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Whitby Free Press, 6 Apr 1972, p. 9

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Contlnued from page 8 matized to a difficuit schedule. When i have time I have very simple tastes, pleasures, 1Ilike to drive, travel, get away. i enjoy good conversation with a teisurely dinner. I suppose, most of al1 1 prîze a certain amount of privacy for myseif and my farniiy. I've always tried to keep my family very, much removed from my public life. "QUESTION" HOWV DO YOU SEE YOUR ROLE IN TH--E FUTURE? NEWMAN: i feel greatresponsibilityto my job here - to respond even ta individu- ais 50 that they retain the opportunity of acce ss ta me and ta th is counc il. To provide same leadership in the commun- ity. With respect ta the future of the t own , 1 don' t think anyone, even the mostdeiiberately involvedpeople, have any concept ofwhat it will be like in fif- teen years. 1 believe we live in the most significant part of Canada. Per- sonaliy, liveaiways lived in the Inowl, neyer inciined ta presume on the future. After ail 1 may not be around then. 1 like ta keep a generai direct- ion going, try ta prepare myseif, move in wvhatever direction seems appropri- ate at the time. For example, I didnit decide until two months befare the iast federai election ta be a candidate. 1 onlybecamea candidate because I iist- ened ta what Mr. Trudeau was saying, n o t w i thstanding al1 the nonsense that surraunded hlm, i HEARD hlm speak- ing, and i think he hit the point. I be- l ieve he understood what was neccess- ary here in Canada at the time. QUÜESTION THE UPCOMING FEDERAL ELECTION? NEWMAN: Many people seen ta think we willhavea spring election. 1I've always feit it wili be a fail election. QUESTIO THE PICKERING SITE FOR THE NEW AIRPORT HAS UNDERST- ANDABLY CAUSED MUCH COMMENT WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS? NEWMAN: I thlnk that is a tremendous descision for two reasons. Firsty itts the most important facil ity in the dev- elopment af this region. Private and 1in div i dual investment wvi11 fol low the public investment in roads and transit, services for the airport. That means jobs. Secondly, from a planning point of view it will create ecanomic balance around Me tro Toronto. There is already a vast amountof deieiopment ta the west of Toronto. We now have the opportun- i t y tao c r eate a region east of Metro w h ich wil11 have the responsibi1i ty of shar ing the government for the greater Toronta area. What is being dane here - i nstead of one government being respon- sible for managing the six orseven miiil- ion people who \will be here in the next 25 years, we will1naw have that respon- sibility shared between Metro and the three regions bordering it. Yau must, I bel ieve, pravide for a sharing of the responsibility of government. WVe have the opportunity ta incorporate the air- port with the urban environment. lt's fantastic! "QUESTION" IROQUOIS PARK AND IT'S FUTURE? NEWMAN: W e have been persuing the Iroquois proposaI very quietly with the P rov incial Government. Mr. Davis is very much aware of aur wark and our plans. The airpart annauncement now. puts Iroquais in a very strong position. The planning is of the greatest import- ance. I dontt think the frustration of peo pi1 e arises simply from size, but from the management of si ze. The f rus- tration in society resuits not from the presence of people but from the nature in which they live. That is why the greatest emphasi smust be on the struc- turewithinwhich people live. The fac- cilities, the services you want and need mus t be convenientiy provided. Here Page 9 y ou corne back to the opportunity to plan ahead of the deveiopment, s0 that if youlve had the time and used it wel ta plan ahead of the needs of a much 1 a rg er population than the one which exi st s today, then when the people arrive you can accomodate them. They wili integrate into the community aimost unnoticed. That is why the opportunity, such as this,- to plan ahead of a devel- opment - even ahead of the needs in the future, is 50 extremeiy important. And a situation such as ours, is sa incredibly r a re a nd fantastic. Too much culture. Too much poiish. Too many words? Maybe. Perhaps he needs a dash more com- munication with people in verbal imag- ery to which they can relate - the real, the c uss words, the -look and feel of words and their effect. Perhaps. Even. so, he is now, a contemporary of the future. Mhon - bus. 668-8131 kok uiding1 R.r7254M lot.Dundos st. West MARIO & MARIA PEDRETTI cUSTOM TMULfiNG «W DRESS*AKING olTMTOS and RIPMKS Whttby - Ontario " Hourny Bus/Train Service to Exhibition Station. " Free Parking* at most GO Stations. *Children under 12 haîf the aduit fare. For f urther bus and train information phone: Metro Toronto 248-3112 Pickerin g-Ajax I200 Clarkson-Oakville 845-6694 WhtyOsaa94200 Buri ington-HanilIton 527-8187 Wib-saa Sww@ky Train Service *very 90 minutes. Qperated by CN and Gray Coach Lines For the Province of Ontario M~iss Bette Specfrdl YES - 2 ladies co join for the Meit off those excess pounds and inches. Stream lin. y o u r figure quickîy and easily, the exclusive Miss Rene way. MISS RENE can present a new you by the summer of. '72. MISS RENE'S PLEDGE a Air Conditionud Comfort " Quellflsd l0erool Superviser " Large, Spaclous Broadlooemed Salon " Lotest Contouring Equipment " No Strenucus Exercls.ng " No Contracta T. Sio WHITBY OHW Blair Park Plaza Swlm Chalet Plaze 668-90,11 579-2231 MISS RENE FIGURE SALON Kin Lottery tickets may be purchased from the following authorized sales outiets. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. A&T Motors Lt. -Bell Drafting & Scott Peters McTeague Eîectric Ltd Reproductions Ltd. Typesettîng Ltd. Victoria & Grey Trust Broughton Motors Disney Motors Ltd. Champlain Printers Ltd. Whitby Cleaners Ld. MIL

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