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Whitby Free Press, 31 Aug 1972, p. 6

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PA T ~ IlI URSDA Y, AK i31I, I1971, Wl IlFBlY [Ki' >RI'SS Up TO - - dlkdý gok m $1UZZOZZ!I DUR IN G D EMO OU R SALE S A VE $979 A2 '72 BUICK LE SABRE, 2 DR. HARDTOP. Champagne Gold with saddlevinyl trimn. Fully equipped. 4 N57H2Y 199502 LIST 5510.50 SALE $4531.28 SA VE $1 022.00 '72 BUICK LE SABRE, 4 DR. HARDTOP. Lucerne Blue with matching cloth trim. Pow- er windows, Electric Defroster, Rernote Mir- ror, White Walls, Radio, Rear Speaker, Body side mouldings, etc. 4-N39H2Y 169565 LIST 5686.05. SALE $4664.05 '72 FIRENZA S.L. 2 DR. COUPE. Sapphîre Blue with matching trim. Auto- matic, White WaIls, Wheel Discs & Accent Stripes. 933372V 102226. LIST 2995.97. SALE $2615.97 SAVE 100 G '72 PONTIAC SAVIES $10ooi0 PARISI- ENNE BROUGHAM 2 DR. HARDTOP. Finished in antique pewter with Ivory vinyl trip top. Full power. VIN No. 7M57H 22113657 LIST 5386.35 SALE $4386.35. '72 G.M.C. 1/2 TON PICK- s A v E UP. Lower chrome mou 1- dings, chrome mirrors,. 6 2 heavy duty shocks & springs, wheel discs, -. chrome bumpers, white walîs, & radio. LIST 3764.15. SALE $3072.04. TCS 1421511500. S '72 FIREBIRD 21 Ss A v E HARDTOP. Julep GrE $5 9 2 it .oyviy bc $59.27 wthlvryvny bc seats. Sporty flare acci ted bY Rally stripes Rafly Il wheeîs. 2587 il DR een ket en- &m 2N 504383. LI1ST 4484. 10 SALE $3934.83. '72 LE MANS 4 E SE DAN. Ideal familys car. 2 D69H21 1076, LI ST 4419.95. SA $3816.72. V 5 AVE lo $ 27 4 0 <$6 0& 2 3 lm .I '72 VENTURA Il 2 DR. COUPE. Bermuda BMue with blue cloth trim. 2- V27D2W249459 'LIST 3339.45. SALE $306302. GUS GM iBR.OWN WHITBY 300, Dundas St. East 6 68 - 5 8 4 6 Whit by SAVE, I> on n e k Petition sicners caile lrom aIl parts of the1 and represent "Bell subscribers since 19 14" King Street and even a "Bell stock holder f'ort vea.rs." whîo lives on Byron Street South. tow n fr 'rni ni any But perhiaps the m1ost interesting is the most potentially detrimientail to the giant telephone coin- panyýs pursestrings pennied by a resident of Brock Street Northi who suggests: "If' cvery subseriber called Bell anid asked ta hiave their phonie service dis- continued, Bell would soon tfind a collection office in Whitby, Ontario." A synchironization of disconnected telephone lines represenitative of the whole of the T'own of Whiitby .... Not even the nightily independent Bell C HINESE FOOD CALI THEJt îJNUGW4T 668-7021 lafl"Apd Lot Tyer ~~ Tasto Se Tb loteg" 10% OFF on riEEt Home Delivery Pick Up orderS faSt Take Out Service SU'ÙNLIGHT iREsTAURANT 116 NUSST. We AMPLE PARKING AT REAR 'aa sigle could withstand that kind of publicity. Se petition below. t elephone The petition to Bell, and currcntly puIbhi- cized ini the Whiitby Free lPress, broughit in a total of' 7*/, responses--j ust five clays af'ter publication day, Thursday, August 24. "'The phione rates hiave gon e up and we have to pay 20 cents extra a mionthi just to pay oui. telephione bill'Y"' asked a resident of' 840 Dundas Street East in SUniming up iik impression of' the loss of a Witby collection office. "Sonie of'ny friends intend ta wait and pay telephione bills every thiree mionthis -- thiat miit be the solution if Bell dcs not miake suitable arrange- mnents," the residents of* 10 19 Byron Street wrote in their response. "Whiitby is NOT part of Oshawa so how about treating uis like a separate community because we are,"' a Satewart Street resid cnt hignî,,aiitly pointed out. Alleging a lack of' involvenient on the part of elected rep resen tat ives was a resident of 605 Bcecli Street West who pretacedl bis comnients: "My con- tribution to absolve the t*ailLure of' aur elected rep- resentatives." (I ncidentally, Councillor Vern Mac- Carl made a motion at a couincil mieeting f*or town fathers tà write Bell expressing thieir objections to the phiasing out oh* the Bell collection office. Reeve Join (oodwiîî lis also been a bec in thie Bell Betaiise of lpeople (ou1t <of t(>iVIforir lilu('i vacati011, a peu ition wl> jeu an ini lasi week's edition of thle W1lTli lri "lîylj'; RFS s beîùin rinsete(d. 'llie pe- tilion is being eirculated by a ùgroup ýof Wlîithy resi- deiits wlo are appealingj Bell Caniada [liiotiîgli ïa locial Nl> [o have a local paying agent reiiîsiated ini the Townî of WVlithx 1<) save [the Wlitby Bell t0lepon stîbscribers tlhe adde(1 eN flense iiçis ' withlon i on1e. lle<ise sigi voti. naie In(o thle el(>w îeLrn ion. In tlie firsi live day period between [lhe Lime lhe first> pdt ion appeai('d ini [lie pa-ýges ofth[le Wl IIY 111EVI I>REl.'SS, sevenlty' petit jols were re[iîrned. We need CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP PL>TITION On behaîf of ail Bell Telephone subscribers in the Townr of Whitby, 1, (we) the undersigned, petition Bell Canada ta re-establish arrangements 1whereby telephone accounts may be pald without additional charge ta tne subscribers at some loc- agent or agencies, such as any local bank Iocated hn the town. COMM ENTS________ ____ NAME ADDRESS CLIP COUPON AND MAIL TO WHITBY FREE PRESS, t3OX 206, WHITBY, ONT. CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CAN 1DB SERVE YOU? On Friday, September 8th one of our representatives Mr. D. R. Mercer will be at The Carousel Inn in Ajax In this district and throughout Canada many persoiis and firma in practical1y ail types of businesses including Agriculture e Tourist and Recreational Businesses a Construction e Professional Services e Transportation e Whoiesale and Retail Trades,, as well as Manufacturing have obtained loans from t he 1DiB to acquire land, buildings, and m. achinery,. toý increase working capital, to start a new business, snd for *other purposes. If you consider tb.at 1DB can be of service, you are invited to arraxlge an appointment with the 1DB representative by telephoning Ajax 942-5580 or in advance by wrîting to ÀMINDIISTRJAL OEVELOPMENT BAANK Mid-Ontario Branch' 250 University Evenue, Toronto, Ontario Telephone 368-1145 l- l'7IiION w it hou t NOTICE TOWN OF WHITBY PUBLIC MIEETING TAKE NOTICE that, the Council of the Town ,of Whitby will hold 'a Public Meeting on Tuesday, September Sth, 1972 at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The-purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the provision of Arena facilities, the Police Building projeet, the Municipal Buiilding project, the Library Building projeet and to establish priorities for the undcrtaking of these projects. Wmn. H-. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whiîtby, Ontario. 31

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