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Whitby Free Press, 7 Sep 1972, p. 6

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'AiGI; 6, 'I'IURSIAY, Sl>-Pl'lMIWR 7, 1972, WH111BY FREE PRI1SS COUNCIL GIVES 0K TO SELL TOWN HALL As a result of' necetings hield by the Council il, CoinîI i t tee-of-thie-W hole on August 2lst, August 23rd and Auigust 28th, 1972-, the Comimittee-of- the-Whiole recommended adoption of the followîing whiich was endorsed by council at the special public meeting hield at town hall Tuesday night. RECOMMENDATIONS I. That tie Operations Conmmittee be enîpowered to negotiate a contract and to place orders for the, construction of the Brooklin Arena at a cost not to exceed $160,000.00, work to be completed to insure skating facilities on Novenîber lst, 1972. 2. -That the Director of Public Works and the Chairinan of the Public Works Department be authorized to aqcept the lowest acceptable tender to demolish the ýondemnned portion of tlîe Whitby Community Arena. 3. That the Town advertise for the sale of the entire parcel of land on which the arena is situated. Proposais to be invited regard ing the use of'tlîe samne by means of a tender with a closing date of Sept- enîber 22nd, 19721 at 2-:00 p.m. AIl interested persons wlîo made previous ixiqLiries to the Council to be advised and invited to ptt'orwaird their proposaIs. 4. Tlîat tlîe Special Arena Conîmittee report on tlîr tinancial requiremnents for an Arena and duit Cotin- cil miake application to the Ontario Municipal Board for suicb additionat capital requiiremients ini 1972 to guarantee a new Arena to be operational by Septem ber 1973. 5. Thiat the construction of a new Arenat receive first priority and a new swimmring pool second priority and a mneeting be beld with the Y.M.C.A. to discover their swimming pool plans. 6. That the (1ouncil procecd with the con- struction of a new Police Buiilding on the Rossland Roïad site as soon as necessary clearances have been obtained. 7. That the Municipal Building project be deferred and the construction bylaw be rescinded with the Ontario Municipal Board to bc advised accordingly. 8. That the capital ltmds of $375,000.00 al- located for the proposed Municipal Building be reassigned for the construction of a new Arena by the Council. 9. That the Public Works and Planning Depart- mients be transferred temporarily to the Adminis- tration Building in Brooklin. 10. That the existing Municipal Building be sold to the Library Board and that Couincil lease back sucb administrative office space from the Library Board as rnay be agreed Lipon. LIBRARY BOARD ENTHUSED WITII1 TOWN HALL SITE "*Both the consultant and the architect acting on behaîf of the library board l'or a new library f'acility came back with enthusiastic reports on seeing tlie towil hall proposed site,"' hairmian of' the Library Board, Mrs. Joan Edwards told die Whiitby Free Press. "Thie îown hiall site is the best possible l'or a new ibrary. We're cramiped where we are now. Thie couincil cliambers wouid niake a miagnif'icent roomi large enough tor meetings and l'or youtb p roj ect s." The library' woutd be prepared toninove int the town hall thirty days afiter it is vacated [)y town administration. shie said. Mrs. Edwvards was îîot able 10 suy ut press time thle estimiated cost of' renovations i n tu rnînig tie town hall int a libra ry faci liby'. and suid shie JA m A T HR E E Man S 'how v JAM, a tîre mni show conisistiiig of"the works of' Audrey Mac- Lean, MaulLreeti Reninlg- gon and Janet Fergusonl opens5 Friduvy, Septeni- ber 8 ut Ithe Wlîithy' Arts St at ion1. M rs. Mac Lea n con- centrales on the tliun lorni andi works inainly ini oiis and in,k and brusti. Old buildinîgs, land- scapes andi tlowers in (lts andtacrylics \vill be dispiayed by Maureen Reningtoni and Janet Ferguson bas p'e pu red al spec ial il isplay of' lîi'r mut i-nîedi, ia ois,, and ac- rylics,watercoiou r anld iîk landscapes undt abstracts. Tlue c internationaliy could sec no reason why the public would not want a library at that particular site. WHAT THE 0MB SAID Ontario Municipal Board Chairman, George Kennedy acknowledged a meeting withi Whitby Mayor Newman regarding a cancellation of the planned Public Hearing scheduled for September 13 on Wednesday. The chairman said any municipal counicil is perfectly within the boundaries of municipal law in cancelling a public hiearing without the know- ledge of the people it serves. The only recourse available 110W to citizen objectors lie suggested, is cither througli a solicitor or the Dept. of Treasury, Economnics and Inter- governmiental affairs. ...AND THE NEXT NIOINING There was no opportunîty for the people to talk to Mayor Des Newman following the dramiatic Tuesday nighit public meeting at town hlai. Min- uîtes after the mieeting was adjouirned, the mayor joined his counicil in a room off' the council chami- bers whiere lie conduicted an in camiera session. The followîng miorning the Free Press was tlooded witlî incomning telephione clits fromi out- raged citizens who hiad attended the previous night 's mieeting. The paper tried uintil IlunIch timie to reachi his worship ltor a statemient, and was told by town hiall staff lie was cithier "buisy"' or "at a mieeting" A nieni ber of- the Free Press staff waiting ouit- side the clerk's office on an errand, hiearci the miayor tell staff hie wouilc take no phione cuits. Whien thie mayor was linally contacted at biis buisinless i11Ajax, lie told thie Free Press editor thie mieeting wi th 0MB chuairian Gi('eorge Kennedy took place '-eithier last \veek or the week before?" and tliut il was ut îended bv inîiscîf'. (lerk B iii Wallace and Ireasu rer Forhes McFEweni. Whien askecl l'or biis reactioli to tie commnents ai tow n hall regard ing 'c ictittorsh ip'. lie sa id lie was unanware of thei. "A nd il' I hiad hieard themi. 1 woLIld have tuken thiem from \vhere thiey camie. lie sad. k nown art ist, Alex M il- diegrees ini Toronto. Lon- ler wîl I open t he ex- don ( L-ngland ) and Me\- hibition. NMr. Miller lias ico City. BROOKLIN REPAIR SHOP 8 Roebuck St. NEW and USED Lawn Mowers and Bicycles " SOLO and REPAIRED X BASEBALI and LACROSSE EQUIPHENT- Lawn Mowers Sharpened Gllass Cuting STORJE LOCATION OSHAWA 723-0553 4.88 KiNG ST.W. MIDWAY'DATSUN f.rm.rly ZOILTAN & NICKS Now Locat.d at 1300 Dundas East, Whitby, Ont. éms»668-6828-

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