Page 6, Thudldiy , Lbruzary 7tbl, 1972, WHITE3Y FREE PRESS' The Whitby Police .Dspurtmsne Ever-y c i a someone li a depLîr t- ment in the Muicipaj l 3i lingj 011 DLUn- das Street West, seekîng help. Ini res- panse ta théat plea, the depiartment sends out a man. He Is usually referred ta as a "1cap", and manv times is known as a Police constable,"1copper"' and even "th fuzlor "the man"1. Why a Cop? But behindall1those tities is arman.. t r y i ng ta do a job. And the job can be touch. What about the man ? What's he 1like ? Why is he a cap? Gary Wlnter As far as Gary W inter was cancer- ne d there was no other choîce. As far back as he can remember, he wanted ta join the force even though his father had beenwith t4e Fire Department in Ajax. There w, a s just something about pol ice work that attracted hlm and in his words, "li'm going ta stay right with it. Il Gary joined the department 10 years a go w hen he heard there mi gh tbean oape niîng for another man. He enjoved the work snd it showed, in six years t i m e, he was promoted ta Patral Ser- geant, the rank he holds at present. "Took a lot of kiddingp' For Gary the move inta poliîce work was an uneasy transition because he h a d known the peopl1e of Wh itbv for sa long and he took a lot of kidding and s o me a buse. Now at 32 years of age, he feels camfortable in the cammunity. G a ry i s married and 1like mast fami ly men, he has two chil1dren, a boy and a girl. Know i ng the tawn and the people makes the job a little easier for Gary. He c a n an ti c i pate trouble perhaps a little more quickly than can a newcam- er ta, the department and the town. Pre- vent ing troubl e i sa major par t of Gary'1s job and he points ta his sheet and says, "lWetve had four accidents since 1 came on today. 1 wish drivers wauld pay mare a tt e n tion ta w h at's going an araund them."I Whatdoeshe do in his leisure time? J us t about the same th ings any ather famîly man wau 1d do. He gaes sk idoa ing with the boys, spends time with his kids and enjoys*- .a--good social- ?-ife0 wr th Éhis ted ta do,. 1 guess itis the way we were broughtup in the aid country. We were taugi't ta respect the police and look forward for help from them if in any kidof trouble."I Bill has earned a cansiderable amn- ountof respect from his fellow officers andsays of the department, i think we have a goad department here. Qur sup- eriors are strict, but fair. Il When he jained the department, Bill was warned that his smal Ier-than-usuaî size fora Policeman might work against him. He was told that in a scuffle some people might 1 ike to l'test hlm outil, where theywould flot consider it with a bigger built officer. Former boxing champ Obviously, "itesting hlm out" is w,,hat e arned Bi111 respect around town. Few people knew when ho came ta town that Bil11was the Scottish Goxing Champ for three years and also represented the S r i tish Navy and the Ro'yal Air Force as wel 1 as against contestants from Ger- m an y and America.. His training came f rom his father who was a mining town boxer and an excellent traîner. lnterest in local youth Whileon duty Bill has a keen eye for troubl1e-and enjoys the variety in his job. He aiso takes a great interest in the local youth. Bill explains, 111 enjoy seoing the kids the way they are today. 1 try to talk to them and maybe help them out. "ill 1does nattake exceptïionto 1long haïr, but rather envies today's kids be- causeof the freedom they have now that he didn't have when he was their age. John Rayanagh Freedom is samething John Kavan- aughdost have when he is sitting in a police cruiser. He is so taîl he has ta remove his hat while sitting in the cruis- er , and even then his haïr brushes on the headliner of the car. John admits that afew people have con.plained about h i s na t wearing a hat in the cruiser, but short of cutting a haole in the roof of the car, there isn't much he can do. A chance to meet people John has been a Policeman for 12-L years and has been an the Wihi tby force for seven of those years. Pr iar ta cam- 211 Brock St. S. Phone: !668-3610 JAKE &BILL AUTO MECHANICS SMALL CAR SPECIALISTS MERCEDES -BENZ VOLVO PEUGEOT FIAT Taunton Rd. East at Wilson 723304shawa> PART 1~ lTHE MEN Mot bnuch of a beer dirinker You probabfy won't see hlm in the hotel t oo 'often having a beer, but that has nathing to do wiîth his job. As Gary puts it i 'flot rInuch of a beer drink- er. Il Bll 'Watson Somebody else You won't see hav ing a been in the hotel is BiIl 1VVatson, but he to o a St r essed tha t i t has nath ing to do w ith h is job as apol ice officer. CI il doesn' tdrink at al . His first reason i s that he neyer dîd acquire a taste for al- c ohol1 , but hi s pnimary reason is be- cause h e i s a "lheal1th nut"I. Bill Watson has been on the Whitby Police force for four years, and looks forward ta a good many more. He keeps himself in top physical shape and enjoys a good wvorkout in a gymnasium. Keeping fit has always been a major part of 81ill's life back to his childhood days inBlantyre Scotland. In the 10 years Bill has been in Canada, his ac- c en t h as remaîned strong and doesn'1t appear tobeweakening. It has, in fact, earned hlm the nickname of "Scotty"l. At 33 years of age, Bill is married and has one son. As for his son going intopol icewvcrk, Bill isnfot sure. What- eve r the decision, h e feels it's up to h i s s on. As for his joining the force Bill said, "lt'sa thing Ilve aiways wan- SHOE AIRSTEP CLASSMATE STYLE LI TE FOOTWEAR 109 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-4881j ~ I PLUMBINC DISCOUNT FIXTURES & SUPPLIES 701 Brock st. N. Wkitby 20% DISCOUNT DIRECT TO YOU Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon-Fri Sa.9a .to5 P. m. 668m"6601 s '/2 ALE PRICE CHILDREN'S 'A PICEBUSTER BROWN '/2I STRACE DUNDAS ST. E. 1818 WATCHMAKER Antiqu & Modem Cok & Watch (ail work guaranteed) 25 pears experience' TheWhibvMail ,D! ,ÇJlasE. &ThicksoýnR.4, WHITBY, ONT . rd %a JIM 1711A Il