page 6 Thursdey, July 20, 1972) WHITBY FREE PRESS SUL IVAN RE A L T0R LTD. RESI DENTIAL COMMERCIAL I NDUSTRIAL FARMS MORTOAGES Rpeettù 218 DUNDAS STREEI EAST, WHITBY WHITRV 6688826 TORONTO 364-6622 BOS CHOPEIE GORD WHITE Sales Representative IVAN KELLESTINE. Sales Representative lie suiTEs Central Oshawa, full y rented wl thout problems, good return on investment. $71, 000 lst rnortgage now on property. Corne on in and discuss terms. a fIo- PFIEZ.. Owner h as other lnterests and is sel ling, these properties at bargai n p r 1ces. Fuil1y rented wl1th ciuick closinig.'s dlscuss terms at the office. BRUCE RICHARDSON Sal es Representatîve LORRAINE SOBCZAK Sales Representative Fuillyrentedfla quiet resîdential area of Whltby. Close to Centennial building and showlng a good return on your investment. Corne to the office and dîscuss price and terms, and then, make an ap- pointment to inspect. LOTS*0FP oTEnTIAL 2-2bedroomufllts, 1-1 bedroom and 3 single rooms t o rent out and 6 separate baths, and stili1 only $ 58 , 000. L et's talk some more about this one. Corne to the office please. NEIL SAUVEI Sales Representative 1FOR FRIENDLY COURTEOUS SERVI CE AND SOUND, DEPENDABLE GUIDANCE, CALL PETER CHOPEE Sales Representative THE REALTOR THAT CARES. GEOGESULLI VAN Broker e, 4