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Whitby Free Press, 31 Aug 1972, p. 4

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lAI4, *IIIIJSI)AY, ALGUSi'31, 1971, Wil'iTBY JURLI; j-pRtSS IT'S A F'or thie seconîd yeiir il) a î-ow Ronalda MacCarl, i 21 of' J eannec Court iii Wlitby lias organizcdl a cariîivail to raise ful îds lfor M uscular Dystrophy. Last ycar Roîîalda got the idtea troin WKI3W- TV cliannel 7 iîBu [fa,-lo anld sue said. "Wcci id it last yeýar so \VC decided to do it agafilti lis yeaî'." 'l'ie carîîival took pliace at the MacCarl homie ilnd K e (;Gîboîuie ot'O.shawa hiad an elect ric orgai theî-e to keep people entertaiuiedl. i heu-e\vas biîîgo for the adults, a lisli poîid for the lit tic kids, a bail tiîrow, peg i n the bot tle an(l a little tlieatre ini the evcnînig. Thli carniival rau i'roin 2 p.îi. until 5 p.nî. andi 6 till 8 ou iMonday. Rouialda anîd lieu' assistants raised S40 tlîis yeau- coîîparcd to thicS$32.51i raîsed last ycar. The nîoney xiii go to Rockct Ship 7 ani Coin- mnîder Tom at XVKBXV who sponisor the MLlscuiau- Dystropiîy fund uaisiuig cvery year and seîîd out car- nîival kits to groups whio arc interestcd ini assisting. Volunteers wlîo worked witlî Rouîaida to raise funds were, Kinm & Johin Goodwin, Melanlie Ma-,cCa.rl, lina MacCarl, Dave & Johin Fleming, Kim Lîinter, Lori Engdahil, Derinis Van Aiebeek, Scott Goodw ii, Sandra Atkinson anîd Ronalda's grandinother, Mrs. W. MacCari. Prizes for the carnivai were donated by, Mer- cantile Departmient Store, Shorty's Cigar Store, Jury K CARNI VAL & Loveli, Mac's Milk ait the Wlîitby Plaza. Bassctts Jeweliers, Arîîoids Meat Market, Courtîce- Pliarrnacy, Stylelite Slîoes, Coffins Slioes, Stripe Discount and LIBERALS TO HOI The Liberal Associa- tion of Ontario Ridings Be on the to the -EX (Air-Conditioned Bus-Train Service) Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax Bus-Train via Hwy. 401 GO Buses leaving everv hou r. connectîng with GO Trains at Pic Oshawva Downtowýn Terminal Oshawa GO Terminal (401 & Sîmcoe) Whîtby GO Terminal >Brock & 401> Ajax Shopping Centre Arriving Exhibition GO Station hourly (rom 9 48 a n-i, Return trips leavinq Exhibition Station every hour on the houJr- 12M00mîdnight NOTE EOn Sa tu rrays aind Labour Day. service' beq i s on bhonffie 1Iî' (No service via P ickering V illage'.) keriînçj FIRST BUS 8 2 0 11rni, 8 27 a. ni 8 34 ani. 8 42 a. ni last train at Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax Bus-Train via Hwy. 2 Oshawa Downtown Terminial Whitby Agency (Hwy. 2), Whitby GO'Terminal (Brock & 401) Ajax Shopping Centre AM. A.M. A M. AM 8-20 9ý20 10ý20 11 20 P. M. 5:20 8,30 9 ý30 10-30 11 :30 5ý30 8-34 9.34 10-34 11:34 5.34 8ý42 9:42 1042 11:42 542 Connections wîth GO Trains at Pickering to arrive at Exhibition Station at 48 minutes past the hour, Return trips leaving Exhibition Station every hour on the hour. (ast train at 12 QG mîdnîght. Gray Coach buses via Hwy. 2 meet ail trains leaving Exhi- bition Station from 4 00 prni. untîl midnight. NOTE N() witbounid Gray Coach Sorvice lu Pîckrinq via Hwy 2 un Su nda,,yS. Suridaty iunhuv unelQsw i le tri eiv;i Lx h ibît;uî i <il 4 où ar) j) tùpiii ,ur(i Wthe vrnn tiains'frorii C3QjQ p n; o lu n;vluiht. For further information cali GO Transît 942-2000 Oshuawa Bus Terrniiual 72,3-2241 Ajax Aoency 9,31 2-428 1 WVhîtby Agencies 668-3675 and 723 0545 Picke-rricj Aqericy 942-4261 110 JAÀNSI ID CORN ROASI is holding its Annual Corn Roast on Friday, September 15, 1972, from 8:00 P.M. The Corn Roast will be held at the home of Mr. Tony Cesaroni, Highway No. 7 between Manchester and Port Perry. Guaranteed I nvestment Certif icates noýw! Get yours today at ..a. ,VICTORI4An M GRE Y 'T fU CC)M FA N y SI rCI? 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 668-9324 Nmre Your Own Plate'Numnber TORONTO --The Hon- oLirable Gordon Carton, Q.C., Minister ol'Trans- portation and Couîîmunii- cationîs, ,annioLincclto- day tlîat it will bc pos- sible l'or Onîtario mnotor- ists to obtain mnulti-year passeîîger car icence plates witlîh the tree let tel-s andtI tiree nuitîi- bers o1f tleir owîi cloice. Start ing iiîrnIediately. thec Ministry will accept on a lirst corne, iirst servcd basis, re(lLests f*or special nuimber plates l'or passenger cars anîd station Wagonis. Rcquests slîotld be inailed as soon as pos- sible to the Speciai Plate Ot'lice, Ministry of' Tranîsportation andi Conînîuniilcatioiis, Mac- donald Block, Queen's Park, Toronto' 182. Motorists uîay Luse 'orîîîs publishied inii nws- paper advertising tiirougliott the province tiîis week or send iii tlîeir re(ltest I)y imeans o l' a letter idicatiiîg thieir "OWfl clio)ice" and two alternatives. l'lie [elfor issuing ecdi set of'"e(.wn choice", plates wili be S25 over andi above other [ces payable (and rnust lac- comjpany ýany reqtîest for' tho spieial licence plates. Il* the numlber is Vailable, a receii w iii be rcturrncd along wit h instructions ouItlinling the p)ropier procedures to apiply l'or the 1973 registraltioni. If thec nuinber re- quested lias been pre- viously allocated or is otlherwise not available, the [ce will be returnied. Iii nîaking the an- noLîncenient, Mr. Carton saici, "Every effort will be mnade to fuIlA re- qucsts rcceived for thec &owni choice' plates, but tliere wili, of course, be certain conibiîîations of letters tiat wiIl not be made available out of re- spect for good taste and the letters G, I and Q wvill nlot be uised." Il HEARD'S TAXI Radio Equipped & Direct Line at Arnold's Market, 115 Brock St. N. Perry Street Whitby TOWN 0F WHITBY MAIL SERVICE The Council of the Town of WVhitby is in receipt of comments andlIetters from a number of residents indicatirlg that as a result of the transfer of the mail ing process from Whi tby to the Oshawva Post Office, there has been a general deterioration in the quality of mail service to the people of this commun i ty. In viewv of these comments, the citizens of Whitby are invited to advise the Council of their comments on the level of mail service and in particular to provide the fol lowing (a> post marked envelopes of mail receîved, (b) advice as to the date that the mail was re- ceived. Ail information should be forwarded to the under- signed by September 25th. 197 after which tîme the Council1 proposes to make further representa- tion to the office of the Federal Minister respon- sible for Postal Services. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C. T. , TOWN CL ERK, 405 D undas Street WVest, WHITSY, ONTARIO. 1 150 F

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