115-pin WNITBY MENS LEASUE (WEDNESDAY) HIGH SINGLES: Hans Zimmer 945 (395e 291)e G. D enyer 814 (340), G. Chiîds 806 (335)e Q. Jones 800(313 )e L. Paddrick 785 (310)t J. Townson 769 331l, E. Philips 767 (277), D. Duncan 760 (321), G., Broome746(277), L. Reed 732 (249), A. Van- derende 732 (312). H IGH SiNGýýLES: B. Gough 326, S. ýRice 310, A. Ha mrrers 292, V. Crossland 283, C. Marsh 271, B.'Todgham 269, G. Purdyý 268, N. Buck 267, R. Chiîds 263; B. Smith 262.ý TEAM STANDINGS: Tony'sMens' Hairstyl ing 20, Duýff's Towvlng Service 20, A&T Motors 17,, Shorty, &,Soýn B 1 1I1i a rds 17, Mifflln's Barber Shop 16, Hookers 13, J.B. McMuI lan Real Estate 13, J«%- boi'spub il, Don's Spur, Service Il, Pickering G. S. 9, W hitby Dodge Chrysier 9, Gus Brown Mot- ors 8, B&R Transport 8, Harol d Hughes B. P. 8, Mitton Electrîc 7, Royal Hotel' 5. Ladies' fowsr Lbague TEAM STANDINGS: -Li lacs"17, Orchids Il, 'Blue- b ell s 19, Carna ti ons 24, Voil1ets 2, Peon ies 16. Gardenias 13 & Tulips 18. S I N GLES OVER 220: Agnes Schi pper 223, Ruth Norrie 224, Ann Henderson 243, 267; Marg Pas- coe 251 , Muriel Mcllwain 262, 236; Marg Kulik 2 47, M ary AmelI1,223, 220, Marg Connel ly 267, Dorothy LeBlanc 253. TRIPLES OVERý 600: Mary ArnellIl 61, eMuriel Mcilwain 705, Ann Henderson 621. WHITBYm-HARRISON FUELS LIMITED "Youî T CQ Dealer" 211 Brock St. S. Phone:,68e36105 WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, December 23rd, 1971, Page Il CANDY BOWL LEAGQE SECION PINFALL: AIllsorts 19, 6'2, Gumdrops ...... 18, 588, Humbugs 19,158, Jel ly Beans 19,199, Life S a vers 19,157, Map le l3uds 18, 864, Peppermints le, 806 and Smarties 19, 426. TRIPLES QVER 500: B. Chlids 659, E. Avison 658, Marlon Sturgess 649, M. Farquhar 646, F. Ka lar 633, A. Bradley 626, A. Powell 590, D. MooreS8l, M. Lintner 575, F. Lott 574, J. Pick- a rd 5 73,e S. G o1d r ickS572, D. Gough570, H M o ore557,- D. Hulnink 556, A. Labanovi ch541, J. King 539,ÊE. Je*ppesen 538, G. Sandford 534, DQ. KehoeS533, D. Stannettb 32, K. Ferti le 428, J. Laundry'506, A. Schell 505 and J. Cox 504. S I NGLES OVER 200: Marion Sturgess 283, 203; F. Kalar 262, B . Childs 251, 204, 204; E. Avi- son 250, ý217; M. Farquhar 245, 205; D. Moore 241, A. Bradley 240, 217; E.- Jeppesen 233, D. S ta n ne tt 233; J. King 231le D. Huinink 229, A. S ch eIl 229p A Baxter 219, A. Powell1 212t 208; J.- Pic kard 211, D . Kehoe 206, K. Fer t 11e206,y Hazel1 Moore 201, 201; J. tYaundry 200 and F. Lott 200. TURKEY ROLL -OFF WINNERS: E. Avison, Mar- ion Sturgess, A. Labanovich, M. Farquhar, H. Moore, S. Goldrick, A. B3radley and L. Munns. OXFAM . .. a detergent? Not exactly . . . but OXFAM- sponsored p ro jeoct s are cleaning Up water supplies in developing nations lîke Mail and India where crops wither and people die because they haven't enough water. Please helpi OXFAM MElE m<4yxCV4L OEWLOPMEMT PEOPLE 97 Eglinton Ave., East Toronto 315, Ontarlo For classified action, CALL "66&-960 les diagnotic centr whitby, ontaria N.H.0. eMisssua r E c eiln. Smo thR ke al i.s MayA -ruasn Torn:o. Ell*yMacol de £ ttlL, *ilvd l:R b r is n sa a ar ,H ýia n Calar . SlH d- God pur H mito ,M.L.SprsToon- J.. H w i sN rhBy e se * * r Lndn:MI S. laW o .'Ottw :R brt e ortC ohl i Stp eso ,Sa0oo g :Jo nR ini-rKth n . n o S ol *is e Clus o e. hried ses oS * .. ~ I. * e -ufiln h -c .r u 'ty raes e - Christmas is. We wish you much joy. rothe happy tempo e of jingl'ing belis, «we* sing out a cheery "Merry Christmas" ta ,al. Best wishes for a season filled with gocod healt'h'andý g9ooýd f ortune. Warm thanks for your loyalty. Management and Staff LE CHALET DINING- ROOM &TVR 1 1 ,