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Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1972, p. 4

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P>AGE, 4, TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMIW'R 7, 1972, WHITUYYJ'REE PR[ESS TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE of a PROPOSE D AMENODMENT TO THE OFFICIAI PLAN of the TOWN 0F WH IT BY P LAN NI1NG AR EA <Coverlng those lands formeriy known as the Town of Whitby) The purpose of this Notice is to obtain the par- ticipation and co-operation of the residents of the Municipaiity ln determining the solution Of probiems of matters affecting the deveiopment of the Planning Area. 1. PURPOSE 0F THE AMENDMENT a) To change the designation of certain roads on Scheduie "B" to the Officiai Plan. b) To rearrange the road alignments and the designation of certain lands as green beit, institutional and low density residentiai ln the new subdivision west of Annes Street. c) To change the designation of certain lands on the west side of Garden Street im- mediateîy north and south of the CPR track f rom Restricted industrial to Low Density Residentiai.1 2ROADS AFFEÇTED a) Hickory Street and proposed northerly extension. b) Walton Boulevard and proposed,,southerly extension. 3. PROPOSED POLICY a) That Schedule "B'* ta the Officiai Plan is hereby amended by changing the designation from circulation road ta local road, the foiiowing: b) 1) Hickory Street and northerly extension, il) Waiton Boulevard and southerly ex- tension. c) That Schedule ""A" to the Officiai Plan is hereby amended by .changing the désignation from Institutional to green beit, from Low Density Residential to Institutional and from institutional to Low Density Residential, the lands marked G, 1 and R, respectively in Schedule "A" to this notice. That Schedule ý"A" to the Off iciaI Plan is hereby amended by changing the designation from Restricted Industrial to Low Density Residential the lands marked R In Schedule ý"B," to this notice. The Town of Whitby Planning Board will be pleased to receive any written comments or questions on the proposed amendments f rom the affected or interested inhabitants of the Municipaîity. The last date for f iling commrrents with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning Board will be September l2th, 1972 on which date there wlll be a Public Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Counicil Chambers of the Municipal Building, at which the proposed amendments will be discussed. AIl materiai f iled concerning this amendment is on f ile and open to publ ic Inspection at the off ice of the Secretary-Treasurer'of the Planning Board in the Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. DR. K.C. HOBBS CHAI RMAN. DR. M. MICHAEL, SEÈCRETARY-TREASUREIl DU"St. E.JL Burns St. SCHEDULE "B" _____________________i SCHEI3.ULE "A" BIRD 'S EYE VIEW -J/M QI/AI Don't youi just love Saturday! After a liard weok it's great la sit arouind on a Saturday with a cold drink and listeji ta Ite grass grow. Having liad considerable practice sittiiig around Iislening tathie grass grow 1I have dis- covered saine peculiar peculiaritios about that green substance known as grass. One of the first things I Iearned about grass is thal in the be- ginning of the summer it looks like the devil. No matter how muLch you look after it and fertilize it, the resuits arecIthe sanîe---brown patches of' grass tlhinly spread amiong the crabgrass. However about, mid-summier whien it's lîime for houise pain ting and hiedge cuitting and a mny- riad of other chores the grass cornes uip like gang- busters. You can't kilt il. Sanie of nîy best grass is growing on nîy patio. It springs uip between the patio slabs ini the cracks auid even stove ail .won't kilI il any mare. 1 even sat ouit an the patio and talked ta it and pretended 1I wanted grass to erow on fihe patio figurine it wouild îiîniediately die but noa chance! I t beats nie wliat the grass is eveti grow- ing ini becauise 1 figaisred the an t s h :îl renioved all tlîe saud anid dirt under the Ixitio slahs long ago. About the ornlv nice thintg1 I oLd sZIV about a is Iliat t hev're isîdustriauis. lui f'act thlev 're so iiu- dustrnousIS 'ni thinking of* con tract ing tlîem ou t for sewer work. Bts t tlhe grass is the biggest problemi. 1h ÎInSt grows and graws. On a quLiet nighît îtîe noise is deafening. Whenever 1I hear that ane of' hee neigli- bouir's kids is mnissing 1 niake a vow ta gel mit and cut the grass soniîe day. Sitting tucre qutietIy ini the dark of' tle tool shed 1 don't know how niy Iawnnîiower knows the nionumiental job awaiting it outside but be- hievoinie it knows. Since thie lawnîiower is quite anicient, it requiires a cord ta start it and nîy first chore is ïindîing the cord. Thîe darsi thîisg nîust be part snake the way it sneaks off just whien 1 need it. Eventually I [mnd the cord huddling in a dark corner trying ta change its colour ta, matchi the surrounîd ings. When 1 finally gel the cord wound araunci the tlywheel th1e mower knows 'this is it' and it freezes up. On rny tîrst puill 1 never get it ta turii over more than three revoluitio'tîs. The second pull almost always resuits in a weak coughi and the occasional wheeze or two. On! an average grass cutting session, the car- burretor fouis up at toast once and about every second session the gas tank falîs off. l'ni for- ever inaking ncw braces and parts because I know thoere's no hope of getting new parts. Besidles the way 'it sheds pieces 1 wouild be spending a for- tLine on new parts. Aîiot ber favouirite trick of the miower is ta kick off its spark plug wire leaving the enigine deaci within seconds. 0f' couirse the wire always falis off' in sucli a way tliat it doesn't really look like it lias fallen off' unless youi take a 'close in- spection. l've been caughit that way two or three limies. The resuilt is always the sanie. 1 figure it's ouit of gas s0 I fuI it i) and çu11 niy ams off trying ta restart it before I try the choke and then proceed ta flood the dayligls out of it. Wlien 1 eventuially get the fool thi,îg going it sniokes anîd chiokes aiid hisses for f'ive minutes and refuses ta eut grass uintil ail te excess gas and ail a.re butrtîed uip. 1 doui't know wliy I even bothier withi the drattedI thing except for the fact thiat it sure keeps miy arnis ini shape. If tlîey ever hiave a lawiin nower starting chiaiiipiousli ip ini Ie talu mu iV'ni a suire f'avou irite to be,. ti oLit Suoo0pv. lu the nieaii tiimie i 'iii lookinme forward ta ,ii eairly - [-aill n hopes (lhe stu pici grass will die otit early for \Vint er and l Il b)e able to Iook oit niv front wi ndow aiid scethle 5I sh msiie againi. Util thentii tiuik lIli jst spiend m iy Saitur- davs lazine arouîid with ai cold drink af aid t'rot hiîigslasiî ind liste ning ta the grass graw. Now anid t heu Mhen I 've liad 100 iich ta drink IVve b)een known ta stagger au t 0onthe lawn and chioke a couple af' blades of* grass with mny bare hiands bu t tlîey gag SO muLch and screiimi that 1 always have nlighitniares remieiiiberîing those dying SOUMndS sa I've hiad ta refrain froin that particular uirge. Now Y'ou kno1W Why 1 I send sa nîuLch tiiime ini the xvater shiooting rapilids and scuba diving. I t's because water is bluie anîd a relax ing cOlOLir ta mie whiereas greenî reîîîinds nie of grass and 1 get ex tremiely uplset! Wouildn't youI ......

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