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Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1972, p. 19

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WiiTHY 1IRl I-J' PR î:SS, TII URSI)AY, SI:PTIMBI:R 7, 1972, PAGI. 19 CLASSIFIEDt Automobiles SALES SERVICE PARTS KINGvAB LIMITED 723u1176 1962 Chev. 2 DHI 283. Just had 65 GMC step van in excellent tuneup.Goodtirs. PS. earcondition. Sun roof, rebuilt en- tuno up.f Goodti. P8327.Rargine. Asking $69500. Phone windw dfrot. 68-377. 668-9775, N otice THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT NOTICE 0F APPLICATION Liceeîsiîg District No. 7. 1'AKE NOTICE tîîat Theodorus A-C. Bardoul ai the Town ot Wh itb)y ÃŽinthe C('au nîvaf Ontario xviliImake application at a Special Mveetîing of the LiqILîor Licence Boardl ot'Oritarlo ta be hieîd at the ROYAL CANA- DIAN LEGION ýAUDITORIUM', -17 Mtîrrav Street, ini the City of Peterborougli in the ('ounty ol P)eter- borotîgh on TLesda\' the third day of'October. 1972. at the hour of 1:-30 o'cîock D.S.T. in the af'tcrnoon f'or thec issLîance of' a DINING LOUNGE LICENCE. FOR THE SALE AND CONSUMPTION 0F LIQUOR WHERE FOOD IS AVAILABLE for thec folîowing premises: WHITBY MA LL RESTAURANT Iocatedl at . 1625 Thickson Roadl. South. Whithy. heing a restauîran t presenlty located inî Whitb)y Mail Plaza and carrying on business conveviîw mneals and food ta the public. Anv persan who is resident ini the icensîng dis- trict îuay ab ect ta the applicatilon, and thle grounîds of objection ini writing shall be f-iled with Mr. Hi. Browne. the acting depu.ty registrar of the icensfing dlistrict. whose address is 55 Lakeshore Boulevardl E-ast. I oronto _2, Ontaria. ut Ieast teli days before the mneet ing a t wh ich the' application is ta b he ard. DATEI) at Whithy this -29t h day of August, 1 Theodorus A.G. Bardoul, 16-25 Thickson Souîth. Wlitby, Ontario. 9 72.- RÃ"acI. HOUSES WANTED .,SU1 LIV AN R E ALTO R Box 301, 218 Dundas Street East Whitby, Ontarîo LTD. Houses Wanted W. Urgently Require flouses in the wHiTBy AREA. If You Want to SeUl Yours, PLEASE CALL US. 668-882<6 FOR MORTGAGES ALWAYS DEAL WITH A MEMBER 0F THE ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS ASSOCIATION our member(s) in your area: RAE R. JONES & SON REALTY LTD. 122 Brock Street South, Whitby .15 WORDS FOR $1 MM, ADVANCE 'SERVICES SMITII-CGRGNA haler NEWANS OFFICE EQUIPMENT 117~"q~est. W Wholesale! Beef sides or quarters, cut and wrapped faor freezer. CalI l655-3326, ARTICLES POU SAlI I . I .iiriolylollrlAl ADVERTISING I MOR1TGAGES ANNOUNCING LOW COSI MORIGAGE LOANS THAT CAN PAY OFF ALL YOUR BILLS - AND CUl YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS IN HALF OR LESS. In other words you can make one re- duced payment a month instead of many. For Sale - Fleetwood 23" T.V. Combination Hoover Portable Va- cuum. 1971 Mini Bike - Best Offer 668-8907 Walsh Ponies - Excellent with chîl- dren - One Seveni year mare, two year old filly - $125.00 each 665- 3395. Bamboo Bar, Arborite Top. 2 Shelves at rear. Almost new. $15.00. Cali 668-2515. For Sale - New and used va- cuum cleaners. Repairs to ail makes. Free estimates. Pick up and delivery. Cal 723-5541. Shag - Broadloom - Moss Green- Barrymore - 2 pieces - 12' X 21%. 10' X 8', 2' X 8' - Fully Bound - Underpaddîng. Tel: 668-9829 New & Used Vacuum Cleaners, Repairs to ail makes. Free Pick- up, Delivery & Estimnates. Phone 668-6672 - Evenings. 13 foot Cabin Trailer, Stove, Ice Box, Electric Brakes, Front Awn- i ng, Asking $1500. Phone: 668-6686 HOUSES FOR SALE Bungalow aluminum storms and screens. Cernent block garage 24 by 36. Paved drive, large lot. Floor covering, drapes and antenna included. For informat- ion phone 668-4829 after 8 p.m. For Sale - Building, 7V' X 8!6', New Painted Change House, Ski- Doo, Tools - Price: $275.00. Cal: 655-3754, 24 Baldwin St., Brooklin. Baby sitting in my home days. Mon. to Fri. Phone: 668-8694. WHITBY - Pre-School Children. Will babysit in your home day or evening. Downtovvn area. Cali 668-4252 anytime. Have you ever wanted to be- corne a beauty consultant, but don't want to do demonstrat ions door to door? Weil, we are a unique companv with a unique marketing plan. For more in- formation and personal inter- view, write "HELP WANTED" P. O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. For Sale 1971 Concorde Mobile Home. 36' X 8' - Furnished, fully equipped- 668-5192 or Lot 18 Subway Trailer Park. Beautiful custom made drapes 250' X 95", Bluish green wîth gold mixture - $365 nevv - asking $45.00. 668-2515. For Sale - Kingsize bedspread- W hite Chenille S$15.00. 30" bed wîth mattress $10.00. Cali fter 4 p.m. - 655-4264. Upright piano. Good Condition. Cali728-0642. Accordian and Case $80. - 668-6143. UIELP WANTED Help Wanted - MaIe or Female Full time or pari time. We're lookîng for energetic people 18 Vears and over with car to seil and service our products. Our commissions are very liberal. For more informnation cal 723- 5541. Volta of Canada. 325 Simcoe South, Oshawa. WANTED: Retired or active farmers to car- ry our newest varieties of Forage seeds and corn hybrids. Spare- imne, good additional income, no investment, no hard seil. Write to-day to WHITBY FREE PRESS, Box 206, Whitby, Ont. 15 WORMS FOR $1, IN AWANCE maxilmum of 5 weeks. <03.) <4loi5. ne co- -la Owtieoe MAIL TO WHTM FREE PRES BOX 206, WHITBY A*nwhiowuS oe uus usPm mm . Vmroe et theU tlo'sri NAME.................. ...... ADDRESS-------------- P.O.----------------- PHONE NO. ............. - ...... ____________________________ _____________________________a I 2nd, MORIGAGE MONEY .5 YEAR TE RM OfPEN MORTGAGES *NO BONUSES 14 NO;REDIT CHECKS *NO INQUIRV 0F NEIGHBOURS eCONFIDENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE IN YOW? OWN HOME *BORROW AS LITTLE AS $1 ,600 *FAST SERVICE CALL Mr. Wiflks 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto APARTMENTS FOR RENT Home and Grocery on Highway apt. - suitable for sr. citizens <Res- at Myrtle Station. Only $33,500. ponsible) persons -rent reasonable ]?osslynn Armns Apts. * OSHAWA'S MOST GRACIQUS LIVING * ELECTRICALLY HEATED This Is a superirýr building, well htioît anid excellently main- toined-ond caters to those people requiring a better woy cf living. NO LASr MONTHi'S RINT REQUIRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 If No Anser .579-1413 NOW RINTINO oxford towers in Ajax 2 - 3 Bedrooms from $180. Feoturlng *Outdoor Swimming Pool 'Sauna Rooms 'A recreotion Room * Porty Rooni *En Suite Storoge *'En Suite Heat Control *'A 20" x5/6/ Bolcony Close to: *Shopping Contre *Public, separate, High & vocotiomal Schools *Trhe commun ity Centre *Modern Ajax H ospitalI *Public 'Transportation 'Go-Train Faclitiez and the 40t highway 942-1861 or 964-3974 OSHAWAI POST OXFORDI * SALES te . CiTY OFFI*CE- ~ HALL - - - - MARWOOD AVE. SOUTHL TORONT IiMLzALL e,. <e e,. e,, '-'I I KING ST. 1. OSHAWA fi MILE RAS? Of NARMONY RD.) a à a= âý Here's What to Do to Get A Low-Cost Mortgage Loan Cali, Write or corne in. The service is fast, so make your New Start today. We've helped home-owners through- out Ontario consolidate their dsbts this easy way and everything is con- fidential. mmýj - -1

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