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Whitby Free Press, 4 Nov 1971, p. 12

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Page 12, Thursday, November 4th, 1971, WHITBY FREE PRESS A Saluteto Ontarîo As a tribute to Ontario, an Ontario scene will illustrate The Royal Trust' Company's desk calendar for 1972. Acquired for the Company's Centennial Collection established in 1967, the painting is "November lst, Glengarry, Ont.", by Douglas A. Fales, and it pictures his farm home near Alexandria. The calenidar will be sent as a Christmas and New Year's greeting to sorne 286,000 clients and friends of Royal Trust throughout Canada, the U.S.A. and abroad. ASTROIOGY4 continued from page6 * lt ma y be t rom these othe r planets wve g et U. F.0.'Is or 'Ifly ing saucers"l as they are call1ed, controll1ed by beings vvh o a re wondering what crazy things earth people wlll be doing next. Sybil Leek & Nixon predicton Sybil Leek predicted that President Nixon wil11 "go out in a bl aze of scandai" and noting Nixon's horoscope char t, we can see t h a t he has Mars and Mercury e xa c tI1 y o p posi te, indicating an aura much 1 îke boys pl aying with matches near a powder keg. These pointswil I be activitated at the new moon of November I7th. On that day the sun and moon wii11 oppose hi s Saturn ruier of Capricorn, the sign under which he w a s born, a factor whi ch wlIl make h i m feel vengeful, and as the next new moon falîs on Mars and Mercury in his horoscope, December l7th, he may just decide to even with those who have tried to frustrate hlm following the new moon of Novem ber i7th. Mars will oppose Piuto the night of December 29th, so the Presidentcouldbeannoyedat that time. Pluto in Libra Piuto moved into the sign of Libra October 5th, 1971, and except fora brief period in 1972, wil11 remain in Libra un- ti 1 984, when it will return home to Scorpio. Can this be related to the book "11984"1 written by George Orwell ? Libra is the sign of harmony, balance and justice, so we expect more violence in the world until the more flagrant in- equalities of life are levelled off. Libra i s the twelfth house of people born in Scorpio, the subconscious loc- ation for these Scorpios, 80 a subtle change will take place in them, as Pluto i s a i s o the regeneration, indicating a po ss i ble softening in their vindictive natures. If S c orp io i s a t tached to anyone, hewill1 stay that way, but if Scorpio doesn't like you, out you go, and with- out much chance of forgiveness. Libra is regarded as the sign of mar- niage, 50 Pluto's influence could make, marriage cerenlony more mean ingful, or more obsolete than it is today. Open House At Animal, Shelter The area Ontario Humane Shelter at Thickson Road w il1l1hoId "Open House"l, this Sun- day, November 7 th from 2to 6 p. m. The staff and an- im ais extend a warm welcome to ai l friends old and new, anditherewilî a 1Iso be a sale of candy, baked goods ~nd small1 objects for Christmas gift giving. Gifts of pet food from visitors will be gratefully ac- cepted on behaîf of the animais. Missionaries new ta, area Two young men have been assigned to the Whitby area as missionar les of the Church of Jesus Chri s t of Latter-Day Saints. El der Paul Wî11ie, aged 20, of Mailad, 1 d ah ho, has served previousl y in Port Credit, Bracebridge, Hamiltion, and O ttaw a. Ei1d er Cl1arence Bal dwin, age 20, fromBakersfield, California, has ser- ved previously in Burlington, George- town, Gait and Woodstock. They have both arr ived recently from their previous areas. Whi le in this area they wil11 be visiting varlous homes and cer ta in c 1lub s and organ i zat ions exp l ai n i ng t he b elief sand pr inc ipal1s of the Latter-Day Saint rel igion. Due to extensive mi ssionary activity, church population in Ontario has doub- led since 1950. Eider Willie and B3ald- win are among approximately 235 miss- ionaries of the Latter-Day Saint Church in Ontario and Quebec, and a part of a worlId wi de force of some 14, 000. About 60% of the young men in the church between the ages of 19-21, ded- i c a t e two years of their 1 ives as ser- van ts dec 1ar ing the gospel1 to the worl1d. Members of th e church in this area attend church at their chapel, which is 1 o c ated at the corner of Ross land and Thornton Roads in Oshawa. JOHN AMaCLOan FUELS 0 Fuel 011 0, Steve CHI * osoline * Diesel * Om Grams UNDLU * Furnece t sols & Servi" Clarence Roper John Maclean 668-4462 579-0151 TAUNTON ROAD Just Eamt of Rîtson Rd. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE- "CALI ME" Ted Marlow at 558-5846 for PERSONALIZED service in the selection of your next NEW or USED CAR. 'I try harder' AUTOMOBIES WANTED "You Noedc "W. Nnod CASH" CARS" Good used cors are now in demnand, we poy tcop dollar, bring your cor now ta 200 DUNDAS ST. W. 668-6881 - SERVICES ONTARIO HOUSINO CORPORAT ION DEVELORMENT PROPOSALS are invlted for CONSTRUCTION 0F 50 SENIOR CITIZEN UNrrs 0 F "ONTARIO HOUSING"t IN THE CITY 0F OSHAWA, ONTARIO0 The required units may be under construction, or ln the design stage upon land owned by the proponent, or under option to hlm. Proposai forms, speci- ficat ions and Informat- ion may be obtained f r om t he Toronto of- f ices of th e Corpora- tion. Proposai s for this project wiiI be ph ysi1c a1 iy received by the Mana ging Dir- e c t or, Ontario Hous- ing Corporation, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto 181, not later than 2:00 p. m. E. S.T. Wednesday, December 1, 1971. The Iowest priced pro- posai or any proposai not necessarily ac- cepted. DirtyWeII? Guaranteed safe water. Guaranteed to remove chi or- mne, harmfui bacteria and maebic cysts; algae, rust, di1 r t, s cale, Invi sible suspended matter, organic taste, colours and odours, iodines, phoenais, det- ergents, radioactive soliids, iron and some hydro- genlc suîphide. EasiIy connected to pressurized and non-pressurized systems. Used by 94% of the worid's airlines. OGDEN PUIRIFIER CANADA, Il Dome Avenue, Toronto 16, Ontario, Cal 1 757-7677. McKEEN'S NEW & USED FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S. 725-5181 Are you interested in soving mono>' on new t urniture? W. have slightiy rmarked chesterfield and bedroom suites at prices you must see to believe, new kitchen suites, cont. beds, chetts, also clean used furniture. CAIL IN AND SEE OUR FLOOR DISPLAY Bernie & Mike's SUPERTEST - Tune up - Carburetor Rebuilding - General repairs Licensed mechanic.1 Restaurant facilties.' Thlckson Rd. & Hwy. 2 728-5 ARE YOU HAVING A -WEDDING, ACEOR PARTY? Cali1 Oshawa Disc Jockeys For the Finest in Recorded Music! 'Rates Are Low Let us know « 723-2415 Coin col lection for sale. Coins 1859 to present telephone 723- 1839. P.O. Box #250, Ajox, Business Stimulators Ontorio, Canada Public Relations Tailor Mode Features L.J. 'Lau' Dickson CLASSJFIED' mooffl

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