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Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1972, p. 14

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P'AGEI 14, TIIURSDAY, SIiPTLiMBER 7, 1972, WHIT13Y FREE~ PRESS MOTORINO with MikeBurgess The Departnient of' the Unvironnment, Air Management Branch, lias been buisy witil îtil o- bile Automobile Laboratory. Presently situated in Oshiawa, they hiave been testing an average of' 50 cars per day tor exhaust emiission levels. 1 volunteered te have my car tested out et' shieer curiosity, 1 guess as the eld sayîig gees 'mii just a suecker f'or îMînIiShm11e."An1yway. af'tcr a bnif wait 1 was cou rteously asked tor mv ewner- ship (which i1 didn'it have) af'ter wvlich m v car wvas d riven onto a ranip with the driv'inîg whieels pa rkcd on rollers. A tube coennected te an ml ricate nîcasi,ý*trinig and recording device t 'aintly rescm hlinig a lie de- tector) was inserted inte the bti pipe. 'lhle car - was rUn for a few 1minu tes, then driven etif the ramips, and it was all ever. Didn't hurt a bit! I founid eut that my car wvas well tielew the levels required by la\v as were most new cars testcd It appeared the only cars Mnat wvere overly poîlut- ing our air were eIder ones or those badly in need of a tune-up. If your car is tested and doesn't mneet thir standards you %vill receive a letter freiTor- onto recomrnending sonie action on YOUR part. Last Sunday the rainy weathier in K ingstoni Ieft a lot to be desired, but the St. Lawrence Auito CIub's 'Jack Luck Menorial Regional Champion- ship Slalomi' ran regardless. Sixty-t-ive entrants turned eut to coînpete in one of the year's most enjoyable events. St. Lac. has always erganized good events and this one was ne exception. The course was well laid eut, was challenging for bothi car and driver, and was NOT a memory test. Going into this event, fifteen O.M.S.C. menm- bers were in the top ten of their respective classes,, aind et't hese, twelve werc in K ingsten te pretect tIleiil Iposit ions. Needless Io say tliat with enily two mere ýclianlipIion su ip races le lt i n thle series, A LL the cenipelttrs are giving it their 4 aiIl'.atîd *ockeying to improve (Itîcr standings. DI)eC(lenel o' Orone dIecided te show Lus t hai tlie cen li w iin nia t ter W III ('Ilcar lie was d riving. and (Ilid exue tly thla! I)on d reve Ji l Fain nîe\'ega ( 'l'te a t'i rsti iiiclass 'H', aud d id i t te us aainw i th a nethler Iirst i n class TJ ilrivi ng lus ewn Z 28 "llire Te besî JfiniFamuinuecouldl (Io wî thIihis ewn car \vis za fou rîl. Well tu ru-abon t is l'dir I)Iay, se J i hlipped mint() Don s Z28 anid turie 1 /,I2 3seconds sle\ver than Dlon( In j 'class) te take thircl place. 1I i iut reel very sorry l'or Jiimi, because the best I coucI manage in 1-l' class w as a tenth! lucideutally first te tenth place xvere oîîlv 4V2 seconds apart witlî 6 O.M.S.C. miembers ii betwcen. I guess it was just one of' these day's. because 1 II( oud U running twe cars ,atse. The IRA /Ac- cesseries 'G' ('lass t)atsiîn 5 10 driven by Ralili Robinson was offered te me te compilete wiîh. and 1 acceptedl. Driving the Datsun, the best I could de was te corne witint 2 seconds of thîe winner of' 'G'.... net geod eneugh te take home a trophy. But t'ertunately mny placing in *H' will keep mie iu the tep ten in the series. TFilInext week. FHappy Motoring! Providing the finest auto service of it's kind in this part HAMWER AUTO CLINIC of Ontario HAMER Auto Clinic is well recognized for their specialized service. They rhave the finestequipment for tune-up service in a three hundred mile radius. Hamer's has for years offered the motoring public this efficient service under the capable direction of the-John Hamer family assisted by a fully qualified staff. Repeat business has been the key of success at Hamer's, offering a thirty day uncondi- tional guarantee and good honest service. On these points we recommend you try these fine services. (Niagara) Race Car Automot ive Division of Hamer's Auto Clinic Hi Performance and Heavy Duty automotive parts. Crane, Holly, Keystone, Smith, Thrush. Guaranteed installations, one stop shop for top performance in high performance automobiles. domestic and 655-4482 Hwy. 12 &~ Thickson Rder Br oo klîn The Parts Department of fers the area the f inest in high performance parts. This most modern diagnostic equipment is one of three units in Canada and is the very best, pin-pointing your problem and offering you the f inest in tune-ups for domnestic and high per- formance cars, Sales and resteration of antique cars is another of tWe services. The happy McDonald's Soccer Team enjoys a try get together at their sponsoratWib Mail. (Bottom loft te right): Scott Williams, Terry Kidd, Ronald Haslam, David Hopkins, Peter Cole, 'w Keîiny Ross, Joc Palacka (captain) and Dougie Jackson. (Top, loft cto righit): Deugie Wicrsma, * ~ Peter Visser, Kevin Keninicly, Ricky De Bres (coach), Hlubert Adlebar. Missing ,lrorn phioto are (Assistant Scaptain) Ricky WiIIs, Rusty WiIls, Steven Camnpney an d Paul iacobs. rAfter hlasting the number tliree tearn Brooklin boys sponsored by Woolco 15-O iin two gaies (4-0) Mnday (Il-0) Wednesday, McDonalds face a for at able Rae R. Jonces Realty f'or a final showdown atAnderson High Sehool today (Thiîrsday). Bo th~ teamns tied for first place. 1972 DATSUN NOW ON DIS PUY CALL 7280031i catch UP ath the leader. DATSUN 1600 la eldr rn ýýe anada's number;o' ne 1 frpor; car 1 S Lj fýý t'cf(-I.Pilsun 1600. 9f, ý1orqesý Lj) 3e Ici 35 mileb 10 jhýý gallor, With Ir, a n Of PCtfOrMý)nCLI thal s rnd âr- If YOU'I'L Pfinnýng Io buy ar- econorny car, biiy lhe o n ý, lhal il Criada s moý,i st;c rtlly lested under the worsi pos. sible (onditQnp against the bebt 'aPossible cortip e fi lion. rPDa 1 s u fi 1600. W& the 1 e a jde r.

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