Whitby Volume 2, Number 17 FREE HOME DE1.IVERY (Voce .f the County Town) s Thursday, April 27, 1972 Council SeIIing Out t's MeremInts A comm i tment from council for a m un icipal complex on the controver- sial Rossland Road site will constitute "a sell-out of the merchants in down- t o w n W h i t b y, "charged Councillor R o bert Attersley during a heated de- bate on the issue Monday night. Rem i nding council that the mayor had publ icly announced plans for a 'ne w c entre' on Rossland Road, the o p p o s ing representative of the west ward was explicit in voicing an opinion that by taking the municipal complex to Rossland Road, the members are ad- mitting they are taking the core out of the downtown. "98% o f a il1 o t her municipalities i n c I u d i ng our next door neighbours started with their own buildings when they began to redevelop, " he said. Then, referring to the contents of a report recently submitted by the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board, Situation at Public attention created by the m e e t ing between Whi tby Psychiatric H o s p i tal employees and a committee s tanding for Ontario Heal th Minister D r . R i ch ard Potter has made for a very tense and difficult situation at the hospital, an RNA told the Whitby Free Press on Wednesday. "In a meeting called soon after the Whitby's Own Howard Hughes Whitby has i t s own counterpart to the ever evasive Howard Hughes. In fact, theWhitbycounterpart can outdo the latter with his relish for seclusion, a c c o r d i n g to one acquaintance who says "even employees don't get to see this guy. " The m y s t e r y m an, whose family resideat a Whitby address, is repor- ted to be running his business remote control fashion from a base somewhere in the Bahamas. He is not, as we original ly thought, s h e e r fabrication on the part ofour information source. Through fur ther checks we discov- e r ed that a man such as the one des- cribeddoes exist, and the mysterious out-of-sight life he prefers to lead is indeed more fact than fiction. Allegedly one of the key people be- hind the Iroquois Park theme, his name is being withheld on the request of our source. -A he said that Whitby has the largest n umber of vacant stores in the area. These vacancies could increase ten Whitby ttersley t i mes if the core moves to Rossland Road, he warned. Q u e s t i o n ing the direction of the down town action committee, he ex- pressed aview that the committee was intended to study downtown redevelop- ment. Againemphasizinghis objections to the p r o p osed move, he cited, "If we take the core out of the downtown, we are admitting our own lack of faith in the present core, but saying, if any- one else wants to spend money in the downtown they may do so. " Attersley, the strongest councillor objector to the Rossland Road site for th e muni c i pal complex, termed the proposed move "a sellI -out of the down- town merchants who would in turn be d i s c ouraged from spending money in t h e d o wntown, and said, "I am dead a g a i n st the municipal building being built there. " Hospital Extremely Tense Queen's Park incident, the names of several employees were brought out, andnow wetre waiting for the boom to be lowered, " he said. News of unrest at the Whitby hos- pi ta I was made public earl ier in the week when Dr. Manuel Vasquez, Staff P resident claimed in a release to the media that 90% of the professional staff at the hospital are in opposition with a reorganization to be implemented May 1. Thereorganization is being justif- iedby administration as the first step in a p r o p o sed five year plan which w i1l 1 b r i n g the institution closer to the community and thus provide it with a better mental heal th service. Bu t t he major portion of the pro- fessional staff who work in close prox- i m i ty wi th patients in the day-to-day operation of the hospital are alarmed f o r the w el1 f are of patients because the reorganization move was made by a d m i n i s tration wi thout consultation withdoctors, nurses and social work- ers. Dr . V as q uez concurs with this charge and adds that nurses are a I so unhappy because they have been. reassigned on a random basis. Be cause of the impending changes t h e doctors and nurses say they will a ssume no responsibil ity for the saf- ety of the patients during the May I reorganizat ion. The staff however, claim they have been threatenedby administration that they will be held responsible indeed, and say the threat which came direct- ly from the hospital administrator was made in writing and has been documen- ted. Dr. Vasquez ci ted mixing of short and long term patients of all ages and s h ifting patients into different wards andpredictedalso that the reaction of patients to the moves could be totally u npredic table. He further specul ated probl ems for up to six months after the r e organization trying to get the pat- ients settled down again. Me di cal Director at the hospital, Dr. John Deadman countered the char- gesof little consultation with the pro- f e s s i o n a i staff by saying, "We did consul t the staff as much as we coul d. " H e went on to add, "Many of the pro- f essional staff have voiced disagree- m ent with the changes, but any large scal e change is bound to generate those feelings. " Whileagreeing that he felt many of the proposed changes were desirable Dr. V asquez said, "We do object to t h e arbitrary way these changes are being made. "He felt the changes should be delayed until further stud- ies can be made and he suggested that On tario Health Minister Dr. Richard Potter appoint a committee to investi- gate the reorganization. NEWMAN SHOULO resign frotm the downtown action committee says an editorial on page 2. REýM iNmclboni)lct. F F AMILY STAà AýNT Whitby Mall