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Whitby Free Press, 31 Aug 1972, p. 7

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GIVEN UN The humidity lately lias been the worst I can reniemiber l'or years. It's so bad thiat when you buy a ibag 0, f cips freshi fromn the store the chainces a-.re pretty good thiey're already soggy. The last ones 1I had went 'squishi' instead of' 'îriunch'. Now aý squisli wien yotu were expecting a 11unIchI cari be pretty disiappointing. Whiere would Keilogg,'s be without the snap of' a dry cerei when it hiits iiik'? BecauLse 0f tlhe high hlum id ity both my front and bhck door bind. and lately l've hiad some namsty tug-of-waýrs.ju1St trying ho get i iii ad ouIt Of the hIouse. VW'hen yoLIcombinme the hum iidi lv with hIighi henlperature. the weathier beconies almiost un- bera le.Wen it cones ho varnii veather 1 love it but hthe hlumlid ity ki ls mle. D riving, ai-ouI[ndltoW1vn I olenWinld Lup itah stop lioght beside ai car that lis aIl the windows up. Everybody inside thie cari seemis cool aîîid comiposed 50 it's obivious tiîcv have iri-coni- tioning. Whien Vii'i in Toronto 1I appear ho be one of, the few whio doni't have aiir-coni ininiig ini iîîy car. Somnet imes. just to irrita te oh ber people. Il roll aIl my v indows up anid wait for a stop, BIRD'S WIJIT13Y FRPT PRESS, TIIURSDAY, AUGUIST 31, 1972, PAGI 7 APPOIN T MENT EVE VIEW -J/M QOUAIL leoine haeke Grown o couple of inches during vacation? Need everything from new shoes, new outfits or books? Harwood Place is bursting out ail over with ail that's new. Lots of newsy things for Moms,Dads and the home are here too. Make it a fomily shopping spree. Harwood Place is where jt's ail at. Hurry Down. YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHIBOURHOOD MERCHANTS Bank of Nova Sco)tia Elk'S Men's & Boy's Wear Emnbassy Cleariers Focus 9000 Gailward Ltd. Gallenkamp Sheoes Gold Scissors Barber Shop Harwood Mail Siroke Shop House of Spectaces Lindor Fashions Little Oly 's Malt Bar Maher Shoes Morse Jew'-llers Nelsoii' s China & Gifts Nupoliton Beauty Saloni P-K Fish & Chips Pen CeteRestaurant Quarter Moon Boutique Roitrnan's- Ruth's F'ashion Boutique Shoes 2000 St itsky' s Tower of London SUPER SA VINGS DRA W! Help Poy for Your Bock ta Sehool Foniily Needs. Just have your soles slip fostened ta the attach- ed coupon - or o coupon from ony of the stores and drop it into the drow box in ony store. Draw tokes place Labour Day - Sept. 4th. RULES: i. Use the entry form or pick up odditionol forms at any of the stores. 2. Alil entries must be deposited b>' 2:00 P.m.-Mondoy, Sept. 4th. 3. Ali entrants must be 16 yeors of age or over. 4. Managers & employees cf participoting stores and their immediote families are not eligible ta win. Winriers wiII be notified be present ta wiri. - not necessary to HÀAULJOD PLAG AJAX lighit. 1 sit there beside a car whiose occupants are obviouisly suffcring fromi the heat anid i give themn a cool smile. They don't know 1 don't have air-conditioning and it's about 1 20 iin my car. It onfly works for a couple of stop lights and theni with a scream I1 roll down ail the winidows. For years 1 thought anybody who had air- conditioing in Caniada must be mad. In fact, for years I neyer feit a need for air-coniditioining ,and 1 just couidn't sce it was hot enoughi to warrait fthat înuch nmoney and nacinery. Pssst! Corne a littie cdoser and l'Il tell youi somiethinig. . . . 1 need air-conditioning! 1 don't kniow if l'm juist getting old or if this has beenl a partictilarly bad year for hurnidity but the weatlier is getting me downi. Cold showers worked for a whiie but after a week of hot weather my skin started to look like a prune with ail that water. It got so hot that my little niine inch fan buirned uip leaving nie abandoned to the elernenits. So 110W I've got air-cotnditiotiing at liome and 1 love it. As for the car l'Il juist have to suffer. BuIt at least niow 1 can hold ouit knowinig 1 can cool off' when I 1get home. The best part abouit air-coniditioing is not so m1UChI that it cools tinigs down but the fact that it removes thie hîI1idity. Thie first day my aiîr-condcitionier rani. the wvater trickled froun the unfit almost iin a steaidy stream. l'li resuilts were immed iately nioticeable. Breathinig became cas- ier and tie TV didin't sniajpfrouîî ill hie shiort circuits becauise of'tHe dam pniess iniside. Normally I 'm glad ho sec the coinig of suImmer even thougli i enioy skiinig s50muLCh buit il' nex h sim mer is glOi 1g 10be as 1haîl as this su mmer I tl hi k We SuId haI i,,ve a su nilmer re-run ol'\viiher. ment of Robert Burns Jr., as Promnotions Dir- ector and Advertising Consultant. Bob was previously an area resident, lie at- tended O.C.C.I. in Oshi- awa and gained e*~per- lence throughout Can- ada and Europe. He now offers the Whitb- business the finest in display and promotion- ai advertising by selling the merchandise and services through a spec- ciaîized laid out adver- tising. These cuff links, which were awarded to returnees of of World War 1 on their homecoming to the town by the mayor of the day, are the cherished keepsakes of Mr. A. Bruce who lives on Dunlop Street, Whitby. Mr. Bruce wonders just how.many of these rings and cuff links are still around Whitby today.. W. "Bill" Durkee Publishier and Judy Dur- kee, Editor of the WHITBY FREE PRESS announce the appoint- IPVE

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