WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursdav, May 4, 1972, Page 15 C......................................... Mortgaetemor!gOg.s ARTICLE$ FOR SALE AatmnsForRt I.n ANNOUMNN LOW COSI MORTOAGE LOANS THAT CANR PAY OFF AIL YOUR SIILS a AUO CUl TOUR MONTHIT PAYMENTS IN HAIF OR LESSO lI ogtwrwords you con mdc. one m- duSd paynm n onth instsdof my. t r 0a 2nd. MORTOAGE MONEY ".6 VEAR TERM OPEN MORTGAGES " NO SONUSES " NO CREDIT CHECKS " NO INQUJIRY 0F NEIGHBOURS " CONFIDENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE INV YOUR OWN HOM4E *BOR ROW AS LITTLE AS $1,600 *FAST SERVICE LJI!41 Y:1 ïRea EstoePo%-Sole aMOed to ftIOcat.? Ve have an excellent iePIec t Ion of farrns, oa ter f rointproper- lies, building lots, etreat propqrtles and towvn houses for sale. Fç>r complote Set a 11 à cal 476-3078 r 476-2822 anytime. CORV WAL.RAVEN, REAL ES TATE BROKER, 28 MAIN STREET, PICTON, ONT. P r i v a te - New three bedroom t w în home. $ 20, 500 p av ed drive fenced y a r d , central 725-8645. P rivate - Osha'.,va ele- ver room ircome pro- p er t y.-$8000down Zored f or Ap ts. over $500 morthly income. 725-8645.__ TED CAMPIN MOTORS CARS WANTED "SVUYING'A tNEW CAR"' Sali vour used çar ta "Ted". Talk cas to the New Cor Doolar orsd "'Save"'. 723-4494 Roi. 725-5574 ~ SALES IT101 IOI I SER VICE PARTS etW KIGST. E. OSHAWA7217 il ieEu o Harmony Rd.> 317 Autborzed SMITH-CORONA Dealer Typewriters, Adding Machines, Caiculators, Cash Registers * SALES New * SERVICE .& * RENTA LS Used Repairs To Ail Makes NEWANS OFFICE EQUIPMENTr phone 668-3738 SERVICES Horses boarded. Reasonable rates, ex- cella n t nidinq anea, r ldng lassons for beginners. 655-3070. GUARANTEED MUFFLERS FOR SALE Sm KelU i Tepnnaet thé Ckhen #Adu Muff 1er Shop forae f ret ~eust atystemn iflapectlont. 116 Bond Street, West Oshawa .iust tst af Ontario Motor Sales Cali 57".111 J. NADON CARPENTRY Recreation rooma & kitchena. Prea Estirmatm, AIl workrnonshîp ta satisfaction. 576'2991 0. oRoccA, fioor *d eiSwl l liesl 416 r-poeair. Reê..n.bWe'rates. EXParbexced Potin S.Decormting MATRS PaintiAdpe amr. Interlor, Exterlor. Fr..ftlmta.Cati IHELP WAUTEO MECHANIC - Class A Top vages, good work- irg coditiors, -,ick benefits, fiat rate shop Chev-Olds Deaiership Appl Y Service Manager 2941-440Conlinr Motors Limited, Markham, ont. Os hawa Obedient Ass oc 1 a tion Pub lic Dog Tracking Course wiiI com mence April 16. For Information cati 728-0794. 1967 Firebird Conver- t i b le. 400 cubic mot- or, automatic. $1495. QOor best offer. Good condition. Caîl 728-64 75. 969 Chrysier Station W agon 1loaded wvi th ex- tras. New $7000, ask- ing $3600. Caîl 728- 6-: 7 L -- B e vern ey & Parkwvood continental bedS $35 up. Bunk beds $99. 95 up. Eedroorn sulteês from $169. Chargex, layaway. Mckeen Fur- nitur.e, 524 Slmcoe Street Southp 725- 5181.1 H«$#$ What to D o Gel A Low-Coit Mortppg Loon cou, Write or corne in. lb. u"S los fast, so makce your New Start toda4y. WeVve helpd horneowners tWough- out Ontario> coruolidat. tholr debts this eMsy eynd vrything lu con- fidntwe.. Macle Ouhawa Business Pers on a] or Signature 123u5331 IngTAI GENERAL ELECTRQNIC RENTALS T.V.'s Tope Recorder elc. MUNTZ CENTRE 728-1122 SARGEANT'S RENTALS Mink Stoles, Clown Costumea Caf fa. Urns, Punch Bowla, Banquet Hall RentaI, Dishes, Cutlery, Glosses, Tables, Chairs, Linens. £WI Ritson Rd, S. 72S-3338 117 Trent St. W. I ______________________________________________________________________________ Ieoss lyn n Arrns Ap ts. * SIAWAS OSTfl GRACIOUS LIVING* ELECTRICALLY MEATED This la eaperi or bullddm. weil buit orid excolln lntoil*af oedcotat.those0 i op mquing o bettar wof 1livk'. NO LAST MONTH'S RENT REQIJJRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-100I9 t'ev..m $79-1413' Tel evis ion chesterfield 5 A Ilb ed coffee table bird cage and stand boys clothes 12-14 yr. Cal l 725-8370. Garage Sale this Sat- urday at 179 Elilzabeth CrescentWhitby, many household items refni- gerator, boats, tables. Tub-style orlon plush chesterfield suites., Shepherd casters $259' regular $379. Dînette sui tes from $44.50. Chargex, layaway. McKeen Furniturep 524 Simcoe South, 725-5185. 40RUGSr" Indoor - C>tdoor 6x 9..........$17.9Snd up 9 x12 .......$29.95 &%d up Etmner's Fumiture 2$3 bloor St. E., Oahbowo «n$- 3473. 1968 21-foot Glendette cabin trailer. Good condition. $3700,. Fu Il y equipped. Cal, 728-64ý75. Good condition apart- ment size, Moffat ne- frigerators and rang- es. $109. 00 and $ 89. 00. Cali 728-6475. Used automatlc wash- Ing machine. Asklng '$95.00. Moffat. Cali 728-6475. IMPRESSION Rubber Stamps TrOWERS 822 Gien Strt om bero,$130 moesthIt Two bedromm$145 manthÇ stv, erlo««, cobla TV AVAILAILE Now 723-2347 m8 ND rW OR BRINO IT IN TOOUXR OFFICE AT 301 BYRON 81.8 ANDOWEWILL RUN VOUR WANT-AD 5!UIQLd or maximum of 5 weekse PLUAemPaINt MAIL TO:R WHIlTBY FREE PRESS Bx2069 WHITBY Ad<n@lwbdpnowwts or receipt me noS Mun aromp«£ taohsqse or Snony ord«Lu.Csnitfthouo du il a s t 8* avetiurs ri*.1 ADDRESS .............................. PHONE NO.............................. 1 j CAIL Mr. Wiks 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto mi sypeof ewurg1oem «id Instai iatiogis.- * Itchen *am B«Mo *v*w oehlsec. WPM A A