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Whitby Free Press, 18 Nov 1971, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, November l8th, 1971, Page 7 The. Mystery ot AImonds.,.SoIved! If anyone at telephone information 411 is re a ding this article - please be ad- vised that' there is such asectionaof Whitby known as "Almonds"!t We k n ow b e c ause we found out the hard.way. The Free Press sleuths it ail began with an anonymous tele- phone caîl to the Whitby Free Press. Ilr ead in the papers aI I about the pol1l1uted we lis in Whitbyls corridor ar eal', said the voice on the other end of the telephone 1 ne. "Weil, we've been having problems ith polluted wells out here for years, IIwas his next interestitlg tidbit of information. The telephone caller told us ta con- tact a Mr. Graham in Almonds, that-he w/ould be able ta teli us ail about it. But before vve could get ta Mr. Gra- ham , we wouId first have to discover which of the eight Mr. Grahams I isted in theWhitby section of the telephone dir- ector was Mr. Graham of Almonds, as wel1et the ananymous caller ring off before finding out, and that's where aur problem began. Weputout a few "Ifeelers"l on Friday afternoon by asking visitors ta the Free Press office, "Do you know which streets are in the Almands section cf tawn ?Il The more of ten we mentioned Al monds thel1ess conf ident We became that such a place really did exist. For examp le, l"Alrnonds?Il "No, neyer heard of it,"I was the most ready answer to our eager questions. Thank-you information Then wvhen we dialed information at 4 1 1 , we almost became convinced our- se Ives that there was ne such place as Almonds. In our ne a r ly-convinced condition, w e r e m embered Mayor Desmend New- m an'~s c urt r eply to R.B. Chessum, E astern Area Manager for the Ontario TOWN 0F WHITBY LIQUOR VOEN-VOTER'S LISI Postal District who had approached council to explore their feelings on the f easiîbil ity of consol idating the Whitby and Oshawa mail processing. The Mayor said se! When May/or Newman pointed out to M r. Chessum that the new postal study waou1Id caver onl1y the former town and rural routes south of the 4th concession rather than the entire amalgamated town, he asked, ttWiI 1 the service for instance be ca r r ied as far west as Almonds ?"I "'Almonds?"I, a s ked t he perplexed postal representative. "IJu s t as I thought,"I was-Mr. New- man's curt reply. Remembering this excerpt of a part- icular council conversation did much to encourage us, because let's.face it - if t he Mas/or of t he Town of Whitby said there was an Almonds - then dash it al - there just simply had to be one!! ! Sa we d i a 1 e d C osgrove's Store in Brooklin. Mainly because we knew from p ast experience of their friendly attit- ude. "N" Mrs. Cosgrave was sorry she couldnIthelpus, butin friendlyCosgrove f a s h i o n, she suggested we cal1 a Mr. Kivell, because "lhe's lived in this area for a long time." Lîuntt'* 6onAJAX ~p RESTAURANT & TAVERN ak Good Food Quiet Atmosphere Pleasant Surroundings Frîendly Service OPEN SUNDAYS from 11:00 arn to 8:00 pm SUNDAY DINNERS - FREE "Shirley Temples" for the Kiddies HUNTERlS HORNV Restaurant & Tavern 88 HARWOOD AVE. S.,14-24 AJAX PLAZA 9 22 4ý"- THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND THE OFFICIAI. OPENING 0F the childiens' division et the Brooklin Bîanch Libraîy, on Vipond Rood, beginning at 2p.m. , Satuîday November 2Oth. His Worship Mayor Desmo.d Newman 1will. officiate. Prizes will be presented te winners iD the " Ynq Canada Bookweek Contest by the noted author Leslie Mc Farlane at 2:30 p.m. A demenstration of "qouigammi"y will take place at 3 p.m. The library wilI be open until 5 po. AMAZING NEW EVERLASTING LIG HTER THE WORLD'S MOST USEFUL AND MONEY SAVING INVENTION FOR EVERY SMOKER AND HOUSEHOLD USE. THE WORLD'S ONLY LIGHTER WHICH HAS'A LFELONG FLINT. AND WICK THE EVERLASTING LIGHTER IS VERY PRACTICAL AND BEAUTIFULLY MADE, IT'S A UNIQUE TREASURE TO POSSESS. WHAT A LOVELY GIFI BUY THIS AMAZING EVERLASTING LIGHTER EITHER FOR YOURSELF, A FRIEND OR FOR A RESALE PROFIT. AWARD WINNER AT HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY EXHIBITION (Registered Patent in Most Countries) Money back guaranteed if you're not satisfied Wholesale-Retail Service for U.S. and Canada by Mail. AIlow one week for delivery, -send yoîur order now, to: O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O PLEASE PRÎI 0 0 MARTIN MARKETING CO. 289 HIGHFIELD ROAD, TORONTO 8, CANADA Special prices - 1 for $2.00, 3 for $5.00, 10 for $14.00, postage etc., included. 1 enclose a ch.que/cash/money order $-.------------ -- FOR ---- EVERLASTING LIGHTER. NAME ---- ------------ ----------------- -------- - - ADDRESS ------ ------------------ --------------- JOHN aeM Lean FUELS Fuel 011 0 Steve *11 " Gosoline U mlablu " cilsS&iesGroote$vMa Clarence Rope4r tJh ala 668-4462579-0151 TAU NTON ROAD .ust Ecit of Rltson Rd. the haurs oflOO:0a. m. and 12:00 o'clock noon and 4:00 p. mn. and 8:00 p. m. at the Whitby Municipal Building, 405 Dundasl Street West, Whitby, Ontario. A.person must be 18 years of age and a resident in the munlicipal!tY for 2 months up ta and including the date for the vote in order te be a quaI if ied voter. Wm. H. Wallace, Returning Officer, TOWN 0F WHITI3Y 9

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