Page 8, Thursday, December 2nd, 1971,e WHITBV FREE PREPS 5-pin WHITBY MENS' LEAGUE (WEONESDAY) H IGH TRIPLES: Horst Zimmer 821,e 303; L. Reed 7 9 7,> 3 24; Hans Zimmer 790, 286; K. Crossland 757, 259; ID. Waîker 765, 328; K. Laundry 722, 270 D. King 704, 264; L. Pizzolato 700, 278; L. Pad- 'dick 693, 262 and D. Vallant 680, 239. HlG H SI NGLES: P. Bremner 296, G. Todgham 286, H. Wasson 274, G. Woodcock 265, B. Jack 2 6 4, G. Chif1ds 263, G. Purdy 262, A. Hammer s 259, A. \anderence 259 and O. Jones 258. TEAM STANDINGS: Don's Spur Service 10, Shorty &SonBîfllards O, Duff's Tovving Service 9, Tony's Mens Hairstyf ing 9, Mifflints Barber Shop 9, A&T Motors 9, dimbos Pub 6, Hookers 6, Mitton EIec- t r ic 6, J. B. McMulfan Real Estate 6, P icker ing G. S. 5, Gus Brown Motors 4, Harol d Hughes B. P. 4, B&R Transport 2, Whitby Dodge Chrysîer 1, and Royal Hotel 0. ladies' Flower League TEJ4M STANDINGS - LiI acs 7, Bluebelîs 5, Or- chi ds 4, Carnations 14, Violets 1, Peonies Il, Tuîips 9, Gardenias 9. HIGH SI1 N GL E S - Mary Elî1îott 231, 220; Dori s Wol owec 226, 233; Marg Armi tage 220, Marg Con- nefly 240, 245; Masie Graves 271; Katie Van Dyke 227;MilfieGrey 245; Mary Reed 250, 253; Thelma Keoghan 227; Phyliss Warman 256. TRI1 P L ES OVER 600: Doris Wolowec 606; Marg C o n n e1Iy 689; Mary EIll ott 653; Mary Reed 662; Thelma Keoghan 644. NOTE: Christmas gifts wil 1 be donated tothe Whitby PsychiatricHospitaî this year. Please bring gifts on Decembe r 9th. The 'Turkey Rofi' is also on December 9th, and aI I bowî ers must be present to enter the turkey roilf. ST. JOHN 'NE EVANGEISI LEAGUE HIGH TRIPLES: Richard Seko 686 (180, 219, 287) Mary Root 624 (207, 235, 182), Mary Donahue 619 (244, 153e 222), AgnesSchroer 618 (218, 126, 274) Paul Frendo-Cumbo Sr. 616 (22l, 207e 188). SOCCER DINNER- DANCE The Past Presi- dent of the Whitby Minor Soccer As- sociation, Mr. H. Adebar, nowv the director in charge of Pubi icity and Social Activities for the association h as in response, to a great number of requests, made arr angements for another Dinner - D a nce ta be held t h 1 s S a t u r d ay, D e cem ber 4th at the Club Lorely in Oshawa. Ail those who attended the lastdancewill re- cali that a tre- mendous time wvas had. Thecost, inciud- ing asit-down din- ner, is $2. 50 per person. Tickets w il1l1be avail1able f rom every member of the executive. HIGH SINGLES: Lawrence Myette 30f, John Fren- do-Cumbo 252, Ceacifla Huinink 244, Rose Seko 23f, Nancy Johnston 220. TEAM POINTS: Fuddfe-Duddles 7, Holy Bow fers 5, Sixth Dimension 5, "Screwballs 5, Ups + Downs 2, Misfits 2, Two + Four 2, and Hurricanes 0. S EOT 1ON Wl NNERS: Fuddle-Duddles: Richard Se k o (captain), Paul Frendo-Cumbo Sr. , Nancy J oh n s ton, Lois Graham, Sonja Hanl ey and Mike Engel1. BEA BLOOD DONOR convenîence ipaying bychîeque If you'rc flot cnjoying flhc convenience or paying by cheque (at no charge to you for a reasonable number of cheques) corne to Victoria and Grey. Paying bîlIs by cheque saves time, reminds you in your own cheque book just where your account stands, gets rid of the danger of having unprotected moncy a ound and, in addition tu free chequing, you get interest on your money too! So save tirne, save-money, make money. *GREY rnusT COMP.ANY SINCE 1889 W.LcR. C.ary, Mm. W«lnners of the Novernber 15th .$59000 $15000 R. K. James, Ingersoll S. Gillam, Don Milis G. Knapp, Ottawa; A. Fleming Dunnville; S. Laurin, Cornwall; D. Mills, $100 R.R. =3, Tara; V. W. Burton', Simcoe; M. L ' afontaine, Coniston; N. J. Egan, Mississauga; F. De Naeyer, Waterloo; M. Van Dusen, Cornwall; B. Moxam, Oshawa; N. Evans, Hornby; C. Kaplin, Kitchener; B. Whitehead, Bramalea; Wm. Roe, Galt; W J. Boucher, Sarnia; W. Pountney, Whitby; R. Purvis, Ottawa; M. Thompson, Brantford; M. Bailley, Toronto; R. E. Christie, Toronto 12: A. Parthenis, Detroit; A. Lavergne, Sarsfield; J. LaRocque, Brockville; D. Potter, Windsor; M. Weber, Toronto-, G. Delage, Cornwall; J. Harper, Kingston; F. Hamelin, Montrealý C, Gamelin, St. Andrews West; M. Emond, Cornwall; L. Rochon, Toronto; TM. Lees, Kingston; R. Branchaud, Cornwall; R. M. Ritchie, lÉramalea-, D. Graham, Tilbury-, N, Damp, Etob1coke,ý A, J. Desnoyers, Cornwall; 0. St. Onge, Martintown*1 D. Valiguette, Smooth Rock Falls,- & Eamer, Cornwall. Kin Lotteryll tickets may be purchased from any rnember'of participating Kinsmen Clubs or authorized sales outi ets. MON MI il Kinsmen-fulfilling the community's greaitest noed, Dundas St. W., Wi "Winning the Schenley Award 18 the most important event of mylife"l, stated quarterback Don Jonas of the Winnipeg Bl ue Bomber s, as he accepted the trophy as Most Outstanding Player. He receiv- ed astanding ovation from the guests at the presentat ion of the Canadian Schen- ley Football Awards at Hotel -Vancouver on November 26th. On the Ieft of the photo above taken immediately followving the presentation is Lineman of the Year, Linebacker Wayne Harris of the Cal- gary Stampeders, first man ta win that award three tinies. On the right is Can- adian Pl ayer of the Year, Terry Evan- sh en , Mon tre al Alouettes' brilliant Receiver. He is a second tirne winner. The third and final ballot of the i8th an- nu ai Canadi-an Schenl1ey Football Aw- ards, sponsored by Canadian Schenley Distil lers Ltd. , was mailed directly to the M on t real Trust Company who held t h e r e s ul ts in str ictest secrecy until1 the precise moment of the Awards pre- sentations ta the winners. The most out- standing player received a $2, 000 Can- a da Savings 6Bo nd and a Tex Coul ter painting of himself. His club (Winnipeg B l ue B ombers) rece ived an engraved gol d and ebony plaque. Both the Canadian Pl ayer of t he Year and the L ineman of the Year received a $1, 500 Canada Sav- ings Bond and a painting of themselves. Each of the three runners-up received a $500 Canada Savings Bond and a painting of himself. Croxail& SonLtd. (Hardware & Building Suppli-es) 93 Winchester Rd'.', Brooklin 55-4841 une., See us for C 1 L Paint - Hardware Cernent - Sakrete Bric k - Chimney Supplies Tile & drainage materials wilîthy 14 1 -