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Whitby Free Press, 5 Oct 1972, p. 10

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PAGU;. li), TIlt RSI)AYO'R5, 1972, WIIITHY iRE'L PRESS How Young Is A Senior Citizen? How young is a Senior Citizen? Can 1 do more than one activity? Thiese are sonie of the ques- tions that Senior Citi- zens are asking about their fait prograrn organ- ized by the Whitby Rec- reation Dept. Mrs. Crawford who is coordinating the Recre- ation Dept. Program re- ports that fromi the catis she lias received there is definite interest in thie activities. She invites anyone who would tike further information to cati lier at 668-5803 ex- tensioni 64 on Monday, Wednesday, anîd Friday m-orings. "The more catis the better" said Mrs. Crawford "i( means people are realty inter- ested and niaybe tlîis winter will be more ac- tive and mneanfingful for many older people in our town."' The hardest question that Mrs. Crawford lias hiad to answer to date lias been "how young is a Senior Citizen?" The Recreation Dept. is fol- lowing these guidetines: its Senior Citizen pro- gramnes are designied pri- marily for those people 60 and over, however for activities that have' no tirnit on the number of people involved (tike square dancing or bowl- ing) people in their late fifties wlîo are retired are invited to vartici- pate. Wlhcn only a num- ber of people can be in- votved, as in a pottery class, people 60 and over will have first choice. Siuice the trend toward carty retiremient is ac- ceterating, there are peo- pie with a large amount of' teisure timie at an car- lier age tlian ever before. Activities and programies stîoutd inctude ttîis age bracket as tiiere is often a real need to stay active whien f'aced withi retire- ment after years of working. Anothier common question concerns trans- portation provided for every program. M rs. Crawford expiains "it's silty to organize things for people wien they can't get there'." Votun- teer drivers -wiIt pick uip anyone needing a ride to any of' the activities- just cail 668-5803, ext. 64 and give yotir nîim and address. It is not necessary to register in advance for bowling or square danc- ing. Just keep the date, time and place in mind#- Since the pottery ciassý is limited to 15 people, please cati 668-5803, ext. 64 to register. The $6.00 féee will be col- lected in two parts; $3.00 on October l6tlî to cover the first four weeks, and $3.00 on Novem ber I 3th to cover the Iast four weeks. LIGHTS, CAMERA-, continued tromi front page the 338th session of the Whitby Town Counicit." Reeve Edwards jumps and says, -~And if there are any fans out tiiere from across the big pond.."Hi there!" Couinciltor Mac- Cari seconds the motion to get started with an,-"And away we go!"' Deputy Reeve (Jood- win rises and politely sug- gests to the mnayor that his worship is facing the wrong camera. After get- ting the schrnozzte straigli- tened out, councillor Hoblis rises and after a Senior brief look at tus script suggests to the mnayor that councillor Emni should tiot be able to vote on grant- ing a licence to Colonel Saunders in Asliburn be- cause counicittor Enîmi would have a confiict of in terest. Town Clerk, Mr. Wal- lace gets Ip, srnites sweet- lya nd informis Hobbs that Colonel Sauinders lias the fuît approval of the North Anierican Egg Layers Soc- iety of America and the coutîcil cati sec no con- tlict of iîîtercst bctwecn chickeîîs andc eggs, otiier than whiclî rcally camîe first. And so it goes with a few interjections by cotin- citior White sucli as, "Des, your hionourabie worstîip, why do the liglîts have to stay on in the park at three in the imorniiing'?' And the mayor answering witti... "Bob, you are sucli a ra seal! Late in the meeting a gentleman ini tattered attire wittî a top hiat asks the mayor if it would lie rude to ask when the council is going to get to the business of runnîng the town and thic mayor re- plies. "Yes. it wouîld be rid e! "... '"Counicil adjour- nedi" .. Citizens ln con1 unction with the new Senior Citizen's Programs being planned by the Whitby Recreation Department, the WHI1TBY FREE PRESS is preparing a special Senior Citizen's Page which will form part of our weekly paper starting Thursday, October 12. ln order to keep this page lively and of interest to our senior citizens, the Free Press is asking for your participation. Do you have an interesting story to relate? It cou Id be a ghost story, or tell about a bizarre character you have met; a story about war days, or a humourous incident which occurred on a hunting trip. Who knows?.. teli us your story The Whitby Free Press will pay $10 weekly for ail used story material. At the end of every tenth week our editorial staff wiII choose the story which appeared in print over the ten week period which they found the mostinteresting, and a 'SENIOR CITIZEN'S NIGHT ON THE TOWN' will be sponsored for the story's author consisting of a $15 cash prize, a free dinner for two at the Whitby Chalet and free tickets for two at the Whitby Brock Theatre. Copy (1,000 words or less) should be forwarded to the Whitby Free- Press, Post Office Box*206. This special feature to appear on the Free Press Special Senior Citizens' Page wiIl be called ANECDOTES'. Copy need not be typewritten and is open to any senior citizen living in the town of Whitby. "ANECDOTES' is for the participation of any senior citizen living in Whitby-Brook lin. in anecdotes 'Ari.Sales Ltd1 "4. i The Mazda 808 Coupe $26690 112O9Dundas St. W. Whitby 668-9397 Da,ýr 1 973is h c dr DATSU*N NOW ON DISPLAY ZOLTAN end 160 S.~&5 CALL 728-0051 MADE TO MEASURE SUITS FOR THIE MAN IN MIMD OTTINBRITEIS MEN'S WEAR "EVERYTHING FOR THE 668-3261 WELL DRESSED MAN ' 103 IDUNDAS ST. W.: WHITBY TOWN 0F WHITBY Notice Respecting Assessmient Appeals The assessment rallnay be inspecteci during business hours, at the Municipal offices located at 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby. - Any camplaint with respect to any assessment on the assessment rail may be brought ta the Assessment Review Court pursuant to Section 52 of The Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1970, c. 32 as amended by Section 10 of The Assessment Amendment Act, 1971. Natices of Cornplaint must be macle in writing either by letter or an farms available at the Municipal Offices. For purposes af Identification, please include your narne and postal address, and the reason (s)ffar camplaint. If passible, note also the assessimnt rail number, the street address, concession and lot numbers, and the municipality in which the property under complaint is situated. Any Notice of Complaint shail be mailed by ordinary mail ta the Regional Registrar named below, and, in addition, by registereci mail ta any persan whose assessment is complained of, not later than the 31st day of October, 1972. J.L.M. Harbinson, Regional Registrar, Assessment Review Court, Suite 303, 713 DaeJ. Drive, Newmrket Ontrio. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk Catch up with the a leader. DATSUN 1600

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