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Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1972, p. 5

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When Whit by "C onfi'd on cel" When one thiinks horses, the Town or Whiitby- unless you are advanced in years-rare- iy cornes to mind. But fifty-eighit years ago, in the week between Aug- ust 13 to 210 ini 1914, the Town of Whitby held a resoundingiy success- fui horse show whieh at- tracted the best of its day in horsetlesh with Sir Clifford Sifton's High Jumnp Champion horse of the world, "Confi- dence." Only throughi the County Town's deep- seated Pride whiich hlad a reputation througiott the county, were the dedicated hiorse commit- tee and thie local couin- cil able to mnake thieir 2Ind Annual Horse Shiow sonethng hatwould be ernrnbredthrougli- out the province f'or mnany days to corne. 0f the high calibre Sifton horses entered ini jumnp conipetition, Con- fidence, Skyscraper and Hercules. ail in that day hiad heard of the world highi juinping chiampion i f horse. Confidence. and thousands poured into place in Whiitby silice the i st Annual Wlhitby Horse Show hiad been hield one year before. For the se- cond show, hiowever, everythiing owing to tlie succcss offthe fîrst shiow. was donc on a nucli larger seule. The second hiorse show drew thec linest froiniwcll known stables tîcar and lar, and j, along wittiidte Si flon en- tries., verc representa- tives frorn the stables of' Crow & Murray. Suniny- brook Farms, Cunber- land, Meadowbrook and Langton. The shiow it- self was extended frorn two to three days witlî a new rash of keenly coveted prizes. Below froni te pen of an early journalist with the old 'Clîronicle & Gazette' flows an ac- coutît of ail the colour and atmosphere the horse show broughit to f the County Town. ."The horse is kinîg in Wlitby thiis week and none is too high or noble to do him reverence. Peo- pie from every part of the County and a num- ber from more distant parts of the province mnade Whitby their Mec- ca, ail because of the presence of man's friend, sufficient indication of' the top notchi quality of the horses. In addition to these entries, lîow- ever, were a large nui-- ber of sinaller stables. which swelled the ranks of the contestants to a goodly îîumber in each event. The efftorts of' the of- ficers have been in tiriîîg to secure the best pos- sible for th<., show. The grounds were nîiost artistically decor- atcd. The entrance arcli t'roni Brock Street was a bowver of' evergrecn, it intertwined withi the Horse ShIow cOolors ot* purpie and gold. The JUdg'es' stand in tUic cen- tre of' tie ring as ailso decorated witlî die col- ours. lIn rouit of* the stanîd was an array of' cups given ini varioLis events. Thie grand stand was fitted Lup With hffty boxes and accomîmoda- tion f'or about 500 seats in addition. Music was supplied by the 34th Regimental Band, and a refreshrnent booth was conducted by Charles Tod. The classes that proved most iuteresting on Weduîesday were the hunters. The last event on the prograni, open to ail, was contested by twenty-seven hiorses, and this dispiay alone was well worth tlue price of admissionî. Tliirteen Sif- ton horses noted over the continent for their jumping abiity and uine Kilgour (Sunnybrook Farm) horses were the contestants.. "TheWasp", a Sifton entry was the winner. OnIy five liorses went over the entire course withiout touching the barriers, and of these three, Sifton hiorses were awarded places. Tour- aine, winner of' the Heavyweight ,Hunters was awarded oniy thiird place in this event. In interest to the spec- tators, the high jumnp far surpassed any other class in the three-days- prograrn. There were eight entries and the event occuipied anl hour. The jurnps cornmenced at four feet six inches, and were raised six in- eues. and were raised six inches at a tirne up to six feet. ('ver this mnark the lieight was in- creased by smaller dis- tances. The Sifton hors- es, Confidence, Sky- scraper and Hercuiles, anîd (row & Muirray's Stratheclair very soon ouItclassed the others, and the con test was left ho theun. (Contidence is the champion hiigh ýjunii- per of' the orld. and the per ofthe %vorld, and the Wasp is also "'soini Ln- lier". Stratheclair. ofl whonî httie hiad been lîcard, proved the suir- prise anîd defighit of the spectators,however. At six feet eighit inches all of the horses had diffi- cultv in clearing, but eventualiy succeeded in doing so. When the jump was raised to six ten, some of them balked, and absoiutely refused to jump. The finest cup pre- sented during the show was given by W. F. Eaton, for the best performance over six jumps. The cup was an immense silver one, valued at $ 100. The winner was Liberty, of Su nnybrook Farms, Jo- seph Kilgour's beautiful place at Eglinton. Mr. Eaton's daughter pre- sented the cup. The total cash prizes offered at the show amnounted to $2,109. Tiiere were seventeen cups, one gold medal and two silver medais also offered, which ran the total value of prizes Llp to $3,000. The prograrn con- tained a list of 326 en- tries in the fifty-six classes. With the post Had entries, the nurnk would be over 350. Th! is as cornpared with 1 7ý last year. An increasg ovr100'/, in the nurr ber of entries is caus( for congratulation. Total attendance foi the three days must hav. been between four anc five thousand. Lord Kitchener, Sii Henry Peilatt's beautifu hiarness horse, said to bc the finest in Canada, wac entcred ini several events. but owing to lamienesý did niot compete. Guaranteed I nvestment Certif icates nlowi Get yours today at ... WICTORL4an îEGREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 3 DLJNDAS ST. W WHITBV 668-9324 id is e 1- ;e )r ýe d. r il is WIIITIBY ["RJ':lI. PRI-LSS,' TlIIUSDAY, SEPTEMI3ER 7, 1972, PAGES BERN lES MOTOR SALES A4uTHORizFD SALES Amoricmn Motors WATCH FOR OUR '73's 6826 A FEW '72's LEFT 6826 BASEL/VE ROAD AT WH/T'BY-P/CKERIVG TOWNL/NVE i Now you may borrow with confidence.. in W hit b y ..the oldest and Iargest Company of its kind is here Burrow with confidence ..a. look for the HFC sign of prompt, courteous, trustworthy money service BORROW Up TO $1OOOO REAL ESTATE LOANS ARE AVAILABLE (Special Rates) We think you will like doiîîg business with the newest office of HFC-Househoid Finance. You arrange your boan in bright, cheerful surroundings. The HFC manager will give you the miost helpfui service possible. He's a specia-ýlist in nmaking instalment boans, and he will iandie your account with couisideration and understandiuîg fot only when you niake a oan, but ail along the line. In fact, HFC serves more than !2 million Canadians like you every year-and two out ôf three new customers corne to Househoid on the recom- miendation of friends. Visit H FC's new office today or phone if more convenient. AprIy for your loan by poe we' I supply your loan by mail. BORROW UP TO 510,00 Trake up to 84 months to repay Lfe insurance available on boans ati ow group rates. Nol @ OUSEHOLD FINANCE eoam"4<Qa a~ HOUSEMOLO REALTY CORPORATION LIMITED Whitby Whitby Mail Shopping Centre (on the mail, noar Woolco) Telephone 723-8101 ours: Mon. to Thurs., 9.30 a.m. ta 5.30. p.m.-Fri., 9.30 a.m. ta 6.30 p.m.-SaI. closed OSHAWA Suite 208, Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-1138 (Norfhwost corner over Fairweather's> 5 Simcoe Street-Telephone 725-6526 (Jusl South of King) AJAX 66 Harwood Ave. South-Telephone 942-6320 -- Ait%! Shopping Centre) Annual Whitby Horse Show <1914). 71 «"- ý

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