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Whitby Free Press, 31 Aug 1972, p. 11

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Wl IT I'VB UW PRE.SS, T'lIISAY, AIJGUST il1, 1972, PAGE 11 "%'Action ne.ded by OMLA" says Brown Thie Attersley Sports i uvenliles hiave iiow -ad- vanced to the Oti-o Scm -FluaIas Cor thle "B"' Chanîp111ionlsbipl by vir-tue Of tlîeir. twof straiglit wiis over thîe Miico Moun ies. Iii the lirst gzaie in l3rookliti il was Whitby xiniîtig by a 9-6 score for: Wl IITBY Barry Taylor Dani \allant Ted Lintiler Dave Millar Pauîl Atkiîisoui Bian McMoîigle MIMICO Kerry Breeîi Roni Camipbell. D)an Lawrie lerry Perala 1)ave Wordsworth A very wide open gaine withi Whltby goalie Toîîy Cannella &. Miiînico goalie Johni Calmla beîig the dhi'ereîîce iii keeping the score dowîi. Ini the second gaine iii Miimico il was aiother Whiitby wvinning, 8-5. WLI ITB Y Danî Vallant Barry Taylor Bob Robertson Bobi Boland Dave Millar M IM ICO Roui (Campbell Kerry Brectn Jack Clunie The gaine ihi Miun ico tea tured great dletensive w ork 1w Wliitby becatuse of* thelienianuy'penalties. -llie inîost uiinfortuiîate thîiig xvas a brawl witli a mniute to go ini the gainie. Wlithy's Barry Taylor goI involved iii a fili t a as a resu it camIe ou t Of' it ciit openl. TIiree Miiiîco pla yers jun111iped the benlI ild took on Mr. Taylor. To top tlîings off aIl tliree lilayers wevc given ilors t'or figli t ing iuîshead of'gainie uniscon- ducts and possible suIspenlsionIs. 10(uote coacli Charlie Br-own "- This inciden t \was )11 rely IbuS11 league ad I1 feit muore discipline by Ithe referees .SbouIild have been cairried ou t! Foi too long uiow Tran sporters nip Mlien a teani is going to be knocked oIOf COnII- pletitionl the other teanîIs lias puLrposely tried 10 inljure the other teamis. I ts about time action was taken by the (.M. L.A. WlitbyInow IplaIys the OShaý.Wa i UVenile Gaels ili what SIILIuIld lýIa)eup )to [be thle top) series oIl' he year. In six nmeetinîgs tliis year the teanis have spijt with ecd gainieone or two goals dilt'creîice. Tl'le rivalry bietwveenth lese two clubs slîouIld be very lu- terestinil 10 watci. 'l'ie firsi gaine is Wedriesday n iglit in Brook lii a t 8:30. Second gane a! thie('liii- dren 's Arena ( and tirci iîf necessary'). I n Oshiawa action is on both Fia and I'lsday u t 8:00 p.ni. Ilease coine oui and< support Ilie Attersley Boys on to viclory andi olve Wlîi(hv anotiier Chain- Bengals 15-14 Ham ilton scored 1 2 power-play goals agaiuîst Wliîtby last night, but il still wasn'h enough to wi. W'itby managed to hold on inithie tlîircl period and won Il5-14. Itwas the Ist gar-ne of a best of seven se:îics against Hamiilton Be'ngals, the se cond gamin e lu H - iltoni on Thursday, tiien back ini Brookliîî next Tues- day. After the toughi series with Bramipton the Whil- by teani looked a littie tired, but coacli Brian Brady feels bis boys will soon recooperate and play thue type of' lacrosse they did against Brampton. Brady feels that his teani is not dependcent oni 1 or 2 scorers like Hamilton is, giving uis a definite -advantage over aîîy club. Every player on the tearn is capable of scoring 2 or 3 goals ini any game. OPEN & LEAUE 0OP EN SEPT*.2,#72 0 0. » down youe akiýY.. hrs . 12 COUNTY BOWL noon t il midni ght 118 Byron Street, 16 MODERN LANES AND COMPLETE SNACK BAR FACILITIES # SPEC UAL RATES- FOR PARTIES & BURTHOAY PARTIES f Y@U TH LE A*OUE LADIES & MENS LEAGIUES or N IONT LEAGUES, Registration SATURDAY, SEPT. 9, 1972, Reg. Fee $2.00. This includes your bowling for the first day. Registration Time for Tykes and Bantams 6 yrs. to 1 1. 10 a.m. to 12 Noon Juniors & Seniors 12 Noon to 2 p.m. Aduit help is urgently required to help run this league. Parents or Bowlers who are interested or inquiries for any of the abave bowling are1 welcome to caîl: CALL 668-2651 RON BROWN MANAGER N FOR AFTERNOOM NEIDED

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