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Whitby Free Press, 31 Aug 1972, p. 14

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PAL14,'lIIU RSDlAY, A F61. 5J31, 1I972, W ITI3Y FRE~PRESS dol WIth Ca pr i co r : Joyce Rocad Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 Two iiost significant days for- yoL Capricorn during this seveu-day period aire Wedniesday the 6th and Thursday thue 7thi. Early in the week youi should reachi your piotetitial by catering more thian uisual to the desîres of your mate or close associate. You doîî't lave to be stîbservicuit but youi couîld gain iiiîiht by listening. You hlave an opportUnlity to furtier your position ini your îeighborhood or local zaffairs. ^qua ri us: Jan. 20 t. Feb. 1l It would be best flot to siguu partnershiip con- tracts until after tlie 6thi of Septemiber. Con- centrate oui placing tie riglut person in charge of joint affa,,irs from thie 4thi to thie 6thi. Certain stubborn attitudes in others îuake agreenment difficult tintil tlie 7tlî or 8thi. Make sure your attituide isn't holding up progress. Plan social functions or attenud to distant affairs on the 9thi. Childrei, work. hiealtlî. enploymneut and partier- lw slIIp legalities are the areas of vital iiiterest this week. ('oncetutrate oui tininuiht order. Othiers will keep your nose to tlhe grindstoîue. Partuiers 'ull of amibitîin drive liard bargaitîs. Lurlier op- portunities scîueduled f'or return ut the enîd of' the nmontu. Give liope ut thuis tinue l'or better tlings (o corne. A rlesa:, March 21 toAproII9 l)uring t bis seven-day period tend to rouitine inuit (rs anîd accomplisli perso nul tasks thtut yoti have uegletedl. Youir nost sigi ficait days are Tuesdlay thîe 5 tii and Weduuesdýay thîe 6 (lu. I t is uuot wise Io work etitirely by youu'sell withoLit coiisUIltu',tioiS and YOLI coLIuld he proceediiîgLunder erroiieoiis su pposition. If youi are in bbusiuuess l'or yourscll', be sure thaiit aIl trranisactions are clecar, coluCise 1111(d accu ratetaiîd 0111t peole With lîo1011 you dell are mware of aIl féîcets of' youir operatfion tlîait coîucerîu thenu. Taurus: Aprl2toMay2$ Let otliers assuiife leadiuîg roles this week. Tirne by yourselt'is imiportaniit to tluînk and reorgauuize. Hlome lif'e takes precedence îuid-week. Iroperty iniatters inlust be settled. decisioîs nmadle regardiuîg repairs andi îecessiary renlovatiouis before the win- ter. Youir two niost significant day's, are Tluurs- day the 7tlu and Friday the 8thi. G emi n i: Mav 21to Juue 20 Unexpectedi incoîuue citlier fromn overtiîuîe work or a repaid debt couild enable youi to enlarge yotir budget. Visits froi relatives nîay brighltenl your outlook on Tue-'sdaly the 5 tIi. Satuirday the 9tIî is your îuost significant day of' the wcek. wheiî romance is indicated. D)o not be lIasty iii changing jobs. Make sure tlîat a nîiisuîîd(erstaniiig lias not been thue cauLse Of' your Lunhlappiniess be- fore yoLI make a clecision ulonîz these lunes. Most sigli'icanit day of' thle week lor yoLu Canucer is Stul ndy ftue 3r-d. Iroects started early ini thle suiîîuiuer cail couic to 'rtuitiouî. Sulitle changecs couIl Iicouic abou t ilu aresO f' fiuanuce anid Coin- munIlicaitiolns. You couLd pJossibly ad to your îersouual IpossessiouuS 0or buy u uILsuýl gi l'tS i id- week. L-n.Ioyîuueuît coLiildcorne by opleiuug yl oLr homue over the weekeiud I(>r a siumili gat ieriuug. GAR DEMIS I1l1v~nrn eumnwr ijolanrv5 by Sid Morris EDITOR'S NOTE: Cheerlul, summer arrange- mnents of' garden flowers in the house throughout the long win ter? This is the f irst of. a 3-part "eries by gardening columnist Mr. Morris on how to preserve your garden flowers and weeds. AIR DRYING If you have been wonderîng how you can preserve somne of your garden flowers for winter use, here is a short article on how it can be ac- complished uiuîng one simple method. The sîmplest method of drying flowers and foliage is harugingy them in the air to dry. It is best clone in a warmn, airy, preferabiy dark room. The attic or garage is suitable but basements are usLially too cool and dlamp. Material should be coliected and tied ini small bunches. These are theuî hung LIPSIDL* down to dry. Itere is a list of common flowcrs and shrubs 4 HAVE YOU DEOOKED YOUR MCDONALDIS BIRTHDAy PARTY? Please feel free to take advantage of our. full Catering Services OPEN 10 a.m. - 7 DAYS-A-WEEK you can dry using (luis miethod: Ageratun Ar- ternisia, Astilbes. Baby's Breath, Bittersweet, Clinese Lanterrus, Dusty Miller, Globe Thistle, Feruis (pressecl between paper), Golden rod, Hops, Hyd rangea (white, piîuk & browuî), Mullein. San- tolina Sage, Sea Lavender, Statice (annual and perennial), Wistcria and Yarrow. In addition youu nuay dry suchi weeds as Dock (green or various shiades of' brown), and Cattails (small types, picked when partly un- siueathîed) mnay be air-dried quite successfuilly. Ail cereals and grasses, whiether green or ripe, may also be air-dried. When you are air drying soi-ne branches of' differeuit varieties of ruaterial, set thenu uiprighit in a jar or other ernpty countainer to dry, while otlier branches of the sanie variety are dried uip- sidc 'down. Thiis will result ini sorne materiai witlî curved stemis. Thuis is particularly effective witlî Goldcnrod, Cattails, and with leaves anud grasses. NEXT1 WEEK USING GIIYCERINE OR I)L IAG E. FAMILY RESTAURANTS Loë:'julv2mto Au g.2 Tuesclay thie Sth'and W'ednesday the 6tlu are yotir mnost significant dýays during this seven-cluy per- iod. Iiîuergy is Ilii and yoiî tackle everydlay problemns witlh zest. Fimnîces are still paramnout ini your mind. l'lie enîd of the week is favorable 'or farnily get togelliers. Keep visits short. V î r go.- Aug. 23 to.Seuot. 22 Thîis seven-day period is one of' the hlighi points of' the -yeîar. It is the begiuîniiug of' a new cycle that could set tle tone until Septenîber 1973. Your luuîar cycle is ut its high 01n the 6th anîd 7th. You slîould have more energy than usual (anîd rnost of' the tinue that is plenty). You mnay sluortly be starting off ini new directionîs. L i b ra:-Sept. 23to oct. 22 Your most siguificant day of' the week will be Saturday the 9th Mienî a wave of conteîîtnent envelops you. These short lived periods are pre- clous because they happen so rarely. This busy interval hiolds social implications as well as pro- fessioîual duties. You miove witlu case andi are able to put over ideas ini a concise inatter. S corpio: Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 This shotîld be an invigorating week for you Scorpio. You may have some good news from a distance ut the beginning of the week. On the Sthi Merettry enters Virgo. During this perioci (up to September 21 st) your thiinking ks more adapt- able. You should experience a "lets get clown to work idc do something about this situation."~ Sa g 1 t t ar i u a: Nov. 23 toDec. 21 The 3rd should prove to be a nice dlay f'or yoiî Sigi ttu,,rius. On the 5thi, yoLt will be thinking ini miore prLictical ternis than you have been. On the 7 tiithle New N'oon falîs ini yoi r bisîi îess or professioiiul area. lucr-e is a new start liere and S51i1eCcllIuiiges t() be iiiadle. YOLIiifit feel like redecora t ing paiut ing and i uak ing you r homîe more b)eauitîi kil uit t bis t hue. Venus stays in Leo utitil October 5 tIi. Use t luis per-iod l'or a glanior- izatioti progra iii. 11)WN 0F WliliiTY PROCLAMATION MALTA NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE DAY' TAKE NOTICE ilhat in accordance with a resolutton of the Council, September 8th, 1972 has been proclaimed as Malta National independence Day in and for the Town of Whitby. The raising of the fiag and the parade to the Cenotaph wyill take place on Saturday, September 9th at 10: 00 ar. Dated at Whitby this 3Oth day of August, 1972. D.G. NEWMAN MAYOR SAVE omey onu]PI Premium Qualily Fuel Oil McDonald Locations Oshawa - Simcoe St. N. & Taunton Rd 579-2751 Whitby - Whitby Malil, Thickson Rd. & Hwy 2 728-6308 P ia e1»: Feb. » e barckZ20 Cane er :June2to July 22

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