Page4, hurdayApr il 27. 1.972, WHI1TBY FREE PRESS Friday EVENING News, WELATNERq, SPORTS(C EREACN FOR Tif!TOP(C 91OAVID FROST REVUE ) .R DICK VAN DK aPIERRE EERTON-Inkrvkm ( (f)ANDY ORIFV1TH (r,) (f)HOOGEPODO! LODOR %() OZZIE AND HARRIET 6: 30 q) UNec NEWS (M) # MAKE MINE COUKTRY (C) WEEKDAY (Z) (M )ABC NEWS-Howard K. SuIl,, Hffly Reaaone (C) IWORLD SEAT-Jo. M.,ah( NEws, WEATHER SPOTS= ces NeWS-WI.11C; kif( <nPARTY, "Am!(C) SDATELINE GUNSMOXE (C) <nFAMILY APPAIR (r') MAOIE-xe<CM C SJONGLERIES MATHEUATIOIJES 1:465 PATTY DUKE 00 (1 DREAN OF JEANNIE(C MENOR ATYACK CC) CeS NEWS-WaIamw nkit ( oe(1) TO TELL THE! TRUTH ~)D«C VAN DYKE PIERRE SERTO-4ftniuwe C SAU. IN TMf FAMILY ) L UNS SMO 7: le Y PETTtCOAT JUNCTMO C TR LE RrSMffiA 0A( Af-sm m à (C) C IRAIT LNc AAMI () Wm rs m - 4:00 éN *. <n Lem(* " L.y1*wm 0 Sq Q«.1972, DATSUN NOW ON DISPLAY ZOLTAN CALL 724-0051 pl:00 S, (H)flae OM <nOD NW-RATTACK (C) a QLR Y YAT REMAINS (m 000 COUPLEç *CNRONhILE *mAIN CHANCE -4rene 1m (C) (1 LOVE, AMERIAN wDAVID P»«T C Hi AWAII FIVE.0 10:30 () OIN'04THIf!RIVER(C » ON HE effl!7S 'C) SLAUREL AND HARDY WALL STRM EET EK(C 11:00(1 b m<nZ) e G I1: 20 <0 VIEWPOINT-N.wa Analyals(C <nNE"S, WEATNER, SpORTeSC () nNEWSI, WEATNER, SPORT 11: 30 Ir) JOIINNY CAUSON ) DOCK CAVET (C) STORONTO TOMNT (q -ee'ht Evor Hà pwbn.d Baby Jm? -p OVUECM.Dm. Code Two' (1963) 3DmOKCAVETT (Z) TcwotTd TONIONKT r *nRRE EERTON-ntw (Clfr SmovIE-Ormm (Cy rTomJonos." Englesb. 19631. Ma'otg rpe~ (leu) . fuin a.opb1 . 2. *b. Gazm.nt Jungtéô ;Drama, 3. '-'SFinoomu" (Drama: 1963> "The Hiffl.n Ey." (1P45>ý_ a mo1E-OouM F.Mmw(c) 1. "S». IIw They Ru,'." <EnglWh. comody; 1lm) 2. "Punch ai;d JudY Mam'" Englahh: 1. **Swotd of the Cooquero." (lia Z "Mlghty Urous." <itallan; oadven- *'Ug the MCGr.gcru.JtaIlan: 19M61 1:00 (ID MOVE-Mwo* "Woewoll in à aGDîna Domltory' q) OIE4.o 2:00 O'-fugo C Mon~. ThosIL . 1 &a 1&F Fe'& sa. 11 &.«4 - 2 &M $UN. Nom la 10 P.0%. -M Khi W. O*msw 723-6301 W4D M ~ARKET offlN ÂM. -IoO.M. Il DATYS u.ÂM FI AMA RESTAURANI STEAK HOUSE MON- FR1 lOam- Spm SAT & $UN 668-2731 939 BlINDAS W. Whitby FROM A IRD'S Us t ReaUUy Worth Did you ever have one of triose days when you feel just great? You know, when you wake Up even before the al- armgoesoff and you feel like taking on the world? The last one of those days I had was a total disaster. Il1ay there in bed th ink- ing ofali1 the great things I was going to do that day. Full of good intentions I jumpedright up and put my foot into the water p itcher I had 1lef ton the fl1oor from the bedtime snack the night before. 1lthought, 'What the heck!, that could happen to anybody. ' Undeterred by the poor start, 1 went downstairs, had a wash and a quick shave and prompt- ly sp ra y ed m y underarms with hair- spray. 0f course I didnIt realize the mistake until 1 got out to the kitchen ta cook breakfast and discovered rny arms were pinned to my sides. While 1 was getting free, the eggs cooked so hard they cl anked when 1 put them on the plate. About this point you begin to feel somebody is trying ta tell you something. Knowing what was hap- pening tome, 1ltried to anticipate troub- l e Sa that perhaps 1 could survive the rest of the day. Before 1 headed for the Free Press, I remembered to put out ail the garbage. After some scurrying around to gather up what looked like a bumper crop that week, and staggering out to the curb wi th the whole mess, I rernernbered that yesterday was garbage day. Blew it again! Now bear in mind that when 1 got Up, this was going to be a fabulous day. 1 was beginning to think that it would be a day I would have a hard time forget- ting. Now you think 1 arn going to tel1 you that when I went to leave, the truck wouldn't start. Nope. As a matter of fact 1 made it down to the paper in good time. 1 made it back home in even bet- ter tirne. .. to get the briefcase 1 forgot. Upon arriving at the paper for the second time, 1 was in no mood for any- thing else and as 1 walked in the door CHINESE FOOD CAL ITHE t$UliUGftT EVE Ut? somebody-yelled, 'Hi smiley!l Only the presence of females prevented me from replying with wvhat 1 thought wvould be the proper answver. ln the office 1 was greeted with the j oy f uI news that t hr ee of my readers were saving Lpsp 501 could take a trip. One way. And a sweet little old lady phoned in to say my colurnn is the fav- ouri1te ofher budg ie. 1 don 1t have to teI11 you how the budgie is able to seé my col umn. 1 flopped into a chair and said, t"Why doî1do it, why dol1 'try to be a w i ter?"I My editor remarked, I'eh why do you do it ?"I said, "For the money, what els e ?"IlTh e edi tor repl ied, "For the wages we pay you? 1 said, "lYoufre right. Why do I do it?"I But writing for a weekly paper is a very diverse job. Where el se would the writers have to tie paper bundles bef- ore they go out on the streets ? I can even get to change the bulb in the wash- room. 1 have a littîe pidgeon hole for notes, but nobody ever leaves me any. One time I Iooked in and found two cig- arette butts and a dead beet le. When 1Iask thepubl isher for my cheque he gives me a blank look and says, "Do you work here ? I say, "Sure 1Iwork here! How else would you see in the washroom at night?"I They were golng to gîve me the job of putting out thegarbage, butwithmy history of for- getting to get it out on the right day, I lost that promotion right off. They told me one time they were going to put in a special phone for me, but after 1 found out it was a pay phone I 1 ost my enthusiasm. When the mail cornes into the office everyday, ail I ever get is the junk mail and the oc- casional I etter for l'occupanlt". Anyway the next tirne I feel I arn going to have one of those "lgreat"I days I have deciaed to stay in bed. But the way things are going, rny electricblanketwould probablygeta short. Heck, I should be so lucky! 1 l'lprobably 1live to be thirty- *five and spend every day asking myself, "lis it realîy worth it?"I Heard's Taxi 668-3732 Radio Equipped & Direct .iUne I V1EW J/M OUA/I DINE F#LLV LECEE y S A S à A VER g i ~ 116 NIAS -Si. W. AMPLE PARKING i AT REAR Catch up a with the' .leader. DATSUN 1600 Pa le Jin a Page 4, Thursday 4e