Page 16, Thursday, June 22, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESIS ANNOUNCING LOW COST MORTGAGE LOANS THAT CAN PAT OFF ALI TOUR 1111$. aAU CGT TOUR MONTIT YPATEENTS UNN AIF OR 1155. le, othor wré ouvS n ice somn> o dusd Plym* à ammoth lumoiuad of1nuy. imus Whaeto Do leGCM A Low.Cost Moi tpoe 1.00 CeIil, Write o09coMmeinT lMai faut, m *e mdc o.wNow Strt utd. 32KngS.WstOhw Weve ltped h mowvwritIVo>V tUleeyy anid vrmiisetNnaoendbs PHN 3 1 HN ti «Wtark oend mlidatIe' t0@& fItal. 2 HU SRVC 2nd. MORIGAGE MONEY ".5 VEAR TERM OPEN MORTGAGES " NO BONUSES " NO GREDIT CHECKS " NO INQUIRY 0F NEIGHBOURS " CONFIDENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE IN YOUR OWN HOME a BOR ROW AS LITTLE AS $1 ,600 e FAST SERVICE Pr-ivate'three be-droom home. $ 2, 800. 00 down $ 20, B0 0 fuît1 price. Paved drive, fenced y'ard. 725-8645. NeWtOnville rvt 2 year ot1 d three bed- room ranch style home. 1/3 acre lot. Attached garage. Famîly room 22by 21. Broadloom in l iving and dining rooms. Close to high- wvay2and highway 401. $26, 900. Phone 786- P r i v a te - New three bedroom twvi n home. $20,500 paved drive fenced y a r d , central 725-8645. L akeshore lots, 100 f o ot f ron tage on WVes t Mullett Lake, 12 miles southof Bancroft. For f ur ther i nf ormation WE HAVE MOVEDI TO 215 Dundas Street E. accross from the post office Looking forward to serving you at aur new offices. Compi ete Real Estate And Mort gage Services W. Schatzmann Reoltor 215 Dundas Street E. 668-3338 or 668-821 6 Whitlby_ MATINO DUST?4» Mr. &Mrs. I.A. Magee of 127 Perry Street have written to council asking to have some th ing done about the dust problem at their address. The dus t problem is something the Magees have put up with every year a nd n ow they a re asking council1 for something rather thari calcium that will 1Ias t a longer period of time, such as ail1. "A 1 a t of cars starting up from the post office leave a cloud of dust and we get the fui I blast, "said the Perry Street residents in their letter ta town- fathers, adding that there are four pas tmen cars on either side of their driveway from 6: 30 a .m . to 2:30 p. m. which wLJ1d have ta be moved before anything cauld be done. "Or abetter suggestian, "Haw about paving the street?", they asked. The Public Works Department will report back ta council on the dust si t- uation. I WHITBY SPEED'N CUSTOM FS WE SELL Hurst Edel brock Crager Zoomi Thrush Holley 112 Oroc k St. North Whitby# Ont. 668o5422 'I~~ I ~.I lj ~JUI L' I cal 1723-1908. j .1 LTD. IdIVAN KELLESTINE Sales Representative Central Whitby As you can see it looks good outside and it's even better insidewvith broadloom, fireplace, rec room andadiningroom. Areal choice for the wise home buver. Caîl for more information. 604 Clarence Drive ;.ocated west of Henry Street and north of Durns =treet, this 3-bedroom home with a finished rec -oom and a 60 x 140 lot, is dlean and weil cared 7 or. R e a dy to move' into on June 30, priced at $28,500. Cati 668-8826. 9 ROOMS Can be operated as a rooming house or a duplex. P o t ential income of $360. 00 per month. Located close to the Oshawa General Hospital. Priced to seil at $27, 500. Industriel Site Un Whitby Adjoining Highway 401, having a lot size of 138 x 500, plus this 3 bedraom house presently rented. iOwner anxious ta dispose of this property. RESIF LENTIAL& N,'0 XJl ST ER Ci1A L FA RMS 21 S(xJNl/Q T PtWHITE W I B Y 66 é 2S.,' CR('NTO 364-662 -PETER CHOPEE Sales Representative TriPIe x Full y rented wi th an income of $p420. 00 per month. Located in a g o od r e n t a area ofVVhi tby. Cal1 Lorraine for more information. 534 Mary St. Whitby 81, 000 square foot apartment si te ci ose to Garden S t r e e t Senior Pubi c School and [Dundas Street Public Schoot. ZonedR-4. Investors and bulilders should take a look. Survey and further detaits at aur office. FOR FRIENDLYcouRTEOUS SERVICE AND SOUND, DEPENDABLE GUIDANCE, CALL THE REALTOR THAT CARES. CALL Mr. Wilks 942-2611 or IiiI'MV±~ S'ULI VA RE A L TOR