WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursclay, December 23rcJ, 1971>, Page 13 MROQUS ontînued'from Page SUMMing up the rumours which have b e en fly 1n 9 around and evenpr inted about a refusai ta Whitby concerning lotteries, Mayor Newmaýýn repl led, "tJust .because Mr. Cardin cornes in with regul- a t ions à t thi s point, af ter the fact and without an y advice to us, 1l'm no t pre- paredto accept a refusai on the lottery submission." The M a yor estimated a dec i s ion might be farthcomingwithin six to seven weeks. fapprovai came thraugh, Mayor Newman e s t i mated 1 t woul d take about th ree mont hs to start the lottery, and then another six ta nine months of aper- ati a n ta e.stýabiish the.va-lidity of the w hol1e p rocess. A return of the total c a pital debt woul d take another seven .swe celebrate the Christmas season, may the symbols of peace and freedom enkindie a fraternal spirit in ail. from the staff of Shorty & Son Billiards. Shorty Cigar Storej 1/ À~ ~'\ ~ JolIy old St. Nick is coming 01,tohelp us tbank ait our Canadian Tire Whitby MERRY CHRISTMS Santa's making a iist of ail our frlends so thut h. con b. esp.cially goodl to .aCh of you. Best wlshes fo cil. Metro Fish &Chips Y! Blair Park Plaza Whitby VMAwg IA$ petR Yeui ateFfMIL, u qMon SKi FRom 1141 G>IP NriL SY.v e SY LiSy OTTEMBRITE MENS WEAR i 1