WHITBY FREE WEEKEND BASEBALL ACTION Whitby.baseball clubs playing in the E a s tern Ontario Baseball1 Association h a v e finished their busiest week thus fa r in the schedule and it was a suc- c e s s f ul one with local clubs winning their share of the games. The Attersley Tire Juniorswho got off to a slow start appear to be finding themsel ves and took two out of three as they started to pick up some hits, jell defensively and get some f ine pitching particularly from Greg Cairns. They dropped Port Hope 8-3 w ith the southpavv coming through w i th a flashy five-hitter, in which he struck o u t 12. His mates collected ten safeties off the Ontario's Bob Downey withDave Moore leading the way with a timely double and a single, while Paul Gilroy, Randy Sorochan and Doug Mar- ow e ach picked up a pair of singles. George Yates and Harry Long added sin- gles to the potent attack. Cairns came right back with another strong perfor- m an c e against the Newcastle Lions in whichheheld the opposition to five hits once again and matched his strikeout output wi th another 12 batters going down via the strikeout route. Roci Fil lier ledi at plate RodFillier with-a singleand a double led the club at the plate, while Wilson Trail andDaveMoore each added a pair of singles. Doug Warlow, Harry Long, RussSorichetti andCairnseachhad one single. On Saturday Rober Neilson brought h i s Keene Expos to Fairman Park and t h e A t t e rsleys came out on the short end of a 6-2 score, but only because of one bad inning in which Keene scored f i v e r u n s. George Yates was on the mound for the Attersleys and pitched a steady gamewhich ordinarily would have been good enough for a victory except for some lapses by hi s mates in the 7th. DougWarlow, Bob Stewart, Jim Twin- ing, Harry Long and Dave Moore picked up hits for the locals. Bantam Action I n Bantam action the Steelers came up w i t h a convincing 9-1 victory over Port Hope, with right-hander Dave Al- len coming up with a standout pitching ch ore striking out 13. Steve Thwaites who has been on a hitting spree of late cont inued with a double and a triple, while George Hicks clouted a home-run. Steve Tutton had twosingles, v'hile Mike Rowley, Tim Brown and Dave Al- len added singles. The game scheduled for Friday with Lindsay at E.A. Fair- man was defaulted when Lindsay could not field a team. Leg ionair es St iIl winning T h e L e g i o n a ires continued their w i n n i n g ways in the Pee-Wee ser ies adding another three victories to their s t r e ak of nine straight. They handed Port Hope a 17-2 loss at Peel Park in the first game of the week. Fred Petry- shyn was given his first starting as- signment and he responded with an im- pressive performance holding the vis- i tors hitless while striking out 5, and demonstrating he will be a valuabLp man on the p i tching staff. With the game well inhand, John Heffer who is usually at third base, was given the chance to pitch and he held the visitors hitless, PjrjJj4f~~ gW.r.'#déis aae~ a 'saê, striking out five. Darren Vine led the club with a triple and three singles for a big night a t the plate. Doug Shearer had a pair of singles, Mark MacDonald ha d a do u ble while Dave McWhirter, Tim Twining and Fred Petryshyn each had singles. The big game of the sched- ule thus far when the Cobourg Pirates visited Peel Park for the first meeting of the season, and the Pirates like the L eg i ona ires were unbeaten. When it was over the Legionaries had handed them a convincing 11-2 defeat in their best performance of the season in which they put toge ther timely hits, good Canacdian Tire Micdgets The Canadian Tire Midgets lost a tough one to Oshawa at K insmen Stadium 5-4but gave it a good shot and went out with the tying run on base. Terry Har- p e r a n d Dave Sorichetti led the cl ub with two hits each while Ken Clark and Cr aig Bronishewski also managed hits off Oshawa hurler Gary Sherban. John Turner was on the mound for the Whitby c l u b giving up 12 hi ts. On Sunday the Canadian Tire squad met Ajax and came up with a lopsided 20-2 triumph. John Turner had pin-point control for this one, issuing no walks as he struck out five and gave up four hits. Ken Clark with a homer, a double and a single had six runs batted in, Danny Shearer knockedin four with two triples, while Bob C r a i gen, KimCrouch and Dave Sorichetti each had three singles. Dave P a r i s h with a pair and Terry Harper wi th a single added to the 17 hit attack. K of C' s The K of C Tykes split in their act- ion defeating Cobourg 12-1 behind the one hitpitching of Michael Welling and los- in g a close 3-2 decision to Peterbor- ough. Aga inst Cobourg Mike Welling w i th two singles, Butch Galley with a double and Paul Heffer with a single, were the hitters. Mike Welling struck o u t s e v e n to pick up the victory. On Sunday t h e K of C's met a sharp Pet- erborough club and lost 3-2. Lar ry Chi zen gave up only two hits, had 14 strikeouts and pitched a standout game but still los t. Whitby's downfall was the inabil ity to push runs across after getting men on Dase as they stran- ded nine. John Wall, Steve Parrott and Mike Welling were the Whitby hitters. PRESS, Thursday, June 22, 1972, page Il LOCAL MEN WIN LOGSAWING CONTEST F i r s t and second place in the log- saw ing contest at the Uxbridge Cen- te nn i al Year celebrations were taken by Whitby men > First place, with a winning time of 32. 4 seconds, went to the team of Gerry B r e a r a n d John Forbes, and second place went to the team of George Sul- 1 i v a n a n d Nick Vanden Broek, allof Whitby. Th e trick was to saw through a 14½ inchhardwood log with a five-foot, two man cross cut saw. The skill is not only in sawing quickly but wi th as straight a line as possible, and with a good rythm. The contest also saw a ladies team a s wel I l1a s a t e am consisting of two Whitby 13 year olds. T h e c e n tennial celebrations were kicked off by Governor General Roland M i t c h e n e r who, along wi thUUxbridge Mayor, Ray Newton, took a few strokes with a saw on a log to get things rolling for the afternoon. The log sawing contest was an open competition and a total of 17 teams ent- ered, with the third place going to John Forbes of Whitby and Ken Cochrane of Bl ackstock. The first and second place teams will b e e n t e r ing contests in the upcoming O s h a w a Fair a n d the Whitby County Town Carnival and they issue a chal- lenge to a Ili competitions to try to beat them. W HITBY HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANNOUNCES THE OFFICIAL OPENING 0f LYNDE HOUSE SUNDAY June 25th A parade of antique cars at 2:30 p. m. Tea will be served on the lawn, weather permitting. The public is invited to attend. I ** .b', ~ ~