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Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1972, p. 12

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1v<iI2,11I ILIRSI)AY, Si;PIM IEiR 7, 1 972, WIIIIY Pi]iRESS Whiletby Man Hurt 1n Rescue At temp t rescuie a l'ellow seuba diver Mondaiy, a Whitby main, John Locmlelis, 27, of* Thjckson Road, N. risked possible serious injury and hiad to be flown to Toronto Ge'n- eral Hospital for recorn- pression. John was with a par ty of' divers ini the Tober- mnory area who were div- ing to explore a wrecked ship called the Forest City. Six divers had gone down 1 50 feet to the wreck but at the con- clusion of the dive only rive returned to the sur- face. Missing was Mrs. Frances Fleming of Tor- onto. John Locmelis and Dan Beamer of Toronto decided to go back down for the woman. Both' men knew they might possibly suffer from the bends by re- turning to the water but they both decided to take the risk in order to rescue the missing wo- uîlan. Aller somne searcil- iflg Jolhni ouiid the wo- man ait about 140 feet, unconscioLis aind with- out the regulator in lier IiiOLttl. J ohnfi 1inniediately broLIght the wornan to flhc surface where the rest of the party started artificial respiration. The local detachnient of the 0.P.P. was informned of the accident and John and Dan told the party they would need recoin- pression to preveuît the bends.' As for risking injury by looking for the girl John explained, 'We knew we'd have to go into a chiamber for re- compression." By coin- cidence there were two hielicopters froni the Canadian Forces Base in Valcartier, Quçbec who were in Toronto for the air show. They were called to the Tobermory area and the two divers were rLislid to the flos- pital lfor Sick Childreri in Toronto. Froni there the mii werc taîken to Toronto Generaî.l Hos- p)i taI1. Both mien were plaiceci ini ai chai ber and recoin- pressed and John sa,.id, "We stayed about two and aihait* lîours ini tli chaîmbiter." 0f his staî,y in the cham ber John ex- plained, "You just lay there and breathe oxy- gen andi wait ouit your tfiie." LLîckily neither nian suftfered grave i nju ry be-. cause of the rescue at- ternpt and Johnî added, I didn't have any synîp- toms of the bends at ail. 1 was nauseated 1romi the over-exertion but that was aili. Dan got some mîild synîptoms- slight paralysîs of' the left arm and tingling iii the extremities." allter it waîs Al over they looked baî,ck on the situ- ation and tried to find anî aîîswer but ais Jolhn explatined, "Riglît now wejust can't find a good ex plaina tin." After the ,iccident thîe 0. P. P. impounided al the diviîîg equipmient so it couild be iiîspccted in. order to try aind deter- miune if' the accident was equipmnent f'ailure or lîunain error. Botlîmnewre cties- tioned ini the hospital TLîesday and ain au topsy was hield at Owenî SoLînd aînd Marinîe Hospital to investigaîte the deatlî of* Mrs. Flemning. Investigat- ing coroner, Dr. Jaînes Leesoîî of Wiirtoin, said lie felt a recompression chanîber should be iîn- stalled iii the Tober- mory area becausc of the number of divers who corne to the area to explore the many shipwrecks. He ex- plained, "Witlî the thou- sands of* divers going upl there. there should def'i- nitely be a reconîpres- SiOi l unebr. D)r. Leeson hiait writ- ten to the Ontario Gov- mrnnent ini June con- cerning recompression cclLipiiielit but tlîey did not reply. Fie feit Mrs. Flemiing miglîtlhave beeti savet l'ifthe necessary facilities liati been close letters t t he nd it -1MICHMLIN Umm14stOOI-belted radial -Attersley Tire -Servc TOWN OF WiITY 1972 AFIER INTERIM TAX NOTICE 4TH INSTALMENT The fourthi instalment of taxes for 1972 Is due and payable September 15, 1972. if payment is not recelved by the due date, penlfty W Ithe rate of 1 % per month v41l be cha,?ged on ihe overdue balance. Taxes mayLe paîd wfthout bankchýarge art any Whitby Bank or at the Municipal Offices, 405 Dundas Stre et West, Whîtby, R. A. ('LA RINGBOLD, liax (ollector. TIown ol*Wiîbv). WHITBY-HARRISON FUELS LIMITED !<YoDÎ *E"AACO Dealer" 211 Brock St. S. Phone:668-3610 NOW SHOWING s l(7 - - (th He gave them their chance to be en. Entertainmont KINO KONG ESCAPES CemIng Sep. .11-1213 Shaf t w Richard Roundtree 2ND FUTlURE PRETTY MAI09 AlL IN A ROW Starring Rock Hudson -STARTS WED. JOHN WAYNE and THE COWBOYS Aduits 1. 75 Phone 668--3618F Chfldren .50 Students 1. 25 Show Sforf 7: p.m. oiy FRE PARKINGj wivi Y -71.. uiz7e10£ CNR YSI ER

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