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Whitby Free Press, 4 Nov 1971, p. 7

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POLLUTION CONSCIOUS SHOPPING WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, November 4th, 1971, Page 7 -by il" Quail This week Mary Kitchen, a staff worker with the University of Toronto's 'Pollution Probe' offers some tips and guides to help you shop with tn ti ll miu inan an n tinlin WlILI ai Cye cU IULLliI UUng IUi UII IIIUII As Mary explains it, "The biggest cause of pol.lution is the changing atti- t u d e of the publ i c towar d convenience product s. "Products such as paper tow- els, paper serviettes, throw-away dia- pers and stove element liners are strictly conveniences but theyadd to the mountain of pol lution at an al arm ing rate. While itmay seem difficult to do without t h e s e products, it is certainly better t h an coming to a slow end under a pile of garbage. The increasing use of prepackaging Whenyouladiesgo shopping it would be wise to complain to the supermarket either in person or in writing about the increasing number of prepack- agedfruits, vegetables andmeats. Pro- duc t s I ik e ·these should be avoided in favour of the free choice at local out- door markets. Frozen foods and rneats need not be wrapped at the checkout counter. The extra wrapping only adds to unneces- s a r y g a r b age. When you shop at the s u p e r market, if you go straight home after shopping, there is no need to put extra wrapping on these items. FrI1 packaging There i s an increasing trend to put items like razor blades inside a plastic bubble and mount this on a big piece of cardboard. Many cosmetics come pack- aged thisway, aswell as fountain pens, kitchen aids and even shoe laces. It'sratherobvious this type of extra packagingisunnecessary from the con- sumer's point of view. The manufacturer of the product simply used the cardboard as a small billboard for increased ad- vertising about the product. The way to fight this trend is to re- move the excess packaging at the check- out counter w i th an explanation. to the girl as to why you are doing it. D u r ing their investigation the Pol- lution Probe team found frill packaging to be the biggest contributor to pollut- i on and the supermarkets selI a good many products packaged this way. The only w a y to combat this is to buy pro- duc t s t h a t come in standard size and quality packaging. When buying any, product it is wise to compare al 1 the brands of one parti cu- lar p r o d uct. Check the quanti ties and the size of the packaging. Often a pack- age that is tail, slender and very fancy will contain a lesser quantity that a com- petitive that is packaged in a standard container. Cosmetics and toilet waters are particularly guilty of this trend to frili packaging. Another tip i s to buy a product that comes in a p a c kage wh ich can be used over again for something else. After having sorted through all the problems of excess packaging and care- fully selecting your goods don't take them to the checkout and have them put in paper bags. Almost all supermarkets have an excess of cardboard boxes and if they Entertainer Recuperates At Whitby Home' Ca nadian song- stress and enter- tai ner Shi r ley Field is recuper- ating a t her home here in Whitby fol- lowing major sur- gery recently. Mi s s Field will be confined to home base for another 3 or 4 weeks before returning to the roads of entertain- ment across Cana- da and the U. S. The Sh irl1 ey Field show is well k n own throughout the area, not only that Shirley Field and her husband and stage partner Bil French call Whitby their home, but for their per- sonal appearances inthis area. They have scores of friends and fans in thearea, and any- one w ishing to send get well wishes to Shirley can mail them to the offices of Sh irl1 ey Field Enterprises, 200 Cray don Drive, Whitby. Dur ing th e past summer mon ths the Shirley Fields Shows won the hearts of music fans throughout th e m id-western states and gained the reputation and t i tl1 es of "hottest and most demanded group in the mid- west". René Figure Salonsj SPECIAL OFFER $6.01 A month for a. complete 4 month program. Limited to first 40 ladies in Whitby and Oshawa Salons. No Contract To Sign STUDÉNTS 2 Price "See The Difference" IMiss ,I 7teiY oo AL O.P/ OSHAWA WHITBY 1050 Simes. N. Blmir Park PI.e 579-2231 668-9011 1-0 lowed r.dl àUotS, par japry -104r Nb nese GOLDEN GATE RESTAURANT It's the year of good eating! Corne to our res- taurant if you want the finest in exotic Chinese dishes. For home delivery in Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa and Brookin Col 668-8687 or 668-8321 o 107 Brock St. S., CHRISTMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN Y o u r contribution h el1 p s the Ontario C o u n tv Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association in its fight against Emphysema, Tuberculosis, Chronic Bronchitis and Asthma. C H RIST MAS TB-RD SEAL DOLLARS PROVIDE THESE SERVICES Pulmonary Function Testing Tuberculin Testing Heal th Education Rehabil itation Research Sponsors of Baby Sitter's Training Courses Proposed programme of Asthmatic Conditioning Courses P ie a s e u s e y o ur TB-RD Christmas Seal s on the back of your mail and on p a c k a ges to show you care and speed your gift to - ONTARIO COUNTY TB-RD ASSOCIATION, C/O Bank of Nova Scotia, 11 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa (The Christmas Seal Organization ass i s t ing in the control of Tuberculosis and other Respiratory Diseases. ASPECIAL"THANKYOU" TOALLTHE VOLUNTEERS WHO HELPEDPREPARE FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN! 1 a r e n t taken by customer s the super- markets flatten them out and throw them away. Request boxes for your grocer- ies and when you get home you can use the boxes for storage or even for your garbage. The main point is at least you have used the boxes again and have thus recycled them to prevent more garbage. The only way to fight pollution is by w ay of a change in public attitude. If al the shoppers take the right attitude andstay unified, the supermarkets will have no choice but to bow to their dem- ands. It's not going to be an easy fight and it will be slow in causing changes but any fight will be a step in the right direction to combat unnecessary pack- agingpresently found in supermarkets. So good luck ladies, now get in there and fight!

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