73 miles of Montreal where the French Lan- guag-e is spoken freely. j WE SWL AD ISTAll *l Mi c k e y F ischer, Jimmy Bruff, Brian E van s, and Wayne Parker were the four b o y s who were in the going-up ceremony from 1s t Brookî1in Cub Pack to 2nd Brook lin S c o u t s . The ceremony took pl ace at the c o m m u n ity centre on Cassel s Road East one evening recently. Bill Lawson received the group. Casey Maarse, Graham Halsey and Larry Ladbrook helped with the cere- mony. The scoutmasters and their helpers a r e v e ry busy preparing for the fal1 and w i n t e r a c t i v ities of these enthusiastic youth of Brookl in. * Approximately one thousand pheasants h ave been put out in this area this year. The season is for 2- weeks this year, the Io n gest period of hunting birds up to this date. * T he F aî1l1 Presbyteri al U. C.W. Rally was held at St. Stephen's United Ch:urch inOshawa. Major A. McCorquodale, of the house of Concord correctional home for boys was guest speaker. * Fish Organization, which will help per- sons in distress, is calling for volunteers wi th cars to behome visitors, and for telephonevisitors. Pleasecontact Mrs. J. Patterson for details. * The Anniversary of the Brooklin United Church will be held on Sunday, November 7thatRev. Mrs. W. Norman, missionaries from Japan, and Mr. Harold Arnup will be the guest speakers. * TherewillbeaEBrownies and Girl Guide "Games Night" at Meadowcrest School on November 10th, 7:45 p.m. Admission is $1 with prizes and lunch. * T h e Womens' Insti tute Annual Conven- tion wil 1be held at theRoyal York this year November 3rd, 4th and 5th. * T h e next meeting of Brooklin Womens' Institute will be held on November 17th at 2:00p. m. It is the Agriculture and Canad- ian 1n dustry meeting. Motto - "Many folk are confusing the high cost of living with the cost of high living. Rol1 Caîl - "A pur- chase I could do without& Topic - Effects of synthetic meat and milk products on Can- adian Agriculture. Current events. *< The annual tea and bazaar of the Brook- lin Uni ted Chur ch will be hel d on November 6th at the c hr istian education building of the United Church. C i L Paint - Cement - Brick - Hardware Sakrete Chimney Supplies Tile & drainage materials Croxail & Son Ltd. (Hardware & Building Supplies) 93 Winchester Rd., 655- Brooklin 4841 i HALLOWEEN SAFETY WHITBY SAFETY OFFICER, B. GRAHAM On S a t u r d ay, October 30th, 1971, m a n y witches an d goblins w ill be out t r i c k or treating on Halloween night. on our busy streets on that night. 1. If your ch i Id is wearing a mask to conceal his identity, make sure that he is able to see through the mask. In some cases, themasksdonot have very large opening areas, and i t may be necessary to take a pair of scissors and cut these openingsa little larger. A child cannot watch for cars properly if he can't see through his mask. 2. Make sure your child is wearing s o m e t hing in his costume of a reflec- tive nature. A dark costume is hard to se e on our dark streets at night, and almost impossible in some areas where lighting is not adequate. If the child is wearing reflective material, he can be e a s ily spotted by the motorist, there- by giving the motorist a chance to take evasive action if necessarv. 3. I n s t r u c t your child in the proper methods of going from house to house. Discourage him from running back and forth across the road at just any loc- ation on the street. The proper and saf- e s t \way wou Id be f or him to solicit t r e a t s on one side of the street, then cross at the corner properly and come back on the other side of the street. 4. AI so instruct your children not to p a r t a k e of any of the treats that they receive untilyou, as a parent, have had a chance to inspect them. We have had very little problem with candies, apples etc. , in this area, andwe hope this trend continues. 5. Remind children of all ages that this is anIght of fun and not one of malicious d arm a g e or destruction. lnstruct your children in being mindful of other peop- le's property so that everyone may en- joy Halloween. 6. D r i ve r s of motor vehicles should p a y s p e c i a 1 attention to these young chi I dren whose minds are not really notonsafetyduring this exciting night. In conclusion, we at the Police Dep- artment hope that everyone enjoys this Halloween, andwe hope that a few min- utes' instructionby the parents wi l en- sure that this Halloween is not marred by an accident. LET S CTERTO YQR NEXT 'PUB NIGHT' 668-8672 BLAIR PARK PLAZA WHITBY area distributors MITCHELL BROS. BLDG. SUPPLIES LTD. Ph-655-4991 BROOKLIN