I bel ieve t h e y planned this man- power thing long, long ago but th ings got out of ha nd. What if the s h oe were on the other foot? What if some Act of God should sharp- ly diminish the population like in the past? Who w i 1l1 b e the iggy then? B e i n g b o r n 'in Toron to, I have s een similar sit- uations arise, w h e r e by undes- irables from var- i o us ci ties over- r un a neighbour- hood and force those who were t here before them t o move over and thenout. Not for- ci bl y by hand, mind you, but nevertheless they go because they a r e o utnumbered and unable to live the life life that breeds ignor- ance, crime etc. I am qu i te cap- able of loving my ne ighbour from anywhere, but don!t tell me I am committing an of- fen ce against my fellow man by creating life, es- pecially Canadian 1 i fe in this coun- try. For the rec- ord I plan two Deposit tomorrow's enjoyment today! Continued from Page 2 chi Idren inmy 1 ifetime. It is my hope, if these two children I ive a normal life span that th'ey will have a "place to stand and a place to grow" as i n the song "Ont- ario". I hop e i n their future or their ch ildren's future if there is going to be suc h a thing, the y w iil not be wipedout because t h e re wasn't en- ough of "us" to hold up against "them" If and when we are ever .hreatened. I mean no offence against any people 1i v i ng in Canada from other count- t r i es - God bless you all- but to our own Canadian fut- ure I say 'mothers WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, May 4, 1972, Page 9 Councillor Attersley To Keep An Eye On Action Committee "Il'm just going to sit back and watch no w , " responded Councillor Robert Atter sI ey to a Whitby Free Press question relating to the direction of the downtown action commi ttee follow- i n g a p p r oval of construction of the municipal and police buildings at the Rossland Road site. "llive been hearing about the re- j u v en a t ion of the downtown for five year s now. The separate sums of $ 8 0 0 a nd $1100 have been approved for an architect to begin plans for a restoration scheme for the downtown, but council is spending $1 million at t h e R o s s I and Road si te and hoping someone el se willcome al ong and dev- eloo the downtown - it's crazy! " As for council's i sion to proceedv the Rossl1 and "They' ve thrown up' and s tand on guard. W h e n y ou sing proudly your Nat- ional Anthem, just who do you have in ' 2 in 2À to bri s Monday night dec- with construction at Road site, he says: the issue back to a m ind to protect this great land of ours?. .. A Canadian mother (name withheld). Il e Z days'un and aVW ng home. package deal and I don't endorse it because in square footage i t's costing the town an arm and a leg. I could c on cur'with an addition where - and if - needed,"I he added. Councillor Attersley labelled the m ove of the municipal-buiJ di.ng out of the core "a šsell-out of the merchants in downtown Whitby, " one week ago. Start on your way to aquarium fun with a starter kit that includes tank, filter, pump, book... more. Aquaria Life Pet & Poodie Supplies 114 BIGCk st. s 668-5035 Europe Free. Suimmer vacations are coming - and Fall wardrobes -- and Christmas -- al fun but they cýst money. The more you save today, the less you'll need to borrow tomorrow. Start now to make sure you have enough when you need it. Start saving today at Victoria and Grey. VICTORAc GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Dundas St. W. Whitby 668-5897 W.R,. Curry, Manager You could be the winner in this area. We're having a contest.ahead of its time. If you win we'll give you Holland. Switzerland. And two, corne up with the winning entry n the con- Germany. Belgium. Austria. Luxembourg. And France. test to nameaur new computer plug. Well giveyou twenty-two days, with deluxe and Thats the plug that will connect every new Volks- first class accommodations, and breakfasts and dinners wagen ta aur VW Computer Self-Analysis System. on us. Ifs the service system of the future. We'll give you a Volkswagen Super Beetle for sight- Every'72 Volkswagen s already equipped for t, seeing (plus $100 gos money). And afterward we'll bring and the first computers will begin operatian this faîl. t homeas your souvenir. Coren n and et us tell you about .t. And about Well give you anl this (including a round the contest. thengs: time youve been able ta enter a One, core in and test drive a new A contest with a bug in t. '72 VolkswEegen. Your2l discover itksswgnsadUyq Donut wpitpny longer. PICKERING CAR CENTRE LTD. BASELINE RD. AJAX 942-1881 HAPPiHfSSý Ise rÀffÀFÀFÀdmlly J