Page 4, Thursday, EREACN FOR THE TOP ilGREEN ACRES (c) 0 SEAT Titi CLOCIC (C) *PIERRE SERTON-Interview ) (f)ANDY GRIFFITH gC) (1)IODGEPODGE LOOGO!(C SALFRIED HITCH4COCK 6:30 (J()NCNEWS =C 1 MAKEIMINE COUJNTRY C SWEEKDAY (C)~ (0 )ABC NEWS-Howard K. SmIIh. Hamy Ramoner (C) QWORLD SEAT-Jo. Marissh ) 5NEWS, wEATHER, SPORTS ) (1)CS NEWS-Walter Cronhl. ( (D PARTY GAME (Z) <UDATELINE VC 5GUNSMOKE C) 5FAMILY AFFAIR eC (1)MAKINO THINGS GROW C 5DATA PROCESSING 13 ISPY eC 6.50 (0 LANDMARKS <~)PATTY DUKE 7:00 ()MOTHERS-IN-LAW ) SUNDER ATTACK (C) CCOSSNEWS-Walter Cronkle M C) ()()TO TELL THE TRUTH ) Q5STORY THEATRE ) 5ALFRED 1HITCH4COCK (1)TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES ) <nPIERRE BERON-IntIetw() (1)ALL IN THE! FAMILY (M) (1)DEATH VALLEY DAYS (C) (1)HATiIAYOGA CM ID COMMUNICATIONS AND EDUCATION 7:30 -(]DPETTICOAT .IUNCTION(C (jJ TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES C) Q(M Es DICK VAN DYKE() 7)LETI MAK! A DEAL() (CU FELONY SOUAD (r,) a JE) TIH! D.A-Crime Drum. (E) M13 WHATS MY LIMIE?() ID CCLOIJD (M) H1) OLLYWOOD SQUARES(C (1)ELECTRIC COMPANY --Ctud<eu «D a3 FRENCH CHEF--Coong à LEAVE IT TO SEAVER 8: 00 R)e(][) SANFORD AND SON> --commw (C© 0 aOCD RD n PENFORMERS(C) (]D&MSm .uus(F, o 1)BRADY sUNCH C Q<)MOVIE-W*«oem() "The Pîainsman- 196W). M )OIUAU14 US. TREASURY -Cdn Gruau (M) (M7 WASHINGTON WEEK IN RMVEW (r, InLOST P!Ac!-441.Iory *OZZIE AND NARPIET July 20t 1972p WHITBY FREE PRESS 4-30 1j cJ MVI-Omu (F,) NORIMAit CF), (M !ARTRIDGIE FAMILY (W lu .1SPACE DETWEEN WORD0s (a MUNSTERS 9:00 El 0 tu..]RD (a TOMMY MUNTER CC) CU M 3)MOVIE-Crim. Disrne (M) (y) (U1 ROOM 222 (M) (1)MOVIE-Myllery() oeUNDER ATTACK() MAN IN SOCIETY (PATTY DUKE 9:30 (4) (0l MISS NEW YORK STATE PAGEANT (0) à Z) ODD COUPtE (C) (M7 DEVOUT YOUNG ) 22 JMOVIE-Comedy "ARun for vaur Money." 10-00 ALL IN THE FAMILY() QMAIN CHANCE -Crime Drame (Z) ()LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE ) Q(ff) (0 FSI(e (1)MARTIN AGRONSI<Y: EVENING EDITION (C,) 10:30 (2)J ROLLIN' ON THE! RIVER Qb IN THE MODOD-ueIc() Ce) LAUREL AND HARDY (M6 GOVERNOR AND J.J. (®ý EVENING AT POPS rel 11:00 S£b flg»7D tin (M CD R (a g ( )NEWS. WEATIIER. SPORTS ) 11:20 fg C3 CM(B) (a NEWS, WEATHER, SPORTS() QVIEWPOINT-#dewm nlmI C 11:25 <I NEWS (C) 11:30 (][ () JOHNNY CARSON() (JDICK CAVETT(r,) QTORONTO TOMIONT ) ()MOVE-Melodrua() '*Curas of the Mummys Tomb."* ](M oà OVIE-Uyt" (C) *Travit Logan. D.A." (1971) CD PIERRE SERTON-InSoevIew() 13) LMOVIE-4Modrma -Mr. Sardonicus." (1061) 11:40 <ta MOVIE-TIrwerI "The Irinocenîs." (Engliah-, 1961) 11:46 (fi) MOVI--Drm **P.ckup on South Streel.* <1953) 11:50 <n OVI!--Cow.dy() 11:53 QMOVIE--05a . -The. Miulîts." (1961) 12:00a MOVE-Ocru '*Rich Man, Poor Girl...<193n) QMEDICAL CENTER(C "*Kîng Rat" 11>16)-~ 0 )MOVE-CoQ y(C *Ocean'a 1IL- (1960) 1:00 (a) MOViE-CO "Wti.n in Rom."* (1952) (1) MOVIE-Osaa ,*'House ofWom.n." (1962) tuMI#vE-Oras *'.cked As Th.y Coma." (Engîluli; 1:15 0 MOVIE-Conbd, t "Design for Scandai." 11941% 1:30 M )NEWS (C) Water damages. Almost the same type of accident happened 1Iast Fr 1- day when a car mounted the sid'e- walk at the Guys. and Doi1l1s Bill- lards resulting in a broken f ront door and the win- dlow a t the estab- 1 ishment. * It's a possIbility. Last Monday a thief stole450 feet of copper water Pipe which was val ued at over $316. Canada Building Materiel1swas also the scene of a break and enter when $67 was stolen. G ran t Menzie'Is cars were just too good for a juven- !le to pass up. He s tol e two cars from the front row off the lot but they were bo-th later recovered after the youth went joy riding. On Wedriesday Dr. Cuddy had an unexpected vis itor 1: 45 <n ovIE-Faoi.y "Dewvi Doit.** <Englîah-American: "*Sîaughte Of lt.e Vampires." (italen: "Sisie Fai." ,(1em 2:35 0<n M4YuEuOWY "Do You IOiow Thé& Vo4ce?* (1964) 4:.25 a MOVS-Oruns "The " 9capt- <1957) AIL ABOUT THE TOTAL LOOK We were very pleased to have the wonderful Irish entertainers 'MuriTel Day & the Night Squad' corne b ack again for their hair cuts, scalp treatments and skin care wvhile in towri, SÀTISFIED) CUST- OMERS ARE THE OEST FORM 0F ADvERTIS- 1 N G. C o m e sre Abat you 've [)(-en mi ssinq. Ali- OPEN EVý.ENINGS 103 DUNDAS ST. W. 668-9386 WH ITBY w h en the brakes f ale d on apas- sing truck. The truck, crashed in- to Dr. Cuddyîs garage door on C ol1b orne Street West causing $150' MISS RENE FIGURE SALONS ExI Wl NOW INTRODUCES..0. DIRECT FROM EUROPE', THE NEW EUROPEAN BODY WRylAP- Yeou have s..,, t discussed lin recent articles in, TIME, PAGEANT ond TV GUIDE G ARANTEED ORECEIVE EUS IfLos etItoast 4tel13 »Meinchos orit coitsyou LimITIo TO ALS WN RAVI ATr LIAIT 10 INCHIS To LOsi! if SOUNOS LIKE A MIRACLE m< BUT IT'S AIL TRUE01 the wrop recaptures your figure whil yourelax, take a riap or mcd a0 book. EXCESS INCHES DISAPPEAR ... the ncredibi., exclusive, vi 130W instant trim progrom for your own personal resuits. N. one ton slrn you, trrn end (guorantee) resultsi in writing like wo ton. Up ta 13 full inch. et on your ver>' fîrit vsîti... s. corne ini todoy end be more ziender tomorrowl Expertly troined techniciens wilf skilIfully apply glormour wrops to the iJ portion# off your figure thof need ing on a contour choir for jvst ont Qt lt's t gtstarted. erv THOUT your Europeaai Body Wrap nowl ,MIr _EIG AN BIN OU FIED WITHOUT DRU GS! WITHOUT MAC MINES! xiý 0_- O: Miss Rene Figure, Salons West Lynde Wlthout 1972'sjubc.oïeýipoicr Dshft ATýr 60.9 oeSU NO3i[&IotegloWil h kfdP'piOrNaneta'"mdý 160om SJcar .. e.oneS.a C 172.1 Girls 16 to 20! dleadlline JULY 22 Send entries ta: Wv/hitby Legion Byron St. S. OSHAWA AREA 1050 Simcoe St. N. 579,2231 Whitby-Ajaix Arec Blair Park Ploza Whitby 668m901 1 QET DOWN 1 to 4 DRESS SIZES