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Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1972, p. 17

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BOWL ERS WANTED!I UNIONIZEI) MEMBERS O N LY Bowling TIimIes: >/ITB REL PRESS, TIIURSDAY, SI PTI MIR 7,1972, PACE 17 WIth Jey<e R*.* Afternoons 7-9 pan. Shif t-workers 12- .11 . at Osh~awa Bowling Laites. For furtheri informationi cati 7A28-1012 or~ 725-8236 CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 Your most significant day during this seven day period is Saturday the 16th. Midweek is a good time to gather material that can help you in a professional sense. Friends are especially helpful at this time. AQUARIUS - Jan. 20.10 Feb. 18 Bob Smith of Reideil Farms, Ashburn won the Junior Championship in the CNE yearling chamnpionships thi; c ar ONTAR gO Public Notice SELECT COMMITTEE 0F THE LEGISLATURE ON THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD INVITATION TO SUBMIT WRITTEN BRIEFS On Junea 3th, 1972, the Ontario Legisiature ap- pointed a Select committee to examine, inquire irnto and report upon the Ontario Municipal Board and to make recommendat ions on: (a) the purpose, objeet and functions of the OntarioMunicipal Board. (b) the jurisdiction of the Ontario Municipal Board. (c> the structure and organization of the Ontario Municipal Board. (d) the procedures and practices of the OntarioMunicipal Board. (e) the procedures by wvay of appeal from the orders and rul ings of the OntarioMunicipal Board, including appeals by wvay of petîtions to the Lieutenant Governor in Council. (f) the relationship of the Ontario Municipal Board in the discharge of its responsibilities with the Provincial Government, local government and the indivÎdual citizen. hlie Committee invites written briefs from îndi- vidualsandlorganizationswho may vvish to present information, opinions or suggestions regardlng any of the above matters relating to the Ontario Muni- cipal Board. BRIEFS MUSTB1E SUEMITTED 8V SEPTEMBER l5TH, 1972 TO THECiLERK OF THE COMMI TTEE BOX 233, MAIN PARL IAMENT BUILDING, TOR- ONTO 182, ONTARIO. John P. MacBeth, Q. C., M. P. P. , Chat rman. Alex McFedrlçs, Clerk. Brooklin Hardware 668-3831 V our Pmaint Dealer Complet* Linoeof. Har'dware and PeI»ntig 58 *adwlflSt., rook'U' Open E:30- e jriciays ii CHINESE FOOD CALt TRI N fëtrGWh 668-7021 RnAI Lot Yomr % Taste le 1h iego 10% OFF on FREE Home Delîvery Pick Up orders F ast Take Out Service SUNLIGHT RESTAURANT 116 OUNOAS SI. W. AMPLE PARKING AT REAR J3ay sHore &OJurniture aroIfQusing£t),, 980 BROCK RD. S PICKEIRING 839-4461 MON. to FR1. 9:30 A.M.- 9 P.M. SAtr 9:00 A.M. - 6 P.M. I V FRENCH PROVINCIAL ELEGANCE - A 7 Pc. Dining Room Suite consisting of Buffet, Hutch, Table & 4 Chairs in beautiful fruitwood finish. 7 Pc. Suite Complete. Regular Price - $649.95. This Week OnIy $5 39.95. vincial beauty and the mlany, miany other dining roomi bargainsi c73a~IFr~urnu'rle French Pro- this week at YOU MIGIIT BE rr-IItSWEEK'S $IO0.OOWINNER FILL, OUF1 A FREE I)BAW SLIP>, WE[K[Y DEAW . NAME________ _ I~ADDRESS_________ PHONE _________ .V in a $1 00. 00 worth ofI merchandise simply by filling inr copnand r-eturning i t this hestore.I The 1Oth could prove to be an exciting lime. You could have un- expected visitors and news from afar. Your thoughts could turn to personal happiness, companionship, and. romance. Wide horizons could open up for you from the l4th to the l16th. You have every- thing going for you at this time. Push opportunity to the hilt now. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 Keep control of your moods and ail should go well during this seven day periodi. Romance and love take on a special quality now. Septem- ber 1 lth and l3th are good days to make decisions but be sure you have investigated ail possibilities. ARIES - March 21 to April 19 A trip on Friday the l5th or Saturday the l6th could provide the spice that you may feel you need to liven up this ordinary week. You have only to break your formalized routine to corne up with some- thing different. TAU RUS - April 20 [o May 20 Partnership affairs and marriage corne under close observation on Tuesday the 12th when a difference of opinion can temporarily dis- rupt harmony. Keep your temper under control and talk over affairs logically. This is no time to be stubborn. Your most significant day of the week is Saturday the i6th. Your perception is keen at this * GEMINI - May 21 [o June 20 Your two most significant days this week are Sunday the lOth and Monday the il th. Friends and neighbours rnay be out of sorts during these days. Plan to socialize more later in the vveek when aspects are irnproved. Use excess energy to complete household tasks and finish repairs before the cold weather cornes. CANCER - June 21 t0 juIy 22 Tuesday the i 2th and Wednesday the i 3th are your tvvo most sig- nificant days during this seven day period when teachîng and pub- lications are stressed. Research projects begun at this time warrant more concentration but of fer greater challenge and fulfilîment. You may be on the brink of creating somnething extremely worthwhile. LEO - JuIy 23 to Aug. 22 Tensions lessen during this seven day period. Keep up your routine but make sure you have time lef t over for needed relaxation. Your energy level is high but do not endanger your health by assuming more responsibility. Significant days are Thursday and Friday the 14th and i5th. Try a night on the town during this time. VIRGO - Aug. 23 [o Sept. 22 The 12th is a significant day. This could prove to be one of your most depressing days of the whole year. AIl this turrnoil is ot fairly short duration. By the l6th you will be able to think out a plan To proceed. LIBRA - Sept. 23 [o Oct. 22 This seven day interval begins on a high, perfectly pitched note. You accomplish tasks with more than ordinary ease. A family get-together during the latter part of the week could prove unusually affectionate. SCORPIO - Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 The il th and 1 2th brings the high of your lunar cycle. The 1 2th and i6th can be restricting, pessimistic and frustrating. This is not a time for new starts. It îs a time for completions, for endings. Do what has to be done and defer the charge forth until later. SAGITTARIUS - Nov. 23 [o Dec. 21 Get plenty of rest, your vitality s flot up to par. Impulsive' ilI- considered action is the danger at this point. This is one of the storm periods of 1972. Those around you could be having their problems too. Often the cure for your own ilîs is to view and assist with some- body else's. Make necessary adjustrments. You will, as usual, corne through wîth flying colours. - Eveniuip Tuesdlay and Thw's»ay -~1«)0 VNDAS ST. FL - WIATI "if you want to look your best" WhItby ScaibOrug (41E»668-321 (416)439-0241 -1

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