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Whitby Free Press, 30 Mar 1972, p. 4

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Page 4 Friday, EVENING 6: 00 C 4 (1) ()ID î 19( NEWS, WEATHER, SPORTS (J 9: SREACH FOR THE TOP gqDAVID FROST REVUE2) SDICK VAN DYKE £9PIERRE BERTON-IntervWiew (C1 (f)ANDY GRIFFITH (CD (1)HOOGEPODO! LOOGO!(CD ()OUZI! AND HARRIET 6:,30' [) me Nc NEWS CM *MAICE MINE COUNTRY (C S(M ~ASC NeÃŽS-HowUrd 1K. Smilh, Harry Rasoner (c) *WORLD BEAT-Jos Merlsah ) £9NEWS, WEATHER, SPORTS ) CDS NEWS-Water Cronkîte IPARTY GAME (l) 1 SDATELINE GUNSMOKE Cg £9FAMILY AFFAIR (~ ;JONGLERIES MATHEMATIQU ES il 6:45 RSPATTY OUKE 7:00l I DREAM 0F JEANNIE ) UNERATTACK (M CD OS NEWS-Walter Cronklle (][) TO TELL THE TRUTH --Geme (c) ON M£11STORY THEATRE M) <>BRADY lUNCH ) SDICK VAN DYKE SPIERRE SERTON-lnt*rvlw*(j) ALL IN THE! FAMILY ) <1) ILLJGAN'IS LANS(o (i)MR. WHATNOT <>COMMUNICATION AND EDUCATION SM UNSTERS I 7:30 PETTICOAT JUNCT1ON ~ rJTRUTH OR CONSEOIJENCES (SD(i)la DICK VAN DYKE ) oLMT'MAKE A DMA ()DRAGNET (M (E)B DON RICKLES ~ £9ARNIE (ÃŽ (¶)WHA-S MYUN!? ) M ADAM-12 C) <¶)HOLL.YWOOD SQUARES (1>ELECTRIC COMPANY SFR ENCH CHEF--COodd S:t FRE ITCHCOCK 6:00 (M 1SANFORO AND SON 12 al S O> (M10 aBHELICOTER HOLY LAND M ((a U)APPINHTM WIT DESm1Y (M) ïm 0) moml-Couecl (. "*Did Vou Hear the One About the iravelifla Saleslady?" (1968, «Dl DON MESSERS8 JUBILE£ C (M WASNINGTON: WEEIN REVIEW Ç(p a:30 (ID (R) MOVi-OfUa ( -Cet on a Hot Tn Roof." _(1958) UV M3OVE-FtgasY Film Odyssey- "Berner," PolIsh. 9:00 O>le £9(¶0 E)TOMMY GD (si BÃ"BBY JO AND 7THE BIG APPLX 0005 T1ME SANO M) <~ROOM 222 (r) OERATTACC (M 5GLORY TIIAT REMAINS MOVI-Wmern (c) "Lait Ride 10 rmI Cruz.*'<Wdut Germen; 1064)11 30 @D (%' MY diliâR HANK em'ODOUPLE (L) * CHRONICLE' 0:00 .ALL INTHE FAMILY(Ce TX(10 MISS STEWART, SUR -Comedy r(C) (SMEETI nSPOINT-Drame (e) WLV MLOVE, AMERICAN STYLe M SDAVID FR087 (0) HAWAII FIVE.O (C) RI ARTIN AG3RONsIKv: EVENINO EDITION (Z) 1:30 (]D ROLLIN' ON 7112 IVER MC) M BLES8 THIS 1HOUSE (r,) CM (U)DOM RICKLEB (M) ()LAUREL AND HARDY :0 lMS1M00 lEW(0 WEATHER, SPORTS ) a NOVIE-Comedy "A Global Atteir.' <1964>1 1:20 (SVIEËWPONt-N.wm Ahalyuioki O>NE", WEATHER, SPORTS&(C (Ç2 <FiNEWS, WEATHER, SPORTS :30 ()([ JOHNNY CARSON ) 3JDICK CAVETT (C) (STORONTO TONIONT() oe OVIE-Druma "The Sonci of Bernadette." (1943) (M )MOVIE-Comedy-D#m Cj "Whore the Bove Are-- (191'. 0PMIRAE BERTON-lM'lew(C :40 a #MOVIE-Ojeme (Q) "Demetrlus end the Glediators." (1954> 1<B MOVIE-Oreifl »"Ettecl.' <19u) - #1:45 laSKI -, SNO*IIOSILE HEPOIRI (Q) RD )MOVIE.BIOYUPhY 1 "The Helen Morgan Story." <195.) :5 U MOVIE-TriPla Featura(M) 1. "The Cardinal.'* <Drame-, 1963) 2. "Mon in thé' Saloie.' <Wetern; 1951) 3- "The Femaie Animal" <Drame: 1957). 2:00 0S MOVIE--Cootey 'Brother Orchld." (1901 É3 MOVIE-Ooublo Nlin (C 1. "Esther and the King." <Drame. Pmpào>ngerous Aflernoon." (Englsh;, drame; 1961) - ID MOVIE-4uale(C "A Ferswel bArme" <1958I. CD MOVE- e 1(M) **he HalgoljM&n." (19M4> 12:45 a MOVIE-Oma .*çefqrm School Girl.,, <195a1 1:00 (ID MOVIE-twm **Slender.1 <1956) 1.35 CONCEIDRiuIg@n( BUT RADIO & APPLIANCES "Your ElectroholDo; R.C.A. Active Clothes For The* * Lively Unes * Adamn& Evee * UNISEX FASHIONS WHITBY MAL e ONLY $85, and up PETER GUMINA Photoglraphy 576m6697 Satisfaction gjuruuteed - AbsoIuteIy > no obligeatlon Cail now for more information THE LURE 0F ANTIQUES by Hoe lNaa Arrow«Back Chairs (1 820,60) A few chair styles are common ta sa many parts of the country that one won- d er s if there w as an itinerant chair- maker who travelled the country with a wagon load of chairs, or possiblv with a bag of tools upon his back, spreading his gospel of chair turnery as he went. A perfect expression of the past1 The arrow-back chair i s a case in p oiînt,1it can bef o un danywhere wi!th only a f ew variations in its basic des- ig9n , b ut it is always the same sturdy Ch ai r, expressing perfectly the spirit af the pas t. It received its name, of course, from the arrow-shaped spiats w h ich fo r mits back and are its chief d ec o ration. The back curves silightly ou tward, and the seat which is made from one piece of wood, is called a p t an k seat and is silightl y s'addl e-sha- ped. Most of these chairs have three ar- rows. 1 have owned some that had four. Armchairs and rockers, since they are larger, havemore arrows in their backs than does the side chair. The legs are sharply raked, and held by a box arrangement of rungs. The com- Sîn at 1o n of seasoned and green wood *rom which these chairs were constric- ted resulted in tight, firmly held joints when the green wood dried. if you f ind a ...hair with gIued joints, chances are that it has had a recent repair. It may even be a'reproduction. P>ine was the.w o od f rom which they w ere most com monly made, although elm,. hickory and maple were also used kell E LE OTROHOME Look ¶N LISTEN as a combination of several woods. An eye for reproductions They are being reproduced, so look c a refully at the unpainted surfaces for s i 9fl5 of airburn and al so for the scurf marks o f the ol d saws. Ol d wood turns g r a y where i t has been exposed ta the 'a i r , t h e col our cannot be dup1i icated, and when it is missing, you can ask if thechairhas been refinished on the un- derside, if the answer is unsatisfactory, youmustproceed as seems wise ta you, d ep en ding upon how badl y you want ta buy the chair. Wear on the rungs is- ai so an indication of ageas well, es a h un dr ed 1littie imperfections 'acquired t h ro ugh years of service. There are v ery few antique deal ers who wil11 det- i beratel1y seil1 you a reproducti on for a genuine article, stili, "caveat emptor" and Good Hunti.ng-! Heard's Taxi He 668-3732 Radio Equipped & Direct Une Radio Eat A rnoldSý Market 115 Brock St. N. Fer Yeur CsMMNoe [1:50 fERRY ST WHITB. 728-4623 DEAUTY SALON OOwu Shoppng C.eâiu l'o, ne Wou= e w oCm«n 8çlci.s1asg la nia &Syln %Op Tue4doe. Wo. ueàdiy. Thutbdey 4 Vldut Evenisga 20% OFF ON PERMS Mon.& Tues. Ordy,- Phono - but. 668-8131 Brock building Rois 725-8978* 101 Dundas St. West MARIO & » MARIA PEDRETTI CUSTOM TAILOINO end DRESSMAKINO ALTERATMOS'and REPAIRS Whitby -Ontario Open Evenings- Tues, Thurs r and Fridays IV AN IlS

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