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Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1972, p. 1

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"Go 01l meniories ati( îîoStaý,lgia caine to the surface lýast week Mhen sonie of thie Whitby Duni- lops were present at a film presentation at the Sutton Place in Toronto. The event was the pre- sentation of a film called, 'Go Dunnies. Go', to the Hockey Hall of Fame by Dunlop president, Brian E. James, to Hockey Hall of Farne curator, M.H. (Lefty) Reid. Dunnies Anîong the refturting t)unn les wcrc Wren Blairt who was General Man- ager, H-arr-y Sinden who was tearn captain, now coach of Teamn Canada, and Bob Attersiey. The Whiitby Dunlops *won the World Inter- national Hockey Chani- pionship in Oslo in 195 8 by soundly defeating the Russian team four to two. The film is about the Dunnies successful Go!"P winls 1)uinlg tlle recep)tioni and p)resenita'tioni,tlie 1illil was screencd in aanother roomn l'or guests and visit- ing Whitby Dunnies to watch. Withi the Russians having been in Toronto over the past week try- ing to defeat the Can- adian team, hockey fever ran high and the spirit "Go Dunnies Go" rose again. Vol 2 --NO 36 THURSDAY SOpt.7th .1972 FREE .HOME oELSvE aE j olin G-ood\v iii laughied. Bob A ttersley remion- strated. Tonm -ldward(s polit icked. NMickey, Mac(*,arl daydreaîned (or appeared to: the clerk hiad to cal ou t bis naie t brice Milen thfe final vo te was being recordcd. and even then the cou ncillor regîstered biis biesi ,tii. leav ing the imipression lieh ail torgot teîî 'or the lu mu te hlow lie liai votecd . (;errx' LAnnm fromi thle norili ward coulcil 't or woidi(* answer a question directeil to b un ii rouglb the chair hy a tax- payer. Aindl Des Ne\vnîaîî once aigaîn got bis owiî way. The municipal building will bie solîl froîn îî nier the towîî fatliers' very latîrels to the librarv boardl, a couîî ni i ttee recoin nîeîîdatioî n made in a n iii camiera sessîoîî being eîîdorseîl by couîîcil. Th1e prici' tag l'or a library at the preseîît tow n liai I is S 275,000, wlîiclî. as ('ouîîicillor Bob Attersley poin'ted oI. coitîcides witli the t'igure preViOLISly approved by the Onîtario Municipal Board for the library facility. "Disgusted." "FTed uip." "This is a dictatorshîp!" These were tlic general coninmeîts to be heard at town hall following the draniatic, open session. "I neyer thouight i'd live to sec this kind of admnini- stration iii Whitby," said a saddened, elderly lady in leaviîîg the couincil chamrber. The gathering, which was advertised in the local papers as a "speciai public mneeting" followed regui- lar counicil procedure with couincil mnaking decisions WithoLît public participation, and would have ap- peared fairly 'miilk aîîd toast' to the onllooking crowd uintil thie very Iast recoîîînîeîdation iin a ten poiiît reconiîîeîdatioîî report previouisly prepared by thie Operatins ('ommnittee. The last recommendatioli reads, "that the existiiîg munîicipal buiilding be sold to the library board and thiat counicil lease back suicl sucli administrative office space t'rom the library board as nîay be agreed uipoî. The puiblic works and planning departments wouid bc traîîsferred hein- porariiy to the administration building in Brookiin. - The police buiilding was barely menhioîîed in debate, aîd wMien couincil's iîîteîîtion to seli hie presetit town hiall to thlIbrary board, eveîî tlîough Nuîîîber 9 iii the coinînittce's recoinniîeidat ion sîîg- geshed a iniinicipal buildiung deferral, several coLin- cillors féIt that this was just a roundaboLît way of gctting a new muinicipal building in towîî by hood- w ink ing the public, and a counicil uiebate foilowed. 0f the thiree who st renuously oppiosed thee move f*or the selI oui (Bobi Attersley. Gerry ('ox and Jimi M tisseim an). Bob A ttersley \vas most expressive. M r. A tterslev ternned the new move in ibis direction "a lhoodlwîniking of'tlhe council and of' the puiblic." "By sellirig this building to th i ibrry board you are 1'orcing the nex t countcil to build one ini the very neaîr 1'u Lu re.' lie sa id. -l is conmmîent,t.' s bood- \viiking and utaway of' getting thîe new municipal building iin \Vhitb y."pr-oipitecl anloutburst of baud clappîn)ilg Which contiffued a fuIIlI ite a'ter the angrv councîllor resumed biis seat. Mr. Attersley also broughit oui the fact the inayor hiad gone to approachi the muniiicîial board soîîîe tinie earlier to bave the puIblic hearing whichi was schieduled September 13 cancellcd, and to seek its advice on the S I 60,000 proposedi expcîîditure to be uised for the Brooklin Arena. He was also able to get a public concession froin the miayor Iliat if thîe 0MB nîled .against the $ 160,000, the money would be coming froîîî the Whitby tax- payers' pockets. "lî's like selling youir home withouit a place to go." said Counicillor Gerry Cox, supporting Atters- ley's remonistration. Suiggesting thiat the couincil could still hiave a plebiscite, whiichi lie said nothini'g was stoppinig. lie also added. "We in a sense are die- tatiig lhere." "We nieed a library, we nleed a police buiilding and we need anl arenia," said Couincillor Jîi Mussel- miln 'buit we will îiot need a town hall three, fouir or l'ive years from n ow. Comncil is tying the library andi to\vn hall iin oie package and ini so doinig, is comnittiîng aniothier counICÎi 1 building a new town h ail." ",The imunicipal building lias simply oLutgrown the town," said Reeve Tomi Edwards suipporting the motioni. "But let's not hiave any suibterfuige," lie added, indicating that there was menit ini the fact that tliis meeting was bcing hield in the fuill glare of public scnîitiny. Emotion running rampant, the Free Press did the major part of its interviewing the following CONTINUES ON PAGE 9 A large crowdl listene(l as council debated the pros and cons of seiling the present town hail to the library board at a special meeting liîed in council dianibers Tuesday nigl. 1ilarry Sinden kift and Bob Attersley righit w:îit Briani James, President Or'Dunllop (Wliitby branchi) ut a reunion oftheUi Dunnies hieid iii Toronto lasi eck. "I e sl Fa s Ri

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