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Whitby Free Press, 27 Jul 1972, p. 15

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....... .w.~.-. .uwruu vu.wvwwwuu...... CLASSIFIED WHITBY FREE PRESS,. Thursday, JuIy 27p 1972, page *** *D*.*E R................. AutombilesMORTGAGES KING ST. 1. OSHAWA (I MILE EAST 0f NARMONY RD.) 1964 Volkswagen 1500. Good running condit- ion. Trailerhitch. Gas heater. $350 uncerti- fied. Private sale 723-1278. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITIY NOTICE 0F APPLI- CATION to the Ont- ario Municipal Board by the Corporat Ion of the Town of Whitby for approval of a by- Iaw ta regulate land use passed pursuant t o Sect Ion 35 of the Planning Act.' TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Carpor- at Ion ofthe Town of Whitby intendsto appîy ta the Ontario Municip- a1 B oa rd pursuant ta the provisions of Sec- tion 35 of the Planning Act for approval of Byîaw No. 787-72 pas- sed on the lithcday of June, 1972. A copy of the bylaw is furnlshed herewith. A note glv- lng an explanation of the purpose and effect of the Bylayw and stat- ln g the lands affected thereby Is also furn- ished herewlth. Any person Interes- ted may, wlthin four- teen (14) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mnal1 ordelîver ta the Cîerk o f the Town of Whitby. notice of his objection ta approval of the said Bylaw together wlth a statementof the groun- ds of such abjection. The Ontario Munici- pal Board may approve of the said By aw but before doing sa it may appoi nt a ti!me and pl1ace when a n y object Ion ta the Bylaw will be con- sidered. Notice of any h e a ring that may be heîd will be given onîy ta persans who have filed an objection and who have Ieft with or deîivered ta the Cîerk undersigned, the ad- dress ta which notice of hearing is ta be sent. Thel1ast date for fil- ing objections wilI1 be the 1 Oth day of Aug- ust, 1972. [DATED at the Town of Whitby this 27th day of July, 1972. William F4. WalIac., THE CORPO0-'ATION 0F THE TOWJN 0F ."HIT[3Y B3Y-LAW "JNUMBER 787-'7-2 723m1176 Stalnless steel slnk, $10.00; modemn top Including spray $15. 00; 2 Modernfoî d cloors, $10.00 each, assortment of wlndows $2. 0each, doors and hi nge sets $5. 00 each, 2 custom made garage doors plus hardware, $50.00O ta be dis- m an tle d by buyer, each 7' X 7f'. Appîy: 580 M a ry St. East, TEL. 668-3293, HELP WANTED' We require sales r e p r e s entatives in the Whitby area for Vol ta of Cana d a. Quai if ications: 18 years and o ve r , neat appe arance and must have car. We wilI train you. 723-5541, Oshawa. tEINGABY-LAW TO AMEND ZONING IBY- LAW NO. ,2585 WIHEREAS the Muni- cipal Council of The Townof Wjhîtby deems it advisable to amend By-lawv No. 2585; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of The Corporation of The Town of Whitby enacts as follows: 1. That Section 2 (19) of By-law No. 2585 be and the Same is hereby amended by adding the foilIowlng subsect ions: (p) "SENIOR CITI- ZENS APARTMENT"I m e ans an apartment dwelîing house erect- ed, m a int ai n ed and operated by O n t a r I o Housing Corporation, the Corporation of The Town of Whitby or a department of the Gov- ernment of Canada, or the Governmen t of On- tario, or any agency or corporate agent thereof, or any per- t h r o u g h any scheme under The Houslng Development Act or simîlar legisîation or any joint venture pur- suant to that Act and provided, however, that it shal; be suffi- cient cornpliance with this By-I aw insofar as the age restriction is concerned If e ithe r spouse of a married couple occupying a dwelling unit is sixty years of age or over. (q) "SENIOR CITI- ZENS HOUSINO PROJECT"Imeans a bu il1di ng9containing three or more dweî- ling units erected, maintained, and oper- atedby Ontario Hous- ingCorporation, The Corporation of The Town of 'Jhitby or a departmentof theGov- ernment of Canada or the Governmen t of On- taria, or any agency orcorporate agent thereof, or any person through any s c h e m e under The Hous i n Deveîopment Act or similar legislation or any joint venture pur- suant ta that Act and provided, h o wever , that it shall be suffi- cient compliance with this 3y-l aw insofar as the age restriction is concerned if e ithe r s p o use of a married couple occupying a dwelling unit is sixty years of age or over. 2. This Dy-law shall take effect on the date it is approved by the Ontario Municipal 13oard. BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND T-ilRDY TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 121H DAY 0F JUNE, A.D., 1972. E/X PL AN AT O RY NO TE THE PURPOSE AND EF FEC T 0F B Y-LAIN NUMBER 787-72 THE PURPOSE AND EFFECTOF BY- LA'W NUMBER 787-72 IS TO PROVIDE DEFINITIONS FOR SENIOR CITIZEN ACCOMODATI ON wITHIN ZONING BY- LAW 2585, (AS AMENDED). ALL MATERIAL FILED CONCERNING THIS APPLICATION ISON FILE AND OPEN FOR PUI3LIC INSPECTION AT THE MUNICIP'AL B UIL D- ING, 405 DUNDAS STREET WEST, WHITSY, ONTARIO. Notice 110 Credlors O&nd Otheisý Ail dlaims agalnst the Estate of HAROLD PERCY PHIN, Iote of 208 Croydon Road, Whltby, Ontarlo, who died on or about Feb- ruary 9th, 1972, must be fi 1ed wl th the under- as1gn ed personal re- presentatives on or before the 7#h day of Aug , 1972; thereafter, the undersîgned w 11Il dîstrîbute the assets of the sald estate hav- ing regard only to the claims then fiîed. Dated l6th May, 9g72. CANADA PERMANENT TRUST- C.%MANY 1 ANNOUNCINO LOW COSI MORTGAGE LOANS THAT CAN PAY OFF ALL YOUR BILLS - AND CUT YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS IH HALF OR LESS. ln other words you can make one re- duced payment a month instead of many. Here's What to Do to Get A Low-Cost Mortgage Loan CaII, Write or corne in. The service is fast, sa make your New Start today. We've helped home-owners through- oui Ontario consolidate the ir debts this eas.y way and everything is con- fidential. ____________________________________________________________________ I 28D MM-RTGAGES AVMILABLE 11V/2 Z W.SCHATZMANN Realtor 215 DunàIas St. E. Whitby 668»3338 For Mortgages Aiways Deal \Vith a Member of The Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association aur member(s) in your area: îRae R. Jones & Son P-ealty Limited, 122 Brock Street Sou th, Whitby 668-8897 2nd. MORIGAGE MONEY .o5 EAR TERM OPEN MORTGAGES " NO BONUSES " NQ (;REDIT CHECKS " NO INQUIRY 0F NEIGHBOURS. " CONFIDENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE IN VOL/R OWN HOME e BOA ROW AS LITTLE AS $1 ,600 a FAST SERVICE CULI Mr. Wiflks 942-2611 or 699-llZl Toronto »£.&REAL ESTATE APARTMENTS FOR RENT HOWE REAL ESTATE LMD Ralcir 5 15 BR 0-CK 3T. 55 WHITRY 668-5853 Wh tby INCOME HOMAES - pp - SIjMÇOMW-. V$M o0nri $ê5Oo kt~. COMMFRCIAL Blq.ir' Whittw,. Coli Olive Hr'we Pýltr 668-5853 Business opportunities Men or Women to re- stock andcollect mon- ey from New Type high quality coin-operated dispenser s inyour area. No seiîing. To quailify, must have car, references , $1000. 00 to $ 3000. 00 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excel lent incorne. More full t ime. We estabîish your route. For personal inter- view write: including phone number. B. V. DIlSTý'-ýIBU TORS LIMITED Dept. I"A" 11 17 Tecumseh Road, East, WVINDSOR 20, Ontario I I Ros8lynfl Arrns Apts. *OSHAWA'S MOST CGRAClOUS LIVING * ELECTRICALLY HEATED This Is o sujperiîrr building. weiIl b<jilt aîir *xcelentIy tained-ond caters ta those people requirinq a hetter woy of NO LASr MONTH'S RENT REQUIRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 If No Answer 579-1413 NOW RENTINO oxford towers in Alax 2 - 3 Bedrooms from $180. Featuring *Outdoor Swimming Pool *Sauna Rooms *A recreation Room * Party Rooni *En Suite Storoge *En Suite Heat Controi *A 20' x 5/6/ Balcony Close to: *Shopping Centre * Public, separate, High& vocational Schools *The commun ity Centre *Modern Ajax Hospital * Public Transportation *Go-Train Focilities and the 4 01-h ig hw y Wholesale! Beef sides or quarters, cut and wvrapped f or freezer. Cali 655-3326, WilI Sabysit in your home day or evening. Dowvntowvn area Call66-4252 anytime . _________________ SERVICE LU I PARTS @ INGVAR J main- living. w SERVICES WIWIWI*-«M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. rof- fz - - 1 . 1

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