WHITIBY FREE PRESS, ThursdaS/, July 13, 1972, page Il Legionaires Capture Tourna ment! Wh îtby's spunky Legionair es cap tur- ed the Greater Niagara 3asebell Assoc- iation eighth annual Pee-WeeEBasebal Tounnament Chrompionship on the wee--k- end defeatingDunn-vil le, Niagara Falls, Port Coîborne, Coibourg and Leïaming- ton ta, take the title. A P re stiîg e A#f a i r T he t o Lr nament, regarded as the prest ige affair of its class, attracts the top Pee-VýVee clubs ini the provin-ce. Twenty-t wv o club's vwere competing for the "A" Championship. The Legionaires won their opening game handily, completely outclassing Dunnville and handed the Western Ont- aria team a 19-0 drubbing. Minr k MacDonald picked up the win for the Legionaires aPnd coasted to the victory as his mates picked up 16 hits. Doug Shearer, with a pair of doubj- les anda single, John Heffer wvith three singles, Tim Twvining, Dan. en Vine and FredPetryshyn each with a pý-ir, Paul Brown with a double and Cam'Murkar , M/ark MacDonald and Ian Gillis were the hitters. The second game turned out ta be a thr ill1er. Dave McWVhinrteiv ws given the maund assignment with orders ta go as far as hecouldsirice club officiais vwrn- t ed t o 's e.ve' their :-egulan sta, rte,-s C am M ur ka.- and Mark MacDonald fan future garnes. m-t-d MçW/hirter wvho is us- e d in spaot assignments came through with four innings af fine pitching. When a 4-O0 lead h ad evaporated into a 4-3 score, Cam Murkar wvas bnought in and he gave-up a home run bail but then cl1o se d the door. The game wvent into extra innings, but in the battam af the n int&Lh (se v en innings is aregul ation g a me for Pee Vee), John Heffer hi t a t n i pi1 e and Doug Shearen laid dowvn a p e rf e cbunt ta score him and win the game. In this one John Heffer with tvvo triples, Dave McWVhinter wvith a pair of singiesandDoug Shearer and Rick Kay each wvith singles were the hitters. A Thrill 8er The L.egionaires were,handly givyen t i me ta catch their breath before they w e r e order 'ed ta pi ay their next garne against Port Coîborne. The workhorse of the pitchingq staff, Cam Murkar cjot the cali again. The Legionaires built up -a 10-1 leadthen began to faîl apart defen- s ivel y. and Port Coiborne got on the board with -fou-r runs. Mark MacDonald was brought into the game ta give Mur- kar a br eather and the Ieft-hander was sent ta night field. B3ythe ninth Pont Coîborne had made it 10-9, and put a man on base. At this po i nt Munkan came back and promptl1y struck out the final two batters ta pre- serve the win. Daug Shearen with a double and three singles, Danren Vine with adouble and a single, John Heffer, Gneg Tushingham and Fred Petryshyn each with a pair oi singles, and Cam Miurkar, Mark MacDonald and Dave Mc- V/Vhir-ter, vvere th(,--hittfrs. Iri t h eîir f c)_ur th j arïM t h t_ L i o r i- i ý from the E.0.EB. A. , the Cobourg Pir- a t es w i th whom they Ive had a strong rivalry. Hel fer Homeruns Cam Murkar w as on t he mound for this one , his third appearance for the t o u r n a ment. The Pi rates jumped into an early 3 -0 lead which held until the b ot t om of the third, when Whitby got t w ao men o n base and John Heffer un- loaded an out-of-the-park home run ta tie it up. ln t he f ifth' Cam Murkar hiît another bal1 1 whi1ch just missed cleaning the f en ce b ut i nstead bounced'out for. a groundrule double, and before-the inn- ing was over the Legionaires were out in f ront 5-2. Cobour.3 added a s ingl e bu t the Legionaires answered with a pair for a 7-3 final. John Heffer with a h o me r un and a double, Cam Murkar w i t h a double and single, Greg Tush- ingham and Fred Petryshyn each with a pair and Darnen Vine and Tim Twining with doubles were the hitters. Thte L agion aireas 1In t he fi1nal1 against Leamington, Whitby ran up a 5-0 score before Leam- ington gat on the board in the bottom of the fifth. Whitby added apair in the seven th for a final 7-5 score. Mark MacDonald pitched a steady game and although he began ta tire, was able ta, reach back f'or that extra ta get out of% troubl e. Gneg Tushingham had four s i n g 1 e s, Darren Vine and Mark Mac- D on al1d each had three, Doug Shear- er and Tim Twining each had apair, w hîi1le Fred Petryshyn added a single along with making two spectacular cat- ches in centre field. The win was a -tremendou s te am effort ailthe way thnro u gh wi th every pl1ayer cantn ibut- ing ta the final victory. Players on the club: Catchers: Tim Twining and Greg Tushinghaim; Pitchers: Cam Murkar and Mark MacDonald; Infielders; Dave Mc- W h ir ter, Paul Brown, Darren Vine, R ic k K ay, John Heffer; Outfieldens: Doug Shearer, Fre'd Petryshyn, Blair Gibson and Ian Gillis. 5.. a' YOUR GLENDALE DEALER INVITES YOU TO TAKE A LOOK' = ýLe0-ýeTlPE-GLENDALE MOBILE HOMES 'GLENDETTE" - 'GLENDALE'- - GLENELLE SPECIAL'- THIS WEEKS SPECIAL (Volid until Tues. July 4th GLENDELLE 17' GLENELLE 17.5 TANDEM AXLE TRAVEL TRAILER 1SPECIAL $3595 $2À395 LUXURY LIVING AT ECONOMICAL PRICE Stop in where vacations commence NORTH BROCK MOTOR SALES LTD. 507»516 BROCK ST N. WHITBY M1L E N0.TU Keep *your papers safe, Your insurance contracts. s-î les âareenments. imortgzae, Stocks and other certitic.1tes --keep thenm safe where 110 one but you Ihâve access to thenm. put thenm and ot ber val Luabics ke jewellery. too, in your own safety deposit box i n the Iocked v,- itlts of Victoria and Grey TruLst Company. Conivenient, accessible to youi, sale as forged steel' and reinforced concrete can nîake thenm. Victoria and Grey safety depc>sit boxes cost you as littie as S5 a yeair. Cet you is n ow! VICT ORI, A a n 19GREY ÎTU7COMPANY 88 WO UNHý 7w 6'Umm Seco0ndi M ot o rc y cle Scrambles Up to 5,000cyclingfans are ex- p e cted ta attend t he bl ggest event at Whitby's County Town Carnival . Aug- u st 3 ta 7, -- the motorcycle scram- b I e s presented by the British Empire Motor Club. The Scrambl es wil1 begi n wi th prac- tice trials at JO a.m. August 6 in the industril park at the south end of Hop- kins Streetflear the Macdonald-Cartier Fr eewa y. About 175 competitors are expected totake part in the races which will be- gin at noon and continue throughout the after noon. Aboutliraces will be run,, dependlng on entries, whth the over-ali1 w!nner ýée- ceiving the Dunlop Trophy. Races willý be held for 100 and 125 c.c. motorcycles, 250 Junior, 25 Senior and Expert and open classes. Carnival Chairman Jack Woodward h a s descri1bed t h e scrambl es as pos- s ibi1 y t he second 1largest in Canada, s ec o nd oni y ta the Copetown Scram- b l es near Hamilton which will be run the day after the events in Whitby. M an y riders fr o m ebec and the U ni1t ed States are expected here, on t hei1r w ay ta the scrambl es at Cope- town. The races wilI be run in 20 minute- h e ats a c cording ta Motocross rules, through the fields adjacent ta Consum- ers Drive. The British Empire Motor Club was i n charge of the motorcycl e scrambl es at the Whitby County Town-Carnival up t o 1 9 7 0. There w.ere no scrambl es in 1971. The organization is one of the aId- est sports car clubs in Canada and has conducted scrambl es in m a ny parts of the country. Game WHAT IN THE WORLD IS OXFAM? Travel Agency? Baby food? __ Airline? Detergent? Development Agency! OXFAM THE INTERNATIONAL DEVfLOPMENT PEOPLE 97 Eglinton Ave., East Toronto 315, Ontario