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Whitby Free Press, 14 Sep 1972, p. 13

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ACTIVITY CHA MPIONSHIPS Wlitby's iast r*eîinlinlg ope for a provincial base- bail titie went Ooit the winldwon th de weekend( wlien the Canmad ian Tire M idgets lost ýa pair of gamlles to Stratford to bow out of' the 72 basebaîl pictître. The Canad ian Tire club hiad taiken the series opener ini Wbitby a week ago bu t ad lost the inmportan t toss of the coin and had to play the final two games ot the set in Stratford. The first gaine ended 3-2 withi the Tiremen ini front, they lost the second 6-0, forcing a third and final gaine on Sunlday wh ich turned out to bie a ten inning thriller witbl the home- town Kroehilers comling oLît 1-0 winners, and w inning a berth in the Ail-On tario finals. Inî the second game. played on Sat. the Canad ian Tire club nianaged only one hit off the offerings of' Larry Land retli, rated as oneC of' the top pitcbing prospects in Ontario. Robbie Craigen with a double was the only Wliitby hitter to get to the bard tbrowing Stratford hur-ler. Flarold Moore on the mnou nd tor Wl'î itby camne throughi witb a solid pitcbing chore, but the lack of' anv offense by the Tirenîien spelfed defeat. Tbe two cluibs went back at it on Sunday in Stratford and througbi nine innings battled eachi other iin a scoreless gaine. Hlar- old Moore. playing left fi eld and Dave Sorichetti at short stop) camne up witb oiitstzind ingil defensive inoves whicbi kepit the Kroebilers fromi scoring, John Turner. on the înoînd for Whitby gaIve Lup ten bits. and bad the only bit of' tbe gaine for the Tiremnen a single offt winning pitcher Brad Salter. wbo toiledtfor- the first nine innings and xvas rciieved by Landretb iin the tentb. In the tenth Wbitby tlîi'eateiîed and badic a inan a t third bu t a st rikeon t ended the tlbreat and thle hall gaine. CANAi)IAN TIRE In spite of' their fa,'iluire to go furtber iin the O. BA. playof'fs the ('anad ian Tire cIlub ba1d a great year. They enlded up a .S leaIgLe leaders. dlefezitcd Port Hope for the E.O.B.A. Midget A crownl and biad an oLItstand Linlg ear iin tou rna',iinent play. I n the ('olliiîgwood ToLItrney tbev xvent riglit to the final where they were defeaited by the sanie Strafford clu b whbichi eliin ina ted tbeini froin thle O. B.A. . and iin the Osliawai-Wlii tb toit inaien t leld thle re Iin iîily tbey caine througb with an otuîstanding per- t'oriniance to once again go riglit to the 1final bef'ore being knocked out, and gained the paiisOf'thie cro\vdls \wbo a ttendcd for t bei r inspi red play. Thle area's fi rst Ban itain FlouLegue Tonrnaiîeîît tUii red on]t to be a treiendouIS SUccess. and xviii certaiinly becoinle Ja1 n1anil e ent. The fi nal cine saw \two the -ý BRINOS E.OOB.A TO WHITBY Wbiitby clubs, Custoru Flouse aiîd Canada Year Book battlîig for the ('ham.iipionisbip witil Custonli Hoîise emergiuig 4-3 wimners iin a treinendons gaine whicbi endced oni an exciting ilote witb a gaine endinig triple play. The enithusiasnî anid excellen t calibre of' play was a big factor ini niaking the tourniey sucb a sitc- cess. lu tbe opeing round Cnd Year Book eliîni- riated JUry anid LovelI, Bowmaniville ousted Oshawa Sklar, AjaIx dt.înîped McM illani Orchards, while Cuts- tom flouse disposed of' Ajax to enter the finals. The finial gaine betweeni Customi Flouse anid the Caniada Yearbook clubs proved to be anl excitirig affair, with both teains d isplayinlg a surprisinig branid of'basebal 1, anid ('istonî flouse enierged the victors. LAS(X) STEELERS lii E.O.B.A. Bantain actionl the Lasco Steefers have a 2-1i lead iin tbe best 0f lfive series agaist the Osbawa Legioinaires. Tbe Legîinaires bad taken the serieshead, wining the openier 10-4, bu t the Steel- ers fougbit back to square the series takinig tbe se- conid gaine I15-8. Dave Allenl camne up with a staidouit pitchînig ebore, giving up f tive bits anid strikiuig out 18 Oshawa batters on i hs way to the victory. Kevin Roche wbo bas be-,en swiniging a ILusty bat for the Steeleî's bad a triple andl tbree sinigles, Steve Sargin- soni bad a doLIble and two sinigles, Dave Wall con- tribnted tWO (doubles, Steve Tbwaites aid I)ave Allen eacbi a pair of' sinigles, wbile George Hicks camne tbrougb witb a dIouble and Steve Tutton aiid Cain O'l)onnel i ad sinigles off' four Osbiawa ,hurlers. Wbitby took the series lead withi a 7-2 win wbere lef't-biander Steve Sarginison bhandled tbe Inounid du Itics l'or thie Steelers. cominig tbiroîîgb Witbl a stronig p)erf'orinaniice. [)ave WVall anid Kevin Roche eacb blad a triple anld sinigle to lead the Wbitby bitters, Steve Tbwaites added a dIoLble anid sinigle, while Steve Sar- ginisoni aided bis owni cauIse Witbl a double, Dave Alleni added a double, xvbile Steve Tutton i lad a sincgle. l'lie fou rtb gaine of' the series was postpotued becaiise of' rami. Iin other basebail action the Wbitby Miinor Basebaîl Associa tion's activities are rapidfy comîig ho a close xvitlî Uncle George's Boys wîinig the 1-ee Bail crowni. B & R and K iwaniis baýttlîig it ou t tbis wveekl'or l>ee-Wee fILuse Leaguie 11oours aiid B rmwn's Foodnaster awitîing a winner in thle Coni- SLtiners (kis-Rotarv series to begiin thbe t'inal series f'or Tyke Flouse LeagLte 1horion rs. Banitaîn playotffs xviii begiiî niext week and xviilbriig clown the cîtrtaini oni the hremenidotis 72 seasoni. BASEBA LL Wl ll'BY FlEIR S IURDY IlT~BR14, 1972, lPAGiE13 WIIllBY MINOR BASEBALL, ASSOCIATION 71'lyke flouse Leaguie Playolîs Senii-Final Series ('Two out I'liree) Gaine One: C(Ionsum crs Gas 11I Rotary I I (Gaine called on accoint of darkness) Gaine Two: con1sumners Gas I12 Rotary I I Gane Three: Peel Park -Tues. 6: 00 p.m. Game Fouir: (If niecessary) Peel Park: Thuirs. 6:00 p.m. Final Series W.M.B.A .-Tyke flouse League Charnpionship Winner of Consurners Gas Vs. Rotary will play Browii's Foodmaster. Series will begin at Peel Park: Thurs. 6:00 p.m. o Sat. 1:00Op.rn. Sudden Death Charnpionship Tee-Bail Final Unicle George's Boys 38 McNam ara Marine 32 Pee-Wee House League Playofts Seini-Finals Series A B & R 14 Brooklij Legion 8 B & R 8 Brooklij Legion 7 B & R Wins Series Series B Kiwanis 13 Dale Plastering 3 Kiwanis 5 Dale Plasterîng 3 Kiwanis Wins Series Final Series W..BA. Pee-Wee flouse League Chanipionship (Two out of Three) B & R - Kiwaniis, Peel Park -M-on..Wed.,-Fri. 6:00 Arlie Sales Ltd. ZO9Dundas St. W. Whitby 668-9397 4 MIDWAY DATSUN f.r.n.rly ZOLTAN & HICKS Now Locat.d at 1300 Dundas East, Whitby, Ont. w ATU PRODUOT 668-6828

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