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Whitby Free Press, 4 Nov 1971, p. 10

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- ~ luI'.4I ~'.Iiy qV 111le letI 12 VVI-11IL iJ ITI with Eileen Young SOCIAL NOTES Halloween costume winners * The Halloween party for 2nd Brook- I n S c o u t s was held at Meadowcrest Sc ho o 1 on Thursday last, wi th an en- thusiasti c group present. The first pri zQ f or fancy dress costume went to Brian Paudadh dressed as an Indian. Second prize went to Carter Garland, dressed as an Arab. Gregg Flynn, dressed as a scarecrow won third place. * The lstBrooklinPack held their Hal- loweenparty atBrook lin community cen- treonThursday with the ladies serving r e f r e shments. The first pri ze for the best costume wentto Ron Grandy, dres- sedasanold lady. Billy Pengelly dres- sed as a page, won second pr i ze. * Games Night will be held at Meadow- crest School on Wednesday evening, N ovem b e r 10 th at 7:45 pm. The Girl Guides and Brownies f r o m the Brook- 1 i n a r ea are sponsoring thi s evening. Please br i ng your ow n cards, prizes and lunch will be provided. * The Boy Scout Apple Day was a suc- cessful day in every way, with al boys selling his share of the apples. The re- f r e shments served later were apprec- iated b y everyone. Thanks ladies from the boys and their leaders. The best decorated basket for the 2nd Brooklin Cub Pack was the one prepared by Bruce Hart and the second one named was Tony Halsey. Brooklin Horticultural Society * Brooklin Horticultural Society held the ir October meeting at the christian education building of the United Church on Wednesday evening last wi th a good crowd in attendance. The entrles in the mum class was excellent, despite rec- ent frosts. An illustrated talk on 'Birds" was g i v en by Mrs. (Pegg, as wellas a demonstration on making Japanese ar- rangements. * A bale will b e p a cked on November 16th at 9:00 a. m. by the women of Brook- linUnited Church. AIl items must be in WE SELL AHD INSTALL BP. YINYL SIING Br-kin 'Fall Fiesta' * 'F al I Fiesta Bazaar', which will be opened by Mrs. Alice Sheffield, pres- byterial president, will be held on Sat- urday, November 6th at 2:30 to 5:00 p. m. , i n the christian education building of the United Church. There will be a bake table, afternoon tea, aprons, can- dles, and fish pond etc. Tables are or- gani zed by the C. G. I. T. Messenger s and Hi-C, as wellI as by the United Church W ome n. * Miss MargaretLunney of Montgomery Avenue andMrs. Russell Lunney of Way Road, were delegates from Meadowcrest Bapti st Church to the seminar, which was held at Sarnia thi s past week. Births * Mrs. & Mrs. Gordon Hunter of R. R. # 1 are now the p r ou d grandparents of anothergrandson, born last Tuesday to Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hunter. * Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Wick of R. R. # 1 are now the proud grandparents of an- o t h e r g randson, parents being Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wick. The Hon. William A. Stewart, Min- ister, Ontario Department of Agricul- ture and Food, announced today a new program for the removal of trees in old orchards. Speaking at the official op- ening of new apple storage and packing facilities for the Quinte Fruit Growers Ltd. near Trenton, Mr. Stewart stated th a t the new program has been added to SectiohÀA of the Capital Grants Pro- gram for Ontario farmers. It replaces the existing assistance for removal of old orchards. Grant rates Under the new program, grants will bemade at the fol lowing rate: orchards of under 50 tre es per acre $3/tree, or c h a rds of over 50 trees per acre - $1. 50 /tree. The trees may be removed C 1 L Paint - Hardware Cement - Sakrete Brick Chimney Supplies Te & drainage materials Croxail & Son ltd. (Hardware & Building Supplies) BROOKLIN Ph-655-4991 93 Winchester Rd., Brooki in good condition. The church women will see that all items are sent to the right places, suchas the psychiatric hospital inWhitby, theOshawamens' hostel, and a bale for overseas. * Mrs. MatthewAgarof Baldwin Street e n j o y e d a week hol iday wi th her son, Tom and family in Troy, New York last week. Poemsshould be printed and contain two to four stanzas and posters should be made on regul ar si ze sheets of br istol board. Contest deadlines Entries, which should be submitted to the Wh i tby Public Library before November l5th, will be judged on orig- inality imagination and neatness. Brooklinareachildren should submit their entries to the Brooklin branch of the Whitby Library by November 13th. CASSII 668 9600 by any method acceptable to the owner. "Any commercial farmer or grower in Ontario can obtain up to $1, 000 for th e purpose, " said Mr. Stewart, "but he must stay within the maximum limits of the main Capital Grants Program. Changing markets, and the need for the fruit industry tochange wi th these mar- kets, make this program necessary for the removal of varieties and trees that are no longer profitable or viable. " Mr. Stewart advised that all appli- c a t i on s for assistance under the new program s shoul d be made through county agricultural offices. Fruit and vegetable o f f i ce wil be available for any advice and management assistance required under the Orchard Removal Program. Write a poem - Make a poster for library contest Author to judge entries A w e 1 I k n o wn Whitby author, Mr. Les i e Mc Farlane will judge entries in t h e "Y o un g Canada's Book Week " contest for the Whitby-Brooklin area. "Young Canada's Book WeekI" wlIl be c e I e b r a ted across the dominion from November 15th to 22nd. The Whitby Public Library will spon- sor two contests which are open to ail grade school students. Ch ildren are required to write a poem or m ake a poster on one of the f o I I owing subjects: 'My Library', 'My Favo ur i te Book', or 'My Favourite Storybook Character'. Age gr oups will be divided as foi- lows: Grades I to 3, 4 and 5, and 6 to Stewart Announces Tree Removal Grants area distributors MITCHELL BROS. BLDG. SUPPLIES LTD. p SAVE money on DI Premium Bualiy Fuel Oil * DI OILi <$> T.&668.341<$ 655-4841 L- 0ýaae 10. lit-F-% 1 Q'71 m 1%d) 1 fluFlý5udye IN %AI P 1 'r n'V P P F F= P P F -C; ý=% 1

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