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Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1972, p. 9

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Wl II'BY FIi'I I>RI -SS. TIILJRýSI)Y, S1"IMIR7,1972, lAI Con Yeu Identlfy th is Whitby structure ? HINT: A scene'of nightly activity and lodging, this structure stands still on Brock Street North. Free tickets for use anytime at the downtown BROOK TH EAT RE wi Il be given to the f irst twenty telephone callers who correctly identify the structure by name. Please dial the FREE PR ESS office at 668-611il after 9 a.m. Friday morning. (Limit one ticket per house- hold>. _______ I i)îICAi',oRsH il> omi Iinîed froîi front tpage rnorn ing. O ne persoti w ho lad & t chu nged l is niind aI'ter a nliglt's sleep was Bob Attersley. " very Lnliappy. it's iîîevitable now tiî,*.t the towîî hall will be buit by the new comncil andi it's obvious that the library hoard las been uisedi as a whipping boy. Thiere is also no doubt thazt the noney t'or the library will lie comiing out of* the Wlithy taxjxîver*s îocket. it's ridiculotis." 1>1A W1IIITFEWASII"1 ~It xvus aI vlîitewaýsli,*' sajl taxpayer Paul IGau- det wlheîî LLestioned by tlhe Free Press. '-We are obViOLISlv go ing to have a new tow îî bal I. andt or ail tlîeir ( council) talk of' the need for an arena. the quLestionl of an areîia didn't really Cornle LlII ut al.' A resident froni M yrtle Statin wlîo attencded tpie Truesdiay n igh t mee t inîg su i, i.Te special îieet- ingt on Tuesdav ut 7:30 Septeniber 5 tlii xs a dis- aster. Onîcezagaiîn a lbreuikdow n i in commuiIn icat ion and ti ilogue b)e tween COU nil anîd ratepayers was dlisiazvei. Maîîv people wverè fooled 'y Ilhe ad and niîI1ian eopl ai to flic mein hnknthe issues eC)iUrarýe h arcpate . ('O ou II wa\VS 1insu luted uand pirotected f roini deviîatîig ron its own 10 point re- com iîieîdat ion. Perhaps ('oicilIlor Bob h ese routindedj t omit Ibes t \w llie esu id t b a t tlic cou ic il Jild the people o, flic towi 0f Whijtb\ Ibid been 'i \Vs rllir niuîngbu bckwaird.- Sajd l)on bamckwa rd Ini tiie sense tiliat thli cc sl in waS 1Had e iirsýt antcj iltee pai to HIf0 tlI pubic towd A res gnd iiii( a r-tsh ore. cli ai nu a no f't he Wh it îb (il zens Study G rotip w h ichblas aicfîvely opposed he ie nw hown hall Sa id. "Cou îicii liasinian- agedti ho ypazss an OM 13 lieu îi ng. T hkisini itseI f is nof acceptable 10 nie as a conccrîîed taxpayer i nthie howii olWliîby." ÎNIEE'liNG S 11111,11,ON The Study Group lter said flîey l'elt so stroîigly aboutI fuis latest direction taken theli cotîcicl that tlîey are "coîîcerîied l'orthie town." Tlieir meîetinîg SCIlîiedl' or tdus Moîiday, Septeîîiber IL. 7:30 p.i. Ii fliec (enteîîuial I3Uild iîIg Will con1tinuLe as plaîîied. '*«Jolini Goodlwii Lauglied. Robiert At terslev reîioîstrated. Mickey Maic('uirl drearned andti erry L*iii iii wasî't uns\veriîig Jaîiy qleStIiOîîS. Bu It despite thie saddeîied people wlîo lef't af'ter the nîet- ing's end, thlere vvas 11hLo LIbt abouIt it, the Whiitby Mayor was visibly agituted aînid appeared nierVOLîS. As D)on Lovelock said, tlhe love af'fair wiîli Newmnî is over. Sonie people in Whiitby worshipped hiiîiî. lndeed, Des Newnman walked out of' Counicil Moîiday niglitnminus tlhe respect of many people ini the coLîncil clîaîîîber. Dictatorship? WIho cati say lor sure? But a hieroi did walk away sadly tarnishied. For a reprint of' the comîmittee report with platîs of' Brookliîî Arena, police building, and library sec page 6. I0 r MULLWORK AND BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD - Your On~e Stop 8ikwdigSuçp4y 1279 Simcoe N. 728-6291 ÀQ Lqu 1Sat., sept. 16 SUPER rB SPECIALS GERITOL.8 LUIor 2 Z 8 TABLETS, 80's2 SUGG. LIST 5.19 «OOTH PASTE 7 GIANT SIZE - SUGG. LIST 8ic 5 4.1 VEA k c 4. ZJAR - SUGG. LIST 1.59 8 CLAIROL 6 SHAMPOO66 4 OZ. - SUGG. LIST 1.09 BAN SCENTED or UNSCENTED 2'12OZ. -SUGG. LIST2.13i COUR1C.AM » . iIAMA SHORS LDI.PIARWCY 117 kch St. N. MêZ2H WHITBY I65 S8d" est. a3s1 EOKm Arlie Soles Ltd.,- Mi The MAazdar 808 Coupe$ r~irn 2669. 2O9Dundas St. W. Whitby 668-9397 in Lottery tickets may be purchased from the following authorized sales outiets. wa DISNEY MOTORS LT!). 1200 Dundas St. E., w Iii tIi SEP'FENlBER SPECIALS 1971 Datsun 510- 4 Door, Radio, Lic.- No. 5353A - S1875. 1970 Swinger - Auto- matic, Radio, Power Steering. Lic. 29493A - $2375. 1968 Road Runner, 383 Engine, 4 Speed Ljc. 12817A -$1725. 1968 Plymouth Sport Suburban Station Wa- gon, Automatic - P. S. P. B.-R. $1795. 1966 Volvo - 2 Door Lic. 466985 - $995. 668-6591 la - - --- m mi

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