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Whitby Free Press, 18 Nov 1971, p. 5

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Conservatives Prepare1 The Oshawa-Whitby Federal Riding of the Progressive Conservative As- s o ciîa tion wil11 hol d a speci al meeting to elect te n local delegates to the An- inlua1 Ot t a wa Convention thi sMonday night. " T he Con servative Federal Riding As so ciation is gearing up in a wvhole- hearted attempt to win this riding back in the next federal election", said Pres- i de nt of theý P. C.- r i di1ng. association and Whi tby Deputy Reeve, John Good- win. "This upcomingmeeting is only one of many activi ties in which the Progres- WHITBY FREE PRESS, For Federal Election s i ve C on s ervatives wil11participate betwveen now and the federal election, specul ated ths. Il in the next six to nine mon- Themeeting wilî1 see the selection of t e n d e I egates for the Ottawa conven-' tion, two of whom must be under thirty years of age in keeping with party pol- i c y. Two eîected members must be fe- maIes, with the six remaining delegates being chosen at large. The meeting will1 take place 8 p. m. , Monday, November 22nd in the Fleet- wood Room of the Genosha Hotel, Osh- awa. The Oshawa-Whîtby Federal Rîding PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Special meeting to eleet ten local delegates te the Annual Convention te be held in Ottawa. November 22nd. în the Fleetwood Room of the Genosha Hotel, Oshawa. 8 P.M. 1RE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT VOTE1 ONTARIO FORM 405 PRO0 C L A M A T ION THE MUNICIPALITY 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY Amalgamated Area Public notice is hereby given, that in accerdance with the provisions cf The Liquer Licence Act, and in pursuance cf a by-Iaw passed by the municipal council of the said Municlpalty on the 271h DAY 0F SEPTEMBER I require the presence cf the voters at thie MUNICIPAL BUILDING cf the said Municipality of thelawnof Whitby lAmalgamatedArea onl the 2Oth DAY 0F NOVEMBER, 1971 at onie'o'cleck ln the afternoon, Standard lime, at which'Urne I wiII anneunce the names cf the persens appointed te act for the Affirmative and for the Negative respectiveîy upen ttie poilite be heîd under Section 72 cf The Liquer Licence Act, upcn the foîîcwing question(s): AREYOUIN AVOR0F THE ES- ARE YOU IN FAVOUR 0F THE AU- ARE '<OU IN FAVOUR 0F THE SALE ARE :OU IN :FAVOUR OFf TE SALE - TABUSHUENT 0F OOVERNMENT- THORIZATION 0f ONTARIO WN£ O F BEER ONLY UNDER A PUBLIC O F BEERI ONLY UNDER A PUBLIC *STORES FOR THE SAL.E 0f BEE R MSTO:RES FOR THE SALE 0F NOUSE LICENCE FOR CONSUMP. HOUSE LICENCE FOR CONSUMP- *ONLY FOR RESIDENCE CONSUMP- ONTARIO WINE :ONLY FOR RESI- TION ON LICENSEO PREISES TO TION ON UICENSEO PREMISES TO LIN DNCONSUMPTION? HCWME ARE AOMITTEO? HC MNOT ARE AOMITTEO? FAREY'OU IN FAVOUR 0F THE SALE 0F BEER ONLY UNDER A PUBLIC ARE YOU IN FAVOUR 0F THIE SALE ARE '<OU INI FAVOUR 0F 7THE Ur IIOUSE LICENCE FOR CONSUMP- 0F SEER AND WINE ONLY UNOER SALE 0F LIQUOR UNDER A OINING ARE YOU IN FAVOUR 0F 7THE SALE LV ORCOTE,01OT IC TION ON UICENSEO PREMISES TO A DININO ROOM LICENCE FOR CON- LOUNGE LICENCE FOR CONSUMP. 0F LIGUOIR UNOER A LOUNGE 4114CR BOTh MlEN AND WOMEN SUMPTION ON UICENSED PREMISES TION ON LICENSEO PREMISES WITII LICENCE FOR CONSUMPTION ON MAY BE AOMITTEO WI4ETNER BING- WITI4 F000 AVAILÂBLE? F000 AVAILABLE? ILICENSED PREMISES? Andi further, that for the purpose of revlslng tdie ist of voters, as directed by the Chief Election Mffeer, I shad be at my office at THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING. 405 DUNDAS STREET WEST, WHITBY on THE 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th DAYS 0F NOVEMBER, 1971 between the folîowing hours: -10:00 arn. and 12:00 o'clock noon -4:00 p.rn. and 8:00 p.m. And notice Is furlher given that the vote will be taken upon thie samne question(s) in the manner provided by Iaw at a poili ta b opened on the FOURTH'DAY 0F DECEMBER, 191 from the heur of 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. (Standard lime) at the followlng places. PoiBeg Staion No. 1: Locaied ai fthe resdence o Mr. Chester Lee. ono-haif mie wesi oI the ofd Whaiby Town Lami. North aide of i Ighway 02. PoISng su"-OlsionNo. 1-Beoundary: Comprising the whoie o ihe Brokien Front. f aand 2nd Concessions West of tfhe Town of Whiiby and 3rd Con- cession oesl of tIhe centre fine oI Cochrane Sreet. Folhng Staffons No. 2, 3. 4. S and : Locaiod ai ihe Dr. Robert Thormion Public Schoof iuaie ai Scott Sreet and Hazeiwood Road. in the Town oi Whiby. PoINng Sub-OMvslon No. 2, Soundary. Comprasing ihaf pari ffihe former Townsiap oi Whafby In ftheBroken Front Concension and Concession f siuafed easf of the former Town of Whiiby. save and eucepi ithe non h haivas of Lois 18 and 19, Concesaion 1 f at he saad Townshap. Poiting Bub-Olvlslon No. 3, Soundiary:« Comprasang fhai pari of fthe former Township af Whiby bounded on the norih by the confre fne aiflRossfand Road; on thre cesi by the centre fine ai Garrard Road, on fthe souf h by the centre fne of -ighway #2; and on the east by the eaîierly limiaiof the said Townshaip. PouitUs Sub-OIVIion No. 4, Boundary: Comprasang ihai pari ai the former Townshap ai Whiby cammoncing aI the Junction oI Highway #2 and fihe easieriy limif ai the saad former Town- shap ifence wesieriy afong the cenfie fne of Hghway #2 fa Scott Sreei, ifence norfheriy aiang ithecantre fne ai Scott Sftreetf fa Mannang Rd.firence wesierly aiong fiae confie fane ni Manning RoaId fathe wosforiy lami of Loi 19 Concesaion 2. ihence souiher- ly afong the wesierfy lamif of Loi f9 fa the soufhwesi ange of the narfh hall of Lai f9. Concession f.,t hence easierfy alang fthe soaffa lami iofie narifi haines ai Lois 19 and 18, Con- cession 1 fa the aasforiy lami ai he sld Townshap, ihence norfhonly ai ong the easierfy f mi ofsald Township to Iighway #2. Pot ing Sub-Ohrision No. B, oundary: Comprîsang ailf ihaf pariaif the former Township bounded on the nonifi by the cenire fine af Rasland Road on the wenit by fthe wesferfy famif of Loi f9, Concession 2, fa Manning Aoad, f hence easiafy aionq the confie fine of Mannng Road fa Scott Sfreet and souiheri y aiong the centre fne or Scott Sftreet f0 Iighway 42; an fthe soufh by the cenfre fine ai Highmay #2; and on the easi by fthe centre lare af Garrard Road. Potflng 8ub-DivIsion No ,Oeundary: Comprising fthe wole ai Lois 20 and 2f and thie forin haines of Lois 22, 23, 24, Concession 2 aif the former Township ai Whiiby. PoNIng Siation No. 7 et the Bhicalr Publc Scfsool, safuafo on Taunon Rd. n Pari of Loi 23. Concession 4. In fthe Ton of Whilby. Polting Sub.Oivisioet No. 7, Uounidary: Comprasing ftae whoio ai1fthe 3rd and 41hi Concessions faltoiif the confie fine 01 Highoay 412. Potîfng Stalon Ne. S et th Ma4,tdow- creat public Sohoof, safuafe on Vpand Rod ai Mongomery Avenue, Brook. lin. Ontario. Poli ing Beb-f>lvfsfon No. , Bouaad&rY. Comprisang fthe 4u and 5fh Conces- ioas wesi cof the cnre fino of HigIs- way No. f2 and the 3rd Concession frotfthe confie lame of Nghoay 4f12 weot fa the contfie nof Cochrrane Street, Pefilng Sations N. 09à 19 et Brook- fln Conamunty Centre, sifuafo ai the inersection oi Casnis Fivad Easi aid Churcis Stret. Bîookfin, Onario. Poltilo Sub-Divliton No. 9 Boundary: Compraning an aiea an Lofs 23 and 24 an fthe 61h Concossion Lounded bY fthe cenfie fine of Hghway #12 on the non h weni, by Ouron Sf, on the east and Counfo Road No. 3 onpfthe souih PeIllng Sub-Olivion No. 10, Boeandary - Comprasing fine woaf of fthe 5f h and 7111 Concessions ofaitaifIthe confie fne ai Highway #12 and the whofe aifIhe 6f1h Concession olsi 01 the confie of the road and haghway bof seon Lois 22 and 23. Poltlng Staffon No, il el Brookifn Royal Canadian Legon HaIal. safe an Baldwin and Campbellf Streefs, Brooklin, Onario. PolliInq SubDIvIsIon No. 11, Bout,- dery: Compfasang ftho 6fh and lfh Con- cessions ess and norfin of fihe confie fne oi Nghway #12. Campbell snl Vpond Sreef s and Viei projecins;. and wosi ai the wesferiy fimi oiLoi No. 25 from fihe poect ion of Vpofld Sreet souiherfy f0 fthe centre fine oI ighmay 47, Felllngstation No. ilaet Meadow. cresi PufBn Beltoff, safuafe on Vpond Rload ei Mongomery Avenue, Brook- fin. Ontario, Polllng Sub-Dfnfsfes No. 12,oues- Clary: CompîasIng an ares n Lois 23 aid 24 inoBi6h Concession baundel on fthe souf h by the confie fine of HiIghmay #7, on the 00sf by fthe wesioily famit ni Loi No> 25, on the norih by the centre fine of Campbelli and Vlpond Sf moisa andIhoir projec- fions and on tIse aasf by the centre fie oi Higinway 012. Polflng Staffes No. 13 ai Myif. Cont- muniy Hall, safuafa in Pari ai Loi 21, Concession B, infIse Town oI Whiby. Polling SubOfnl.Ies No. 13, Boue- dary: Comprasang the Bih and 9f h Con- cessions east of fthoe esferfy f1mioI Loi No.24, Poltlng Staffes No, 14 aIl Burns Pri- bylonlan Churcit, safuafe In Conces- sion B. pari ai Loi 27 Infthe Vilage of Aifiburn. Poling BSub-Dlnlsles No. 14, Doue- dary: Comprising the Bih and 9ih Coni- cessions wesi of the meuferfy lbit of Loi No. 24. And further Viat at THE TOWN 0F WHITBY, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 405 DUNDAS STREET WEST, WHITBY on THE Sth DAY 0F DECEMBER at Vie heur of 12 noon (Standard lime) I shahl open the ballot boxes, add up the votes given upon the said question, or questions and declare Vie result cf Vie sald vote in the said Municipallty of which ail persons are hereby required te take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Given under my hand at THEf TOWN 0F WHITBY THIS FIFTEENTH IDAY 0F NOVEMBER. 1971 GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Eveiy poison who wiafuiy deSiiOyS, Inures or obiiieraivs. or causes fa ho dosfioyu-d, nured or obfifeifed a Wittaf niEecion. Refuin f0I Wria f aiEieciaoai.Poli Bok, is.tofiVois, Polifnq Lst, Cerf aue or Affidavit, or oiher documntn or papiar nadeu. prepaiaad or dram,, acaig fu or for iCir, urpose oi meet~firn therrquirntf t i hea Efecion Act>ior any aiflium, ais qualliy ofan cofîrrce .ad oia osruptiraija.fand ~ajon siîiirlary convviion s habfit! Io afine i of tmai,. fiai,,Sf000 WILLIAM H. WALLACE RETURNING OFFI CER Thursday, November IEWFOUNDLANý 0 Salt Fmsh 0 sait Meat o. Horring end other products Friendly Service RICHARDS Grooery 220 G11BB-OSftAWA (corner Burk) 579-2182 - m a l8th p 1971, Page 5 Excitirng Stretch Pannè Velvet Gown in Glowing Blue Tones from The Clothes Herse 25 Prince St. 576-6021 L OOD DONOR Irj Mra betf f roséNts IusIst on HALLMARK processing C"lr & Idock & White More thoan 40 HALLMARK Photo>- Finlohlnq dealers In Ohawa - Whitby -owmnnvlle are. for nooest location CALL 72&-0182 ATTENTION: FREE LANCE PHOTOGRAPH- ERS - Vou may deal direct - special prices devloging andprinting' 10 your satisfaction ..Oshawva sOnI y Photo Finisher. H ~Ilmark PhotoLt.OHW ED MOTHERSILL Ouabty Photo Finishers Prosid.nt -f lip :0 e»I

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