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Whitby Free Press, 21 Sep 1972, p. 2

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P>AGE: 2, TIIIJRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21,, 1972. WHITBY FREE PRESS e e Canada'fs Company? One thing this country needs is another tele- phone company, or some kind of ceiling for the one it already has . . . the insatiably independent Bell. l3eing the lone man in the baîlgame, Bell can pretty well make its own moves, and like a child left alone too long with his own birthday cake, that kind of independence isn't always too wise. There is no competition or any hope of it for Bell and unless you want to do withouit the basic ser- vice offered by your telephone, there is only one avenue ta take. The street sign, however, is cx- plicitly named by Ma Bell. No anc could expect a $147 million a year enterprise ta wear its heart on its mechanical siceve, but the cornpany, after years of complete independence docsn't find courtesy ta its sub- scribers neccssary. Oh, the motions are still there. If for examiple, you forget ta pay youir telephone bill or you simply don't have the money ta pay it, a cheerful voice wiIl inforrn you frorn the bell end of the wire you have until 1 2 noon thie following - edr t<i S wArite( A COPY 0F A LETTE R SENT TO THE CHAIR MAN OF THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD Sir, 1In regards to the Ontario Municipal Bd. hearing which had been set up for the I3th of September to hear su p- port or apposition toaa Town of Whitby ap- plication seeking (a) approval of the con- struction of certain buildings <b) approval of the issue of deben- tures (c> declaring that the assent of the elec- tors ta the above not be requisite. This hearing has now apparentîy been cancelîled at the re- quest of the Town of Whitby. 1 suggest to you, sir that the mayor and majority af council are attempting ta thwart the wiII of the people and circum- vent the protection of the Ontario Municipal Board; that this mayor and cauncil have dem- onstrated cantempt for the Ontario Municipal Board and the people of Whitby in their dev- iaus attempts ta attain their ends. The facts are that aîthough you appear to have been toîd that the hea ring is no longer required because the building of the mnunicipal administrative bui- inig has been defe rred, the mayor and coun- cil at a recent meet- ing voted ta give the present municipal bu il- ding to the Iib- rary board; if they are allowed ta perpetrate this hoax successfuîîy, then it is obviaus that the Town wiIl in fact find it necessary ta, build a municipal ad- ministrative building in the immediate future. In other words, you Number 2 Telephon. day before your line is eut off. There are no special rates for deserted wives and mothers or pensioners, and what's more your cut line doesn't matter too much to, the telephone giant because afterall what's one individual when the population of an entire country depends on you? if you want to make your telephone ring louder or softer because you prefer it that way, 'That will be $9 please'. If you live outside-no matter how slightly outside-an urban areai, you may have a multi party uine and-oh yes-a private Une too if they have the wire, at an extra price tabulated each quarter mile you are outside what Bell's rmap says is the urban area. "And that doesn't even pay aur expenses," the hioneyed voice will inform you. Last year the profits after taxes for Bell Canada were $147 million. $ 174 million, thieyIl be sure ta tell you went to taxes. The last general rate increase was implemnented Junle 2, 1972. It was ordered by the Canadian Transport Commis- sion, public relations men in Toronto point out. ,**If there is one Canadian comnpany that could use some stiff competition it's Bell.-- 5BORR%<1 WE DIDN'T 1-tAVE TIME TO WRITE OR INK TIMS WEEKS CR-APTER CAUfSE WE WÉNT TO e'ý'LARTI14 DAY5"* c.,«EEYA N~EYT have been told one thing hile they (mnay. or andwthe council) have taken action which contradiets the facts presented ta you and therefore would allow them ta circumrvent the will af the peopl e and the protection thiat the Ontario Municipal Bd. hearing of fered. The transfer of the present municipal com- plex ta the library bd. is utterly ridicu lous for the following reasons: A) The Library Bd. does flot have the $275,OO0.OO sale price. B) The buildings have been appraised at a value of $380POO.00 - a net loss ta the people of Whitby of $105,QO0.00. C> The municipal building is over four and a haif times lar- ger than the present library. There can be no passible justifica- tion for the library re- quiring a building of of this magnitude. (The property is ap- proximately 20 times times larger. D>The maintenance of the municipal building complex <approximat. ely $77,000.00 ann- uaîly) is over 80% of the ibrary board's op- erating budget, a truly Iludicrou s proposition! I beseech your im- mediate intervention in these matters to protect the rights of thepeaopleof the Town OfWhitby and ta ex- pose those wha have Sa contemptuously cir- cumvented the authar- ity of the Ontario Mun- icipal Board. Sincerely, Ken J. Murphy, Whitby, Ont. * lTHI NIBY FIEE PRESS 1 Voice ot the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn. Published every Thursday in and for the people of Whitby. Office 212 Brock St. South. Mail box 206, Whitby. Phone 668-6111,668-611 2. Publisher W. "~Bill" Durkee. Editor Judy Durkee. Editorial Staff iim Quail. Advertising Ron Winstanley. Promotions Bob Burns Jr. Graphie Art Consultant Ken W. Down. Sir: 1 arn a Brooklin resi- dent and 1 would like ta relate ta you an ini- cident which took place during an August camp- ing weekend at Beaver- mead Park, Peterbor- ough, with niy wife and four daughters, whenî I found it necessary ta take my 19 - year - aId daughter to the haspital because of severe stom- ach pains. Due ta a heavy ramn starm and my unfamil- iarity with the city, I became lost. However with the help of a po- lice officercruising near- by I was soan led direct- ly ta the emnergency en- trance at Civic Hospital where my daughter re- ceived immiediate atten- tion. The officer tîten wished uis well and left. Tlîe urgency proved The Town Be longos To Hall You!l The following petition is the one to be presented to the town counicil by the Whitby Citizens Study Group on Monday night. Citizens of the town are invited to corne to the Free Press office at 2112 Brock Street South (across from the firehail) to sign the petition. Sec front page editorial ('Gentlemen, Lend Us Your Ears') to sec what the petition concerns. If you are presently circulating a- petitian in your neighibourhood, please hlave it returned to the Free Press office by 3 o'clock Monday afternoon s0 it cati be presented along with the others at this Monday night's council meeting. PETITION WE, THE UNDERSIGNED TAXPAYERS OF WHITBY, STRONGLY ADVOCATE THAT ALL CAPITAL EXPEND)ITURE FOR NEW PERMAN- ENT POLICE AND ADMINISTRATION BUILD- INGS BE AVOIDE!) AT THIS TIME. UNTIL TiHE SIIORTLY TO BE ESTA13LISIIED REGIONAL GOVERNMENT COMES ABOUT, ANI) OUR LONG TERM NEEDS ANI) RESOURCES ARE KNOWN, PRIORITY SHJOULI)13E DIRECTEI) TO CULTIURAL AINI) RECREATIONAL, FACILI- "n îJ;S. WE IWLIEVE ,,I' SONIE SUC"il PLAIN AS Till'" IITBY STîUI)Y GROUI'S TW() STAGE I)EVELOPMENTf PLAN WILL PROVII)E WIIOLLY AI)EQUATE SIIOR'-TERN1 NEEI)S, WIIILE EN- SURING A FREER CIIOICE WIIEN THIE FORM OF OU R FUTURE AD)MIN ISTRATIVE STRUC- TURE IS KNOWN. ASticky A lot of' motorists were LiI) to tlheir wlteels iii molasses Sat Lird ay niglht zfter a truck< lost its load of grain and nio- lasses on the 401 near the (C.N. R. tracks. he car beh iind thle truck nanaged to get stopiped but the one be- hlind iîn cidn'ilt .and Ibotît cars tangled fCend crs. Be- fore VoLt could say 'nia- Police A highi speed chase that started ini Wlitby ended ini York Regioti, tîorth of' Toronto-. and resutlted ini the arrest of' a Newtoîîville mati. Arthur N. Davis, 29, was charged witîî Crimi- nal Negligence by Whit- by Police after a chase tîtat started in thte plaza on Brock S. and wett riglit tîtroLigli Whitby, north througlî Brookliîî and up ta a road block ini Claremont. Oshawa Police liad set very real since my daughi- ter was operated on for acute appendicitis. At 5 a.m. next maorn- ing the sanie afficer re- appeared at the hospital and escarted me back ta aur campsite whiere my wife was anxiously wait- ing. 1 asked thte officer his narne and after offer- ing niy tlianks ta Officer Crealy hie wetit on his way. I cannot praise this man cnougli. If lie is representative of the calibre of the Peterbar- ougli Police Departmetit, Af f ai r lasses in Springtime'". a- long caine thiree more cars and the first of those tlirce stopped but the othter two dIid n't. Aller tîtat two more cars be- cainie involved. The Whiitby Fire De- partulietit was called ta dlean up thte \liole sticky nmess aller te Iighway w as shuLt off ta prevent tïrther accients. Chose up a block onth îe road nortlî of Oshîawa, Whit- by Police hiad another and thîeO.P.P. liad blocks in Manchester and Clare- mont whiere thec car was finally stopped. After the car was stopped the occupants tled but the driver re- turned and took off ini the car again. The car was later recovered by York Regional Police. It hiad been borrowed from a car lot. then the City of Peter- borough is indeed for- tunate. I would also like ta express iny deepest apý- preciatian ta Doctars MacMillani and Snmith, thte nurses and the staff of the fourthi floor at Peterboroughi for their efficiency and kindness. Sincerely, Sam Bowers, 20 Garside Avenue, Meadowcrest Subdivision, Braoklin. 1 - 1 1

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