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Whitby Free Press, 14 Sep 1972, p. 14

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PAGE 14, THURSDAY, SMPEMBER 14,1972, WHITBY FREZ PRESS HEARD'S YïX W-8732 Radio Equlpped & Direct Line at AmoI<ds Market, 115 Brook St. N. ForYor Cnvn'inj r M WIJt6. sy CAPRICORN: Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 This is a rainbow-coloured week. There is a feeling of being !'right with the world". During midweek you rnay have an uncharacteristic urge to0 buy on impulse. Take your mate or close friend with you particularly if you are selecting furniture. Craftsmanship means more 10 Vou than the design of a piece of furniture. Be very discreet about ail domestic and personal matters on Saturday the 23rd. AQUARJUS: Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 Sunday the 17th and Monday the 18th coukd wel b. the lime 10 close business deats, bargain hunt or concentrate on security interests in prop.rty. Don't be discouraged if matters seem to be moving slowly, they can still be successful. These are two excellent dates to contact backers in finance or to seek a loan. On the l9th and 2Qth you could have su.rprising luck in legal affairs. PISCES: Feb. 19 Io NMardi 20 Vour private life, personal go>als and own desêres predominate around the 21sî. Faîl monîhs will prove far more beneficial than the hectic sumnmer months. Opportunities will be with you next week that will last until February 1973. Obstacles felt earlier will start 10 disappear. Partnership, money, assets or joint income are ail favourable for some time t0 corne. This cou Id prove to be an excellent period sîarting for you, %ices. Good Luck! ARIES: March 21 to April 19 A quiet week to complete projects. Oid friends figure promninently on Tuesday the l9th. Don't let others involve Vou in activities that don't interesi you. Accept responsibility up 10 a certain point in social en- gagements. An event badly organized by others may need a last-minute reprieve. Politely refuse to assist if it is apparent that no amount of teamwork can rescue this affair f rom social disaster-otherwise you may b. held respor>sible. TAURUS: April 290 <o May 20 This is a period to concentrate. Stay on the side lines. Use this inter- val to appraise realistically your own recent performance. By Thurs- day the 21st tensions ease and your routine settles down to normal. This is a good limne to hecomne involved in matters outside your usual sphere. Broaden your viewpoînt-create a feeling of contributing to the welfare of your fellow man. GEMINI: May 21 to June 20 A quiet wek, use it to tie loose ends and put Personal effects in order. 2< 4me ac6ta4y * turao> Cusèlea Viriyl Flooring NO WAXXING REGULAR $450 to $l 1.00 OMELANESE CSl REG - $13095 TVwtt laoo v broad Ioo m 11@W 375 to YD. ,ioW 94 5 SQ. YD. Take advantage of our home Decorating Service NO CHARGE NO OBLIGATION PLANT A TREE FOR VOUR SAKE ask about it CARPET s MON TO FRI 9am - 9pm SAT CORRAL 9 1646 BAYIY ST. PICKERING, ONT. q w S w qW 't> Am YD.Just West of Brock Rd. on Bseline REG- $5-95 839-4771 OR 942-1731 0U#*V #mOre greayt buofor pour homýe JW-: CERAMIC CLASSES (afterrioons &evening) Come in adi ses what heaul wrtistic work y. casslyS oujoyÉbly karc to do! THE CLAY PI M 576-2077N 135 Brock St. S. Whitbyi bRTJc ýa - 6pm i 4 ý** - 1-qý nom d , If you owri rentai dvvellings, certain settlemrents may be made ln your favor. If you rent, meeting with the landiord or superintendient about certain needed repairs or decoration work in your behaif at this time. Speculation is niot favored at this time. Saturday the 23rd is good for friendly neighborhood gatherings or meetings of clubs, fraternal or« ganizations or other groups. Bring forth your view of paramount im- portance to the association. CANCER: June 21 to July 22 Energy and enthusiasm is at a rather low ebb during this period. Mid- week could bring a minor disappointment connected with a long terni committment. If vour moods do not improve, seek cheerful comn- panions to boister your spirits and give you a Iift. Your si..nding in the comm4Jnity could be strengthened by supporting local causes which you May flot have embraced before. You have a contribution to make to worthy causes. 1 arn referring to talent and coordination rather than a cash gift. LEO: july 23 to Aug. 22 Energy and enthusiasm is also at a Iow ebb for you Leo at this time. The colourful autumn season can be an inspiring tirne of year. Why not try horseback riding, a hike in the woods. This could do much to 10 change a mood. Speculation involving gamnes of chance is not es- pecially favoured. Learn well from past experiences. VIRGO: Aug. 23.to Sept. 22 The 22nd is a day you cou Id tend to overspend on luxury goods or do things that are unnecessary. This seven day period could prove to be a very idealistic time for you Virgo. You could dream dreamns that corn e true, or people may suddenly appear, f rom whomn you haven't heard in a long time. Vou may receive a gift, a legacyv or a trust. This is an important time 10 learn, 10 raise the ceiling of Vour understanding, to grow. LIBRA: Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 This is a preparatory wveek. A great deal of work remnains to be ac- complished. This is the lime to prepare for a big career push. Basking in reflected laght f rom past glories adds nothing to your current per- formance. Tuesday the l9th and Wednesday the 2Oth are siçinificant, w$ten teaching and publications are stressed. Financiat prospects brighten at week's end. SCORPIO: Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 Your intuition and vision should be at a peak. There could be a period of financial gains based on some idea, a plan you have. You could well be in the limelight. For the next four weeks things should go quite well for you Scorpio. .SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 23 toI)ec. A21 From the 22nd of September for thirty days) frîends cou Id prove to be very helpful and pleasant. From the 21st to October 9th you could run into an old friend, someone you havent seen for a long time. This could prove to be a very lucky meeting. Vour thinking during this seven day period could be just as optirnistic as it was pessimisîic last week. Af ter the 23rd you are over enthusiastic, this is O.K. so long as you don't take financial risks. i îd e A agi La ýi Now *% 120

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