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Whitby Free Press, 4 Nov 1971, p. 15

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WH- MORIGAGES FAST FAST FAST MORIGAGE, LOANS You Can Have ýour Mortgage Within 2 Hôurs! aIl arrangements right in jour own home no credit checks Iow rates any amount appoîntment9 acepte d dy ove nln nil - PM. M ndtru. Fidy.We wl u or s,2d r3rd CALL: JOHN KOSTENIUK Real Estate and.Mortgage Broker Telephone Ajax 942-3310 GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE ITOU 200 HARWOOD AVENUE NORTH - AJAX FIRSI AND SECOND MORIGAGES BO<JGHT MAD SOLO lst Mortgage Rates From 9 Per Cent Znd Mortgage Rates Fromff 12 Per Cent AUl martgages open. No bonuses and reasonable costs. KIF. SWARTL Mortgage Investmenta il Ontarlo Street Os.hawa, Ontarlo CALL 668-6111 EXCELLENT OPPORTUN1TY MEN OR WOMEN FULL OR PART TIME Turn your spare tine into cash. Own your own vending route in yuur area.. No 1sellhng, ail routes wil be establ ished. High qualit.y coin operated vending machines. To qualify, you mnust be honest, have a good car, references, good credit and be able to spend 7.12 hours weekly. Srnail down payrnent wiil get you started ma business, and terras can be arranged. For personal interview reply, include phone ntunber, te; B.V. DISTRIBUTORS IM1TWED Dept. "C" 1163 Tecumseh Road, East Windsor 20, Ontario 8 FIRST MORTGAGES V2% SECOND MORTGAGES " Most property " Brick or frome " City or suburbon il 1-2-3-year term for abovo 4 Also 4 to 10 years at good rates ond terms 724 HOLIR SERVICE 579-1321 INCOME MORTGAGE SERVICES 342 Kng St. W., Oshawa Membr O.M.B.A. Over 80 Veors Cormbined Experierce APTS. FOR RENT EXTRA LARGE 2 bedroora apartrnent. Strtlg at $150. 728-6475 afterlUla.m. CblldrenWelcome e ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED APL. 113 Brock Street North. Whltby (Third fluor) Apt. No. 1 Aduits Only $134.00 rnonthly & hydro. CALL OSHAWA 728-6475 OSHAWA'S MOST GRACIQUS LIVING ELECTRICALLY HEATED ThsIsa uperrr building, well hiiiît and excellently main- tained and caters'to those people requiring a better woy of living. NO LASr MONTH'S RIENT REQUIRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 If. No Answo 579-1413 OFFICE $PACE OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT at 111-113 BROCK Street North Whltby. Ontario. (second floor) suite No. 1 $76.00 monthly suite No. 2 $105.00 monthly suite No. 4 CL SAA7&7 $85.00 monthly POSITIONS 0F INTEREST TO #*Elt HOW WILL YOU TELL YOUR FAMILY 'I'VE BEEN LAID OFF .17 Before more jobs disappear, sho>ulclngt you at least investigeatehow you can start in your spare time as anO. A. A. membership enroller. Youlli earn extra money a n d be prepared for a ful11-ti!me career that isnot dependant upon bosses, strikes, lay-offs and au tom ation. Ail that is needed is your name, ad- d r e ss and phone number. No obl igation or invest- ment. Alîreplies confidential. Phone Harry Grixti, at 668-3495 or Norm Yakeley at 668-5259. Management Trainees F a st G rowing Inter- national Corp. Req- uires Management Tra- inees in Thi sArea Fuli1 Or Part lime. For Ap- pointment Caîl Mr. 0O5helI1 at Hoi iday Inn - 5 76-51 01 Be tween 9am-6pm Friday only. Like selling? Weil known ai I Canadian company has opening for full or part t Î me dealers. No invest- ment requirei. WeilI1 t ra in. 1Interested ? For information give us a cal 723-4163 IlITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, November 4th, 1971, Page 15 ~tt~ jfr,~ j~r~~ SERVICE! E %IIGIAlg imurn Boom 1- - - CONTENTS FROM MODEL HOMS French0 Provincii chesterfield suites, quai made kitchen and bedroo suites, rugs, coffee table se and iarnps. 728-3473 RE-UPHOLSTERING - Wicle selection of fabric, -Workmanship guarantee - Easy budget terms - Free estimnates -Over 20 years experienc THE FURNITURE CENTRE 90 Simcoe St. North 72533 TV' At ar ACE CLEANING CONTRACTORS -Res1dential -Commercial - Industrial WIndows-Floors-WaUls 668-8332 FOWLERS FLOORING Hardwood - Installed and Refinished PAINTING and PAPER HANGING GUY FOWLER 6"8419 Kozavy Bras. Home Repair Contractors Big orsmnll-WeFixAll For Estirntes Cafl: JIN or GEORGE Oshawa -M591211 for that NEW HOME Aiterations - Aiuminum Siding - Rec Rooms - Kitchen Cabinets - Roofing - Cerarnlc Tiles and Fluors. Reasonable Rates. Phone H. McKoy 576-65 Superior Construction Repairs Roof ing,* Cernent Work, Stone, Brick Chimneys cleaned and Rellned. WATERPROOFING 24 HOUR SERVICE Phone for Superior Service 579-233 ai1 ity ýets "S ed ce E n s Tc T.V. Rentais Weekly, Monthly FALCON T.V. 723-0011 426Slmcoe S. rELE-QUICK SERVICE Service ail Makes of lor and Black and White "s, Stereos, and Radios. "For Better Service" 723-0192 WIL-LIAMS ELECTRONICS LTD. Service te aill nakes Colore Black and white Luthorized Zenith Dealer 121Slmcoe StN. 579-2411 PATRICIA TUCK PIANO Classical - Popular Theory 725-4587 74 Burk St., Oshawa PIANO INSTRUdMrON Experienced teacher, EB Music. 668-2136 or P IANO. INSTRUCTION Piano lessons availat cornmencing Septernbi For further details. MES. V. STODDARD 668-7019 PIANOS & ORGANS New AidUsed Lessona Availe Baldwin Music Centre 300 Kig St W. Oshawa 579-Wl1 AkAbout Our PIANO RENTAL PLAN enl. $15. per month. Re applies to purchase pric new or used. Heintzman's 72&-2921 LESSONS- AVAILABLE Key Board & làeed, I structions. Popular Classical. PAULBUTLER 942-7682 RE-MODELLING Bathroorns & Kitchens Pipes, Fittings, Fixtures Free Estimate s 725-1044 GOODMAN PLUMBING ANDREWS T.V. TOWERS& ANTENNAS Installed at Low Rates Also Special on Colour Systerns Cail 623-2M0 or 723-5198 and 10Per Cent Blue Grass SODS PICKED UP OR DELIVERED VISITRS WELCOME "ALL GREEN" SOD GROWERS TonUe 44rh,% Me North of TautouVilage 725-9674 Tree To Cut or Trim? CAIL SLIM 725-5118 ble er. ent in o Female or Maie REAL ESTATE SALES CONSULTANT WANTED We require 2 sales personnel to seil real e st a te out of Oshawa office and work in Oshawa and Whitby area. High commission plus bonus paid. 1In te r ested persons m ay caîl i n at our of- f ic e or telephone for an a pp ointment - Mr. Everett Hamna. 1050 Sirmcoe N. 576-8891 à - m m AVIS RENT-A-CAR 1530 Dundas St. E. Whltby - 668-330 Oshawa - 72&1601 llWe Try Harde?'l 1 MMUMJ BROOKLIN SCHOOL OF DANCING ,lassesl in Ballet, Tap, Jazz nd ladle's exercise. Commenclng Sept. il Gall Beardinore 655-4184 LADIES! arn qualified. et me advise you. figinal creations. ce, fast service. ny pattern copied. ewing guaranteed. 728-0042 DRESSMAKI NG ressmaking and Altera- >ns on ail types of men's, romen 's and children's lthing. 723-1604 PHOLSTERING CENTRE wned and operated by arold Hughes. 287 Dean Ave. For Free Estimates DAYS - 723-358 EVES. - 723-0654 Free Pickup And Delivery 0uY Ha SALES & SERVICE -Evinrude Outbords - Crestllner Boats - Steincraft Boats LARRY'S SPORTS and MARINE King St. East at Townllne Rd. 725-8232 t A 91 1 t mers, colo.r, black hite antennes, rotors. 2nd MVortgage Money Available rural or city. WILLARD JOHNSTON (Reaitor) 723-8144 FA............ HAROLD CALBERY Interior and Exterior Painting and Decoratlng BROOKLIN 655-4561 Removal of superfluous hair. Marie Murduff wîi.lbe in Oshawa eer Tues. and Wed. Phone GZenosha Hotel on these days for ap- pointment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 BEAUTY CLINIC Featuring the "in" thing in cuts and shling by speciy trained siaily 122 Brock St. S. 668-M06 REIPAIS. SEWING MACIftNES Repafrs, Service & Rentais Cleaned & Oiled - Only $1.95 728-7708 Dealer for Bernina & Omega Machines 728-0471

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