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Whitby Free Press, 31 Aug 1972, p. 3

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R èadr w To the 1LdIitoî: As a Whitby resident of ,tdv.-nced y'ears, 1 feel 1 m'ust inl'orni you of the error 1 read in the new .Whitby paper's ntost re- cent edition. The-story, "Col. Fare- well Was Colorful Figure ini Ontario Countty" statedl: "In 1856 hie (Col. Farewell) actecl as a supply teacher in 'the old Henry Street School whiere King Street now stanids." King Street School is built on the sanie grounds as Henry Street Dear Sir: In vic\V ot the uccent Char îges and admiission ot' ,conflict of' initeî'est'" by two senior Ontario cabinet m inisters. both concerning land acqu isi- tion, oughit it not prove paying public to know who really owns the thoLisands of' acres of' land in Pickeriing schie- dulcdl'for ex propriatioli What Abo0'uùt T he Sehlool- but not where the I len'lry Street Schlool stood. Henry Street ScItool was in fact west of' King Sti'eet Sehool near tlhe corner ol' Dun- lop and Henry Streets. The Henr'y Street School was burned down during the first World War. 1 was overseas at the timie and was told Mien 1 re- turned that an over- heated stove was the cause of thie l'ire. Si ncerely. A. Bruce, 515 Dunlop St. W., Whitby. Ont. l'or an airpout anîd a new City? Fihc onlv way \Ve are really {ong to tind ouit is throughi a thoroughi public i nq Lii ryv 11hich bot h gox'eriun ment s ave adanimantly reflused. 1 wondeu wlhy! Y ouIrs vcry truly. i.W. FHoward. R.R. No. 1I. Brooklin. (Ontario. 't11 *1 I Vs liard to imajýgine a scene wîih 50 muchi beau- ty and traniquility. The birds chiirp quietly \vithi the occasional squawk ironi a Blue iay and the wind nust les the tî'ecs.iust enoLigli to cause the odid leat' to IlLitter to the green grass below. It's cxcii liarder to imagine the wliole scene and mood sliat tcrcd by the Hlast of' a çaiii. The souind of' a shiot hieinwt,'ircd is anl u nw\elcomie intruder and is cnt ireîx out of' place. lIn\1ietiîm ili e souind mlav iot be xvelcomce but it \vould secin îmore suitcd 10 the cnvirotonieint thia BY lRi']I>kLISS, TIII'RS)A Y, At IGUST 3 1,I1972, IPA(;lýý 3 Humorn Factor? it woiiId al (itis K inger's IliSonsio Gardeii Street nout h. For (Lits Klinger' it appears lhe nmusi bear one invasion ater another. To him il seemis ijst like yesterdhay lie had to enduire the rotten stench of' gar- bage burning and the miany tinies he l'eare l lor his lioiise becauise of' spýarks troin the cLlu iiust to the north of' lhi1ouse. Now Gus is being asked to enduire the invasioni of' noise fromn rfle ancd pistol l'ire. Youi can't lielpi buit wonder hiow miany of these gLin fans wou ilI wel- corne the souind of shiots behind their homnes. Gus was told the firing wouild be only an hourII or so eacli day bthle wonders how long the 'or so0 mnighit tuirn ouit to be. You get the feeling that if the governienit hiac to buiild a highway, or an airport or a puiblic biliding on Guis's property thiat lie wouild nlot p)ut up suIch a battie bthle wonidei's as do we, why the practice range lias to be in the olc inup behind his place? Every day we lose more aind more valuiable green space and Gus Klinger realizes this m-ore than mnost people. DIuring negotiations Gus was approachied by Cou ncillor Emmii and after a conference Gus believed Enîmi was a member of the gun club. Gus feit that Emmn and Couincillor Heron were puishing for the practice range. The fact is that Heron and Emim shouild be tighitîng to protect whiat Guslias buit tp rather than opposîng inii. One can't lelp bLît wonder how niuich honest research xvent in to finding' a place for a practice range for the police and the local guin club. Or couild it be that no researchi went into fiinding ai site and that someone said, "Well, we couild uise the olcI gar- bage duinîp south ol' Brooklini." I n ouir quiest t'or advancenient \VC alxvays seeni to lose the huminan 'actor. That iS, Of cour-se. il' VOL consider guins an advancenient. MISS RENE FIGURE SALONS NOW INTRODUCES. * DIRECT FROM EUROPE ~ THE NEW EUROPEAN BODY WIRAP G ARANTEED YOU MUST RECEIVE RESULTS Las* et loist 4 te 13 inchos or h t cots you IT SOUNOS LIKE A MIRACLE CALL NOW!. BUT IT'S AL ITRUE the wrop recbpturs your figure wkile you relax, take a nap or rond a book. EXCESS INCHES DISAPPEAR . f. .the credible, exclue, *I1 li new instant frîrn progrom for your own personcl resulti. Ne ont ton siim you, trrn end (quarante*) r.sulfs in wrifsng flike we con. Up t. 13 full inch- et on your very firit visiti... $0 torne in f.$oy end Ie more ilencier tomerrowl It's time fa pet started. Reserve yor FOSHAWA AREA 1050 Sumc st. N.1 579«2231 Whitby-Aiax Aven Blair Park Plao Whitby 668O9011 GIT OOWN 1 #0 4 DRESS SUIES Esropeun Body Wrop nowl AND RRING YOUR FRIFNDS Miss Rene Figure Salons cabkd v PROGRESS BULLETIN starting Septernher 6t1i Cable TV wilI be available on the streets slov;i the inap below. Starting this week resi(ICfts oit the.se streets can take advantage ol a free introduetory C oP.er. FRELE installation -- One Month FREE Viewing CALL TODAY ~l-22 Rossland Rd. Dymond Dr. .1Parkview ld .0 a nne Manning Rd. Lloyd :;z C. Harold Westwood Rd. Meadow Ores. Forest Rd.I 1 DUNDAS ST. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OPENING AROUND SEPT. 1sf. Our new Whitbhy office &-q studio 143 Brook St. South. - Hunter Northview 1, Broadview Dû cable tv ?Îne R*dge Cacble TV, 1 "52 King SI. E., Osbawva. .n Kîng Sl' W., Bowmanville. letters to the editor --2-0 6-'-ýý h-:i t-b

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